Of course when dinner is served, he will turn his nose up. Or as Winston Churchill might say, He will up his nose turn. Anyone who knows me personally is not surprised that I rarely depict Arlo as a snappy dresser. However, I am not as color-blind as Arlo. Many of the old cartoons you see here were colored for the web and for newspapers with four-color comic sections by a third party. That is, not me. (Who would be the second party? Arlo?) In other words, I would never wear a royal-blue blazer with sky-blue pants. And I wouldn’t let Arlo do it, either. For better or worse, I now color all my comic strips.

Waity Matters
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
30 responses to “Waity Matters”
Good job on today’s strip, Jimmy. I’ve often suggested Janis could use some more “junk in the trunk.”
The question is, is this how Janis actually looks or how she thinks she looks? I think the second interpretation is more subtle and more clever.
It’s only how she perceives herself. Fortunately, she has kept herself very attractive over the years, certainly so for this reader.
That is an excellent observation. I think that you are right. With all of my walking, my legs look great but I still have weight to lose. Maybe part of it is muscle gain, which weighs more, but I would still like to lose more around the middle.
It seems that this strip from about 10 ears ago can relate to todays world. We’d like to hug the person who brings us the take out food. And now in some states, we can eat at the restaurant.
Janis can say “I cannot lie!”
While there are things I gripe about regarding Utah, I have to be grateful our governor insisted on allowing counties to open things back up according to local conditions.
Gee, and I thought you were dissing the red shirt and blue pants.
Steve: “Regarding today’s strip (June 9th). Janis: You Cannot Lie!”
Looks to me like another 15-20# within the last 2 wks of daily strips.
I was referencing a song lyric..I like Big Bu**s, I cannot lie!
Re 6-9-20 real-time cartoon: I agree with Blinky. Based on the way Janis normally looks, even in her unmentionables, it seems pretty obvious to me that this a “mind’s-eye view” Janis has of herself. And not to mention all the walking she does.
Also, if this is an accurate picture of her, I’m surprised she didn’t mention another anatomical feature. Normally, when the back porch gets larger, so does the front porch.
Jimmy, in the past it seems like I detected a certain preference for the purity of black and white comics, but I have to say that in order to detect the fine nuances in your comics, the coloration does help. And as we have been educated, it’s those fine nuances in the drawings that make good comics. (Ah ha! Look at that little ____ on Janis’ face … or Arlo’s … or Ludwig’s face!)
On March 17th, I mailed my federal tax forms via certified mail, return receipt requested, to the IRS in Fresno, CA. That was when I stumbled and rammed my head into the door handle at the PO, thus memorable to me.
Only yesterday, June 8th, did I finally get the return receipt!! Claims delivery was made March 30th – 13 days from northern IL to central CA? Two months and three weeks for the return receipt is truly ridiculous, but it is here and I am happy for that.
In 1989 I bought a used rental car from a local dealer. Two weeks later I received a postcard stating the plates and other final paperwork were at the dealer’s. The postmark was 5 days prior to its delivery. I could have walked that distance in under an hour!
The IRS processing centers across the U.S. closed during the COVID shutdowns. Paper tax returns were being held in storage facilities. I think centers have re-opened but not sure if that applies to all of them. I mailed my taxes in early April. As of a few days ago, the “where’s my refund” IRS website indicates my return has not even been opened and recorded as “received”. So that’s one more thing to be anxious about.
If I were to mail a card to my next for neighbor it would have to go to the central PO in
Minneapolis 40 miles away and return.
It is no wonder I get bills that are supposedly posted 10 days before & are due 6 days hence.
I have one bill that says it must be at the office when due (not just Postmarked) “allow 7 days for transit.”
And this is in a 1 1/2 County area.
If push comes to shove and the lawyers are done I have a feeling Postmarks would be allowed.
Only solution I’ve found for that is on-line banking and on-line payments. Which are problematic in their own ways, but…
Yes, I switched to paying my car payment online after one payment I mailed didn’t arrive before the due date, even though I had mailed it out about 8 days before due. When the loan company notified me, about 3 days past due, I paid online and the very next day they credited the payment I had mailed. And this was only sent to Dallas, TX, that you could drive to in a few hours from here.
Here’s a quote to think about:
“Brains to the lazy are like a torch to the blind — a useless burden.”
— Bechinas HaOlam
Re 6-11-20 real-time cartoon: Arlo appears to be over-reacting to Janis’s rhetoric about the slugs and the beer. He shouldn’t actually worry unless she pours salt on him.
Oops. After further reflection, I apparently (at least partially) subconsciously swiped this gag from the 9-15-2000 A&J cartoon. I wish my conscious mind worked as well as my subconscious.
He also used it on his 5-19-2010 daily post, under the caption “Escargone”. At that time he said, “That’s what I like about being a cartoonist. You can be silly for the sake of being silly. In fact, it’s expected of you! It’s as if you’re a kid, again. Of course, there will always be people who’ll remind you of facts: “Putting salt on cooked escargot will not make them wither like garden slugs,” and you’re permitted to reply with, “Nyaah, nyaah, nyaah.” Being a cartoonist is great.”
So, how many other cartoonists have done not one, but two, cartoons (sort of) featuring garden slugs, do you suppose?
Things are getting strange in China:
Another datum for the “Department of Be Careful What You Wish For”. (Or is that the “Department of Be Careful For What You Wish”?)
In my not always humble opinion, Churchill would have said “He will turn up his nose.”, thus keeping the idiom together and avoiding a terminal preposition.
JJ, as cartoonist, you are the “first party”. The entity to which you send your work is the “second party”, and the “third party” is some other person/group.
Just feeling professorial today.
PS: The Decorah North eaglet has flown the coop – “fledged”, in more formal speech.
He also used the same escargot cartoon on his 5-19-2010 daily post, under the caption “Escargone”. At that time he said, “That’s what I like about being a cartoonist. You can be silly for the sake of being silly. In fact, it’s expected of you! It’s as if you’re a kid, again. Of course, there will always be people who’ll remind you of facts: “Putting salt on cooked escargot will not make them wither like garden slugs,” and you’re permitted to reply with, “Nyaah, nyaah, nyaah.” Being a cartoonist is great.”
So, how many other cartoonists have done not one, but two, cartoons (sort of) featuring garden slugs, do you suppose?
Note to self: Another datum…apparently one can apply to one’s own “Comment” but cannot reply to one’s own “Reply”. Go figure.
Or…perhaps one can.
InterWebNet connectivity has really been inhaling vigorously in this neck o’ the OK woods for the past 10 days or so. Perhaps that was the problem.
THREE of my friends turned 80 today. Seems remarkable to me.