The T shirts will go on sale tomorrow unless something unexpected crops up, which is not outside the realm of possibility. After all the advance chatter, you’re probably expecting a brass band and an F-16 flyover, but it’s all going to be very low key. I hope. This site will look as it always does, except there’ll be a link which will take you to “Galerie Arlo and Janis,” the same eBay site I have used in the past to sell original artwork. As with the artwork, purchasers will use PayPal, but they do not have to be a member. Just follow the instructions and purchase through PayPal as one would almost any online retail transaction. There are always those out there who hate eBay or hate PayPal, with cause I’m sure, but I must do it this way for now, to assure getting the shirts out in a timely manner. In the near future, I plan to have my own “store” associated with this site. That’s in the works but nowhere near fruition. There’s so much to discuss! I’ll be back later today with an update. Have you noticed we haven’t discussed price? We’ll get to that.

Crash Commercialism
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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64 responses to “Crash Commercialism”
I will figure something out…work computers are blocked to Ebay. Thanks for getting us a way to get a T-Shirt.
That is great! I suppose, pricing, shipping, sizes, colors will all be identified on the e-bay site?
Thanks again for doing this.
This is good news JJ. Kansas thanks you!
Who is in charge of the packing and shipping? I can see this pile of tee shirts in a dozen colors and sizes in JJs living room consuming his life.
Surely the tee shirt roll-out is worthy of at least a couple of folks walking down the street playing kazoos and a Piper J-3 Cub flyover.
If you, JJ, insist on paypal, you’ll not get business from me. That’s really unfortunate for all involved, as I was hoping to buy half-a-dozen or so. I am sorely disappointed. Please reform, JJ, and accept mailed checks.
Mark or Ghost, please link the finale of The Music Man here with 76 Trombones. I watched it just now but can’t link it. Totally appropriate. It was the kazoo remark that made me think of it.
Woots I will finally be able to order my birthday presents!!
Jackie, ask and you shall receive:
And here’s the rest of it…
JJ, I like the pawprint that now accompanies your replies!
And today’s A&J stimulated a fascinating (to me, anyhow) discussion. I and others had never before heard the toque or stocking cap called a “toboggan.” It apparently was once called a “toboggan cap,” eventually shortened to “toboggan” in a few areas, including Ohio and Tennessee.
Somewhat related to the video clip is today’s TIP…
It’s a repeat, so I’ll repeat my suggested alternate caption from the first time…”Creepy drum major checking out the new majorette.”
Well, I had the laser procedure done on my left eye late this morning. It seemed to go well, but it will obviously be a while before the dilation and anesthetic drops wear off so that I can tell for certain what the outcome is.
It didn’t hurt that I got VIP treatment at the ambulatory surgery center, no doubt as result of the fact that the front office manager was formally a well-regarded member of my all-female staff. That may also explain why I was assigned the cutest little RN at the center. But I’ll leave it to your imaginations as to whether or not she showed me any cleavage 🙂
Oh, oh! 😡 I used a naughty word and went into moderartion. Sorry JJ 🙁
Thank you, JJ; I shall do exactly that.
In New York City, a toboggan was a flat wooden sled curled up in front, with no runners to speak of – MAYBE two lengthwise pieces of wood at the edges and less than an inch thick. They seemed not as popular as the more standard sled with metallic runners about a foot tall. Toboggans had NO steering ability, so were somewhat dangerous on streets with traffic.
The knitted caps under discussion were just that: “knitted caps”. I never liked them at all and avoided them. Now I have one and it is relatively warm on cold days, I must admit.
Don’t feel too bad, sand…I’ve used non-naughty words that have gotten some comments sent to Moderation Heck.
cxp: Neither did I ever like or wear knit caps. But I do have a wool watch cap in the Emergency/Get Home Bag I keep in the trunk of my car. It takes up little space and is more than warm enough for the climate in this part of the world. Plus, it looks less dorky than ear muffs. 🙂
Thanks for giving curmudgeonly ex-professor that option. I think that I have been emailing you for over 10 years and truly think of you as a buddy down the street or a relative. Thanks for being so neighborly… Now keep your dang cat off my lawn lol 🙂
c ex-p, I found one made of fleece material a couple of years ago. Like it much better than the knitted ones, which are sometimes made of material that is very scratchy to me.
This looks like a good one for colder climates:
The non-dorky alternative to ear muffs…
Note: if you see a Marine wearing one, I would suggest not referring to it as a “beanie”.
You mean this isn’t some loyalty reward for reading all these years?
Eell, thanks Mark and Ghost, a parade and a fly by should be enough of a hoopla for the shirts in less Ghost can drag up some curvy friends for a wet tee shirt contest.
It’s a bit late in the year for wet tee shirts, Jackie. I wouldn’t want any of my curvy friends to catch a chest cold. In a couple of cases, that could be especially disastrous. 😉
For the man on your Christmas list who has everything. It belonged to Qaytbay Mamluk, Sultan of Egypt, around 1480. It’s going up for auction, but don’t expect to get it for less than $500,000.
GR6,who wants that old shirt when we are on the eve of the hottest fashion item of the Christmas season. Yes, I am talking the trendy, highly awaited Arlo &Janis collection. Sizes galore, colors a plenty, variable sleeve lengths, and two limited edition Jimmy Johnson prints adorning the front piece.