A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Thank you!

By Jimmy Johnson

September 11, 1986

The comic strip Arlo & Janis began life when it first appeared in newspapers 35 years ago today. I want to thank you, the readers, newspaper and online, for such a wonderful run so far. And I want to apologize for such a paltry celebration here. I had intended to make a much bigger production of the anniversary, but real-life events overtook me over the past few weeks. However, beginning today, I will show some older material here and repeat some of the stories from the early days. Meanwhile, in case you haven’t noticed, the current Arlo & Janis has been addressing the Big Three Five all this week. You can see it by clicking the GoComics link below. Or you could read it in your local newspaper. (What in the heck is wrong with little Gene’s hair?!)

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41 responses to “Thank you!”

  1. Jackie Avatar

    Last night I wrote a heartfelt message only to have my Android phone turn off to update just before I sent it

    I must have read you in the 1980s in Houston in the Chronicle. I remember Gene with the goofy hair, Arlo’s snozzle and Janis’ insecurities. You were not my favorite strip then, smart aleck kids did not enchant me. Janis was annoying.

    But you persisted and got better. Your artwork and comic skills just continued growing and Gene grew up into a really decent hardworking young man somewhere Janis matured and Ludwig came to live with Arlo, his cat.

    It seems impossible 35 years have passed so fast. You created a family that I cannot imagine life without now. I wait up until midnight for the new strip just as I did tonight.

    Oh Jimmy, how you grew in those years! Thank you for consistently persisting to the mastery you have achieved.

    And thank you for Ghost who resembles Arlo more than one might imagine.

    1. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
      curmudgeonly ex-professor

      …But does Arlo have as many pneumatic & pulchritudinous acquaintances doing his hair?

  2. Dennis Avatar

    If your strip was in the Chicago Sun-Times 35 years ago, I’ve been reading it daily since then. I started reading that paper at about 7 or 8 years old for the sports, White Sox baseball, that were headlined on the very back page, and the comics. Eventually expanding to the horoscopes as a teen, then the news as a draft eligible student in the city of Chicago in the late 1960s. The times today are somewhat reminiscent.

    I’ve often marveled at how much you/Arlo and I have in common. Maybe it’s just a ‘guy’ thing, but I think it’s not that alone. Regardless, you’ve entertained me for a very long time, starting my every day, and it is most appreciated. I’m not alone. You always get the most ‘Likes’ on GoComics.

    You have EARNED every accolade and praise you receive.

    CONGRATULATIONS! Here’s to both of us having another 35 years!

  3. PeterW Avatar

    “Half a ton of comic strips” put me in mind of a mechanic shop I used to bring parts to that had an attic full of somewhere around 20 years of paperwork (receipts and agreements for jobs, receipts for supplies, payroll, tax documents) for that shop as well as two or three other shops belonging to the same owner. One day the whole building cracked from the weight. Hope you’re keeping your originals somewhere safe.

  4. Debbie Bland Avatar
    Debbie Bland

    My husband and have enjoyed your cartoon for many years. It is art imitating life. My husband was definitely Arlo and I was a Janice. He passed away 3.5 years ago, after 45 years of marriage, but I still read you everyday and think of him and smile. Thank you

  5. Mark F Avatar
    Mark F

    The affection between Arlo and Janis just gives me a good feeling. I hope you feel like you doing good in the world by your work, because you are.