A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Loose Ends

By Jimmy Johnson

(I find myself unexpectedly on the road this week, away from my usual resources. I am using a very old borrowed Acer to post this old entry from 2011. I hope things will be back to normal soon. — JJ)

Baudelaire said that genius is the ability to recapture childhood at will. Now, I’m not going to claim I’m a genius; in fact, I’m going to claim I’m not, but I think I know what ol’ Bodey was getting at. When I was starting out I used a lot of my own childhood memories and experiences to write for Gene. When I drew this, I was remembering the sensation of my mother or a teacher poking in my shirttail and how unnatural it could feel. That’s a pretty small memory! I don’t think I’d draw this cartoon today, simply because so many of those vivid recollections have faded away. They’re not so easily captured anymore.
Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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63 responses to “Loose Ends”

  1. Jackie Avatar

    Ghost and I got up at 4.30 a.m. to go to Tulsa in steady rain. Today I began my new injectionable chemotherapy treatment, yesterday we began the daily radiation for my metastatic breast cancer that has appeared in my left leg.

    It is sobering to realize that I will never be cancer free, never go into remission. I will be in treatment for cancer every day until I die, an unending ode not to cancer but to the strides being made in treating cancer.

    A few years ago I would have been considered terminal, given no more than six months to live, told to begin putting my affairs in order. Now they can slow or stop the spread, prolong the lives of a lucky few. Offer a chance at a higher quality of life.

    This morning I held a man in my arms as he cried, held his hand as he tried to be brave. We had never met but he had just been told he was facing death. A Vietnam vet, he said he had never feared death before. He had no one.

    No matter how dark the paths are I know Ghost is with me. Without him I would be that man. Ghost holds my hand.

    I told my new friend that real men cried, it was not a sign of weakness, not to feel ashamed. But I know my dark angel is supporting me. I have only cried once as we fight for my life. “Never surrender. ” Ghostly coat of arms.

  2. Llee Avatar


    Oh Jackie….. I was posting this link because “new” constellations, including Godzilla and a Tardis and lots of fun stuff. And I read your post. {{{{HUGS}}}

  3. Jackie Avatar

    Sorry to have been serious or depressive folks.

    Sometimes I forget this IS a comic strip, not life.

  4. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Jackie, this is still the Village, and we share light-hearted things and serious things too. Whatever life is throwing at our fellows here, we want to know and to feel that we are helping in some way. You are so brave, Jackie, and still so happy to help others! You are a shining example to us weaker people. May we step up when we are needed.

  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I got a surprise this morning. When I opened the blinds to check the weather, there was a cat sitting on the rail around my porch. He looked like he was trying to find a way to get on the second floor deck above me. After checking it out, he left.

  6. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    {{{b’ugs}}} Jackie

  7. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Ditto to what Charlotte said. I know I do not post much – evidently this is one woman that doesn’t have a lot to say! But I read every day… rejoice for the good news… pray for the not-so-good news… we are family.

  8. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    I agree 100%, Galliglo.

  9. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    One more post about lies that I tell myself –

    A long time ago, it occurred to me that the power that I want least to have is the ability to read others’ minds, and that realization led to this line of mine:

    To see ourselves as others do is fatal; our lies keep us alive.

  10. Ghost Avatar

    Last week, I had to make a speedy* trip to my Deep South domicile (aka The South Campus) to take care of some personal business. Upon arrival, I discovered that since I was there last my WiFi modem had apparently given up the ghost (or perhaps “given up on Ghost”). A brief call** to my ISP determined the modem was indeed a deader, and that the ISP would ship me a replacement. Then things went south, so to speak.

    The two options were to either ship it to the address where I have service (and only that address) or for me to pick it up at one of the ISP’s storefront locations. I pointed out that I was leaving for Oklahoma as soon as I finished my call to them, and that having the package sit on my front porch for the 60-90 days it would likely be before I returned there was suboptimal. Then I asked if I could pick it up at one of their Oklahoma stores if they shipped it there. The customer service rep consulted with her supervisor and then allowed that would be possible. Where would you like to pick it up? she asked. The nearest store to ZIP 74432, I replied.

    The next 50 minutes were spent with her calling every one of their stores in Oklahoma to determine that either they did not carry that piece of equipment, or carried it but it was out of stock with no estimate of when it would be in stock. The only thing that made the episode tolerable was listening to the young lady attempt to pronounce the names of about 20 Oklahoma locations. “Checotah” and “Muskogee” were my two favorites. (She was obviously not familiar with Merle Haggard’s body of work.)

    Long story even longer, my new modem is now either sitting on my porch or sitting inside my door if a friend with a key did what he promised. I’ll let you know in 60-90 days.

    *36 hours total time, 18 hours of it driving

    **Ha! It was an hour of my life I’ll never get back.

  11. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ghost, could you not have just bought a modem at a convenient store? Until I moved to Tulsa I was getting Netgear at Wally World. But my provider in Tulsa gave me a combo router/WIFI unit instead of letting me supply my own.

  12. Ghost Avatar

    Yes, but I turned out I had equipment replacement coverage, even though I usually don’t opt for that. Had I known it was going to be such an ordeal, and I’d had more time, I probably would’ve just purchased one, anyway.

    Although the way she butchered “Okmulgee” was sort of priceless.

  13. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Folks outside the South have trouble with Tuscaloosa too. Reminds me of the series of commercials plugging Chevrolet and Isuzu way back when.

  14. TruckerRon Avatar

    Utah place names are fun as well. Not only are some unique to the state, they seem to follow no standard rules of pronunciation.


  15. Sideburns Avatar

    Back when I lived in California, it was always fun to watch folks on the East Coast try to pronounce local names because they had no idea how Spanish is pronounced. Spelling was fun too. More than once I’ve had a caller admit that they’d never have spelled Camarillo properly.

  16. Ghost Avatar

    I dunno, Arlo; that seems to me like risky business. Although if Janis plays the part of Lana in your version, it would be worth it.

  17. Sideburns Avatar

    One thing I don’t understand, Ghost, is why so many people can’t pronounce “Muskogee.” You don’t need to understand any foreign languages, or recognize any non-standard (in English) pronunciations, you just have to pronounce it the way it’s spelled.

  18. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    But they have to guess between pronouncing it like stogie or oh gee. So they have a 50-50 chance of hitting it wrong. But those Creek names are easier than others. Growing up in Alabama made it easier for me, what with Tuscaloosa, Tallassee, and many others.

  19. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    In today’s last panel, Janis is shown with longer [& thicker] legs than Arlo, though she is shorter overall. He has the edge in upper body length.
    Just noticed; not claiming it is significant.

  20. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    CE-P: No disrespect intended, but… I have noticed that men do seem to become less muscular as they get older. There are men at the gym (yes, I do now go to the gym – after a regimen of physical therapy for back problems) that those of a “certain” age, can go like blue blazes on the treadmill or stepper. But when they stop, those legs are skinny! Of course, we females have the problem with our mid-section, so I guess it all evens out.

  21. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    True, Galliglo. I have rather skinny legs as well as a considerable girth, so I have the “best” of both worlds! Observation says that I am not alone in that description.

  22. JERRY IN fL Avatar

    Good news for Mr. T. It appears that thousands of people heading north through Mexico will be hit by a major hurricane a little later this week. We won’t even need the military. That is, unless the hurricane comes up behind them. They will be in Texas before they know it! Then we won’t have to worry about separating parents and children. Neat huh?

  23. Jackie Avatar

    Ghost has lost so much weight he is same size as when he enlisted during Vietnam war. The size 36 jeans he once dreamed on here of wearing slide off and he now wears a size large regular button down shirt.

    At 6 foot three that is amazing. Were it not for gray hair….

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