John Hambrock is a fellow cartoonist who creates The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee. I checked in on John’s site this morning, and he was doing some bragging in his blog. His fine comic strip launched in November of 2006, which led John to calculate that he has drawn over 3,000 daily and Sunday strips that, if laid end to end, would equal the height of three Sears Towers stacked on top of one another (about 4,500 ft.). Well, John’s calculations led me to some of my own. I have drawn over 10,700 A&J strips since 1985, not accounting for leap years, which if laid end to end would extend for 2.5 miles and closely resemble my office floor. Hey, Junior! Come back in a few years, and we’ll talk some more! I must say, I do admire the way he has copies of all his strips arranged in ring binders. And if you read John’s bio, you’ll learn he spent years developing his characters before Brilliant Mind was launched by King Features Syndicate. As evidenced by the above cartoon from the first month of A&J, it wouldn’t have hurt if I’d done a little of that.

A Long Long Time Ago
By Jimmy Johnson
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434 responses to “A Long Long Time Ago”
Better to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before than sit at home dreaming. With apologies to Mr. Shatner.
Doumacan (that doesn’t look right) I miss Johnny too. Didn’t get to see him as often as I’d have liked but he kept urging me to give up the high life in Houston and come back to the cotton fields. Some of the most intelligent and thoughtful conversations I have ever had were with Johnny and why he did what he urged.
Of course I have high opinions of just about every vet I have ever had (for my animals) but Johnny was special, a philosopher and thinker who should have written the words he spoke, beautiful words.
What I said about people from Louisiana who refuse to leave or come back and stay is true and for the reasons Johnny gave. They are often not logical nor based on monetary gain.
Johnny died way too young. It is not just the famous who die when there is still more they can contribute.
Love, Jackie
On a lighter note about going to school at USL in agriculture, I was definitely the first woman to make the collegiate judging teams and definitely the first who’d ever been hired as a Playboy bunny, a fact I think I kept secret from the Dean of Women and most of the university unless I had my clothes off. It may be possible I can find a photo of me training a show heifer in a skin tight pair of jeans and a skin tight shirt that still left little to a good imagination. It was the day of the 60’s when women didn’t wear loose jeans that looked like overalls.
Haven’t heard much from Ghost so we need to wake him up.
Love, Jackie
OF due 1024-1044 CST. Good clear view now. Peace, emb
Careful Jackie, You’re going to be drinking yourself to sleep and running for miles in the early morning pretty soon. I had those spring rols and Aflac sauce last night.
Jimmy, you have improved your drawing skills. I guess that is a left handed compliment. I had someone compliment me on my singing by saying how much I had improved since I started up again 7 years ago. My first thought was “Wow, I must have really stunk back then”
Your drawings were still pretty good all those years ago.
Love the drawings. This is how I feel most days coming from work to home and when I reach home, change clothes, and crash….I’m a whole new person.
Great advantage of being a home based employee is: casual dress, late morning starts on the day, and cats for office mates. 🙂
Word of the day, Spime. This one is like totally new to me.
And would a Kirkyan be somehow related to Captain James?
Jerry, no danger of either events occurring. My knees won’t survive walking, much less running, and the pancreatic disease would finish me off with drinking . Just had honeydew melon and limes squeezed over it, with two small slices of cinnamon french toast. At 11 our time here.
Love, Jackie
Doumacan, there is another friend from Tensas Parish you probably know, Dr. Mike Cannon, who was with state or federal department of agriculture? Wrote for the Baton Rouge newspaper and wrote very well. He keeps trying to pull me back into the delta too for same reasons as Johnny.
Those two were in high school with me and college some too.
Love, Jackie
A Kirkyan is one who interjects random qoutes from the good Captain whenever they encounter a worm hole. 😉 <yes it is one
Far, far away from the future and Kirkyanisms: In our Library of Congress grows this tree.
Wowser Jackie,
An 1881 version of the word map.
OF due Now-1210. emb
Jimmy – thanks for a look back in time. I discovered A&J in the mid-90s, but that was quite a while after this one. I can definitely relate to Arlo in this one.
I was peeved about something. I very seldom get peeved, but when I do, I am not good company, even electronically. But I’m all better now and back for the photo of Jackie training a show heifer in a skin tight pair of jeans and a skin tight shirt.
Today’s retro cartoon: Hmm. Four-poster bed? Interesting. May put the handcuff key incident in context.
Today’s real-time cartoon: Don’t get smug about Ludwig not being able to get up on the bed without help, Arlo. Remember, it’s likely just a matter of time until Janis hands you a little blue pill and says, “Face it! The day has come!”
OF due 1320-1340 CST. Clear air but NW wind blows steam twd SE corner of frame, obscuring some jets. Nature is like that. One of you will have to watch; I should be napping by then. Peace, emb
Ghost: ‘Remember, it’s likely just a matter of time until Janis hands you a little blue pill and says, “Face it! The day has come!” ‘ I thought you needed an Rx. We managed without them. Take enough pills already. Peace, emb
I didn’t notice the bed. Count on you, Ghost. Is it wood or metal? So glad you are back. I missed you, of course. Who will we have to lead this group astray?
EMB- free samples?
Ghost you are such a silly male. There so many things besides a blue pill that can make a woman happy. Be creative!
Jackie, does the photo show how you got that show heifer into a skin tight pair of jeans and a skin tight shirt?
Loon, I am creative. Very creative. 😉
An older gentleman who was too embarrassed to inquire for himself sent his wife to the pharmacy to find out about the little blue pill. She asked the pharmacist if it did indeed work as advertised.
“Yes, ma’am, very much so. I know that from personal experience,” he told her.
“Can you get it across the counter?” she asked.
“I think so, but I’d probably have to take two of them.”
I see in yesterday’s and today’s Dilbert that the flying car has finally been invented for us but no one cares…
See for yesterday’s strip.