Better late than never. This was drawn in November, 2014. It is one of my favorite time-change cartoons. This cartoon is notable in another way: it employs a benday pattern, the dots that produce the large uniform gray areas in panels one and three. For more than a century, newspapers printed with only one color, black. Any white was the color of the newsprint itself. All between shades of gray (and gray is all there would be) were created by breaking down areas of black with the use of dots which would vary in size and pattern. This is the benday pattern, named for its 19th-century inventor, illustrator Benjamin Henry Day Jr. Benday patterns have been integral to printing ever since, including the printing of color images, a varying but similar process. I say it is notable in this case, because I seldom have used shading to achieve gray in Arlo & Janis. Usually, it’s just black and white.

Gray Area
By Jimmy Johnson
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219 responses to “Gray Area”
Ruth Anne you are amazing.
I could never come up with a four letter word, beginning with ‘O’ to name a flower garden. In prior attempts WA sites didn’t work. And when I tried Pacific Northwest, I would end up in Washington Park in Portland Oregon. Home of the International Rose Testing Garden, and for a time The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, you know OMSI, obviously. Reading from your link, I must have come upon this beautiful place during its in-between period, where the gentleman had long passed, the family maintained as they could, before government funding came in. I wonder how close the fires came.
Thank you for closing a long open loop.
Debbe, that little trip down memory lane lead in a roundabout back to you. I’ve known farms that keep a variety of poultry for hobby raising all my life. But to drive a car from Wenatchee to George, you have to climb out of the river valley before the gorge is cut where a road is not practical. So you come up on the high, barren plateau and drive for some miles. And you start to wonder what the hell that smell is. Summer in Eastern Washington can be very hot.
Quincy is a town on that high plateau that doesn’t seem to hold as many people as poultry, by a factor of a thousand. The barns don’t look all that big until you realize you are still a mile away.
And in my best Han Solo voice: That’s no barn.
I’m not familiar with your area, but that is what I picture when I read your comments. Thanks for all the eggs.
My feeling about the post election carryings on:
Morphy: I couldn’t come up with that garden name either – I just used the clues you gave us (garden Wenatchee WA). Ohme was the first thing that came up and the highway you mentioned was nearby. Glad I could help!
A fantastic movie loosely based on Japanese mythology: Kubo and the Two Strings
Hard to believe it’s stop-motion!
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this romantic strip follows the dish-drying strip.
As I said – rewards.
Good morning Villagers…..
Morphy, you are so right about the size of the buildings…so glad two of my sisters came in right before the purge and saw the six aisles, each being six hundred feet in length and over fifteen thousand cages with over seventy five thousand ‘Miss Prissies”. It was a job I enjoyed and I miss it terribly. They could not handle the smell either…I gave them dust masks to wear. I got use to the smell….it was the dang flies I couldn’t handle…..I hate flies.
And my rooster went out too, but after reading Nancy’s post, may his comb be beneficial…he was one of the most beautiful roosters I’ve seen in the five years I worked there.
Mark, you are right on with that one, but it lead me to this one:
Saw the Eagles in concert at Evansville many years ago….’78 maybe, EmmyLou Harris opened for them…and Joe was with them at the time. His wardrobe stood out, as well as his Funk 49.
Ya’ll have a blessed day…..
another one without comment
Heck, just lost my comments on Sunday strip and cats who bring you gifts and try to help you. They do.
Here is a personal re-captioned painting just for emb of one of the pieces from yesterday’s museum visit. The painting is Bathseba At Her Toilet. King David is being a peeping Tom in window in background.
“Do you want your legs waxed today with your mani and pedi?”
Now that’s first class service! And King David looking on longingly from his window in the background.
Morphy, thanks for sharing that experience. Some of the best places I have found in life were while on the way to somewhere else.
Mark, the new place sure sounds like it has its own personality! I net the cats were waiting for you to wake up and discover the source of the “bloops” for them.
Rick in Shermantown, “No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes” ~ attributed to Joe, Stephanie”s husband.
Debbe, that is one vengeful-looking cat. Dogs seem to either love you or hate you, but you can never tell what a cat is thinking.
Don’t worry, Ludwig, another leaf will fall. Another leaf always falls.
You are quite welcome. I do not say much but observe quite a bit. I guess that’s why we have only one mouth and two eyes and two ears.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Just as I read about the blop blop and water rushing from the toilet, my wife cheered as we have been living with a balky toilet for a month or so. I have snaked it,but it still does not like to flush everything down. Tomorrow I am taking the day off and was just on google looking for a plumber to call tomorrow.
About that time, I heard my own blop blop coming from the bathroom and my wife yelling “Oh $%*#! I ran in and she had dropped the nail polish bottle and it had spilled it’s contents all over. I ran to get the paper towel and nail polish remover. Fortunately I had the spill cleaned up in no time. We were a bit concerned about the spill on the wood cabinet, but I was able to wipe it off very quickly.
We are having plumbing issues where new fridge and ice maker go into kitchen bath and I had water on kitchen floor and small bath. We turned off water there.
My master bath is both running water into back redecorating nonstop and flushing erratically. So far no flooding.
My deputy used to be a plumber and is good. I am going to beg he come look at issues when he testifies in trial coming up of a party he arrested!
Reservoir not redecorating! Tank on back in bedroom.
What emb said about puns – I got it first time.
Multiples ending in S
Does the exception prove the rule? Dice’s (speller does not like that
but does like dice’ )Dumb machine.
How about plurals of words used in English but from another language – use the plural form of the original language or of English?
More than one ulna would be “ulnae” or “ulnas”? More than one plateau would be “plateaux” or “plateaus”? More than one datum would be “data” or “datums” – I have never seen the latter. Yes, “data” is plural.
Anon. [Jerry?] ‘ “datums” – I have never seen the latter.’ Good! Something to be grateful for Thur.
At U Mich., a zool. undergrad [maybe 5 yr. my junior] once used ‘phenomenae’ on a poster for his seminar. That’s ok, he was a great student and ecologist, eventually became a pres. of the Ecol. Soc. of Amer., and retired a prof at alma mater, Cornell U. Sadly, died just a few yr. ago.
On the apostrophe “s” debate – I read, years ago, so don’t ask me where or when, the only exception to a possessive NOT ending in “apostrophe s” is Jesus.
So Jesus’ followers, and James’s followers. I’ve always followed this, mainly because James’ followers makes me think many people are following many James(es?).
emb did you like the painting I did for you in Melcher’s style? I instantly thought of you when I saw Bathseba. Well, you and Ghost.
And for some reason I simply could not look at the scantily clad muses running around the walls of the music room life-sized and not think “pokies.”
Here is a not so good photo of the small breasted flippers dancing as scantily clad muses on music room walls of Villa Philbrook, pokies and all. They did look dated in period, not classics
Small breasted flappers not flippers. Sounds like birds’ name.
Where is our resident spook?
Had a card once w/ pretend birds’ names on it. Ruffled spouse was one, don’t recall all. Some were naughtier. Some that sound so aren’t; e.g., Blue Tit, Great Tit. Latter are common in UK, slightly larger than other UK tits. Not sure I saw the former. Did see either Coal Tit or Willow Tit, difficult to distinguish. One has glossy black cap, the other matte black cap.