The iPhone had been out less than a year when this was drawn, and notebooks with wireless connectivity ruled the landscape. Obviously, portability comes with its own perils. At least I never leaned over and had a laptop fall out of my shirt pocket and break. This fate befell my cell phone not long ago. It didn’t help that I was leaning over, looking down a stairwell. And yes, I still have a desktop computer that I unplug when the lightning becomes too frisky. It has so many cables and wires, though, that I usually take my chances. And yes, I have a laptop, too. I’m covered!

10% Chance of Rain
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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109 responses to “10% Chance of Rain”
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
I will be 68 in a couple of weeks. That’s middle age for me because I’m going to live to 136.
Today is Nancy’s birthday. Happy birthday Nancy.
OK, let’s see what kind of food discussion I can start 🙂 I finally got around to reading “Being Dead is No Excuse: the Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral”. It’s a fun read, also a quick one since it’s full of recipes. Now I have this urge to make tomato aspic and homemade mayonnaise!
One chapter – “The Methodist Ladies vs. the Episcopal Ladies” – and its description of casseroles (Methodist) might hit home with some in this Village.
The authors of the above, Gayden Metcalfe and Charlotte Hays, have another book – “Some Day You’ll Thank Me for This: The Official Southern Ladies’ Guide to Being a ‘Perfect’ Mother ” I looked at part of it on Amazon and immediately thought of Jackie’s description of her mother. Among other things listed under the heading “You might be a Southern Mother if” were these:
“You know the proper technique for hanging and dressing venison.
You actually shot the deer yourself.”
I’m a life-long central Floridian so not really a Southerner like these ladies, but I have known a few.
Happy Birthday, Nancy!
Ruth Anne, if you haven’t seen it you should try the religious satire site “Babylon Bee.” It is satire about religious behavior written by the religious. On the topic of casseroles, for the full effect Google search “Babylon Bee casserole”.
Here’s one gem from last year:
As someone (who grew up in rural, small, churches) the casserole potluck is alive and well! Of course, my specialty is banana pudding. Here’s the recipe:
Banana Pudding:
1 large package Jello brand Instant Vanilla Pudding
1 16 oz Cool Whip Extra Creamy
1 14 oz Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk (DO NOT USE FAT FREE!)
1 box ‘Nilla Brand vanilla wafers
2 cups cold milk (DO NOT USE SKIM)
8-10 large ripe bananas
-Mix instant pudding with 2 cups cold milk according to package directions for pie filling.
-Add Eagle Brand and Cool Whip near end of mixing.
-Fold sliced bananas into pudding mixture. (There should approximately equal amounts of banana and pudding.)
-Pour mixture into a 10″x15″ glass baking dish (a 9″x13″ will be VERY full)
-Place ‘Nilla wafers on edge, pushed down into pudding around the sides of the pan. Spread remaining wafers evenly over the top of the pudding (flat side down)
-Chill, covered, in the refrigerator until firm (generally at least two hours)
I also make what I’ve heard called “funeral potatoes.” I’ll save that recipe for later, but it involves frozen hash-brown chunks, shredded Velveeta, sour cream, cream of chicken soup, cornflakes, butter, salt, pepper, and dried chopped onions.
Oh yes, my cousins upscale and socially upper class Southern 30ish daughters all shoot their own deer and alligators and clean and cook them as well.
Girl’s Day Out takes on a new meaning for the current crop of Southern GRITS.
Turns out the editor that parses the comment pages doesn’t like the equal sign. I used it as a bullet in front of the recipe instructions and the page was rejected. Hmmm…
This is a test
=this is text after the sign
this is text before the sign=
Oh well… must have been something else.
Jackie, my grandmother was as genteel of a Southern Lady as there was, but she hunted with her husband and sons for deer, duck, rabbits, and squirrels. She cleaned and cooked everything including the crappie, bass, and catfish that they caught, too.
A few years ago I gave her Remington Model 11 semi-auto 20-gauge shotgun to my son-in-law. She got it for Christmas in 1932. She hunted into her 60’s, so she used the shotgun for 40 years. We still use it, though not as heavily as she did. We have everyday shooters for the mud, muck, and woods.
David: the book includes a potato recipe with similar ingredients. The last line in the directions is “After you’ve eaten your fill, ask your doctor to add Lipitor”, which would be appropriate for many, if not most, of their recipes.
I should clarify the comment on my grandma cleaning game and fish… she cleaned WITH her husband and sons. She didn’t do the work for them.
I read Jimmy’s post before I saw the cartoon. When he said bending down, I thought that he meant the phone going into the toilet. Same thing as the cartoon, I guess.
I know a Southern couple who swears their wedding vows included “He or she who shooteth or catcheth, cleaneth and cooketh.” Knowing this particular couple (both of them hunt and fish), it likely did.
Someone mentioned gazpacho to me recently. Now I am hungry for gazpacho. I need to catcheth some gazpacho.
I rarely use any advanced features on my smart phone. It got so bad I just eliminated data off my plan and just use data if I connect to wireless. Only use my ancient laptop if I go on a trip. I do have the latest and greatest gaming PC though. Priorities.
I spend time with the Methodists – they recently had a series of meetings in the upstate NY area – 3 of them had about a dozen people attend – the 4th one had over 150 in attendance – they served a dinner after the meeting – food sells! (and yes, I was at the one with the dinner – but didn’t know about the food – so just went for the meeting!)
I thought the saying was, “Where two or three Methodist are gathered together there shall be a potluck.”.
ursen, that works for the Assemblies of God too!
School and life neither develop nor instill; all they do is reveal.
Middle Age: that stage of life in which you no longer care about your appearance – your body has become anarchic and your mind has lost all concept of fashion sense.
(I wrote the last one for the benefit of my students. Needless to say, they liked it.)
Those who have an IQ become thinkers. Those who do not become athletes. Those who have neither become teachers.
I still use the same dumbphone that I bought in November 2006, do not have a tablet, and keep my old laptop in a box because I can’t bear to part with it for some odd reason.
However, I am nearly ready to jump for the Samsung Galaxy S8.
Go big or go home, that’s my thinking.
Is nothing sacred any longer?
Ghost, that one is really funny! Thank you.