A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

A Tip of the Hat

By Jimmy Johnson

Speaking of hats, there’s this A&J from June of last year. As you might divine, it is an unvarnished memory and observation of my own. Daddy would be 100 years old this coming Monday, Halloween, were he still living. My younger brother and his family are coming over Saturday, and we’re going to have a family party in Daddy’s memory. I’m sure there will be stories told (Again!) for the benefit of my niece and nephew, who never got to meet their paternal grandfather, and for our own amusement, of course. He was the prototypical Arlo.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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132 responses to “A Tip of the Hat”

  1. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Jackie I’m afraid Ghost is going to start pestering you for the name of the church where you saw that! I’ve heard of some crazy wedding stories, but never attended one like that.

    I just got an email from a major TV network to possibly appear on one of their programs. This might just be an initial screening, but I have my fingers crossed. I don’t want to discuss any more, but IF I get invited, I will be sure to let everyone know. It would be shown sometime next year, so there is plenty of time.

  2. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    FYI, It is not Catch a Predator.

  3. emb Avatar

    emb on 25 Oct 2016 at 7:07 am #

    Today’s TIP BlogSpot. Note: This Klimt is not Gustav, but Ernst. Peace,


    I’d forgotten the apostrophe.


  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    It was in New Orleans and woman in question was Mike’s boss” wife. I won’t dignify her by calling her a lady .or reveal her faith but that faith doesn’t approve either.I have done hundreds of weddings and we did not enter any church to set up flowers in inappropriate clothing. We even wore our heads covered but I had to geniflect for us all the Lutherans, Baptists and Methodists who worked for me wouldn’t.

    Once I had to stand waist deep in a glass baptismal font over altar two stories up to design the major florsl piece and did it fully clothed.

  5. Sideburns Avatar

    Jackie, you can either use boss’s or simply boss’ in that context.

  6. Ken from Framingham Avatar
    Ken from Framingham

    Jimmy, my Dad is 83 and still with us. He was not a church-goer, but he did get dressed up every Sunday to do his errands around town. No hat– this was mid-1960s to mid-1970s I’m recalling. And some of the suits had the wild patterns or colors of the time. But the shoes are most memorable for me– well-shined wing-tips! He worked hard factory jobs, and I imagine dressing up and looking sharp was a treat for him. Now in my own job, I always wear a t-shirt (sometimes an A&J), jeans and sneakers. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve looked for chances to dress up. Birthday dinners, school ceremonies, and especially comic book conventions. It’s fun for me to put on a suit, tie and wing-tips to a comic-con! If I see someone I know, I say that I heard people ‘dress up’ for these things, but I appear to have misunderstood (joking on the cos-play scene). If I see people I don’t know, they might think I’m important. Marina Sirtis of Star Trek: NG said to me, “Thank you for dressing up. Some of these people look so slovenly.” If that didn’t make my habit worthwhile, walking into the autograph hall and hearing Tia Carrere shout out to me, “Hello, man in a suit” clinched it!

  7. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Classic ZZ Top on Sharp Dressed .Man. I love a good looking man well groomed and dressed. So, call me shallow. Women do.


  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Guess I over-dressed for my first civic club meeting last month…I got elected to a two-year Board of Directors opening.

  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Or you left room to use the powder room. That’s how garden club and PTA works. Next you’ll be heading the school carnival.

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Do they allow pole dancers for entertainment at school carnivals?

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Sorry, I mean Pole, as in Polish.

  12. Rusty Avatar

    So Jackie, re: flowers in the baptistery: no waders? My Baptist pastor when I was a kid would put on chest waders over his suit/under his robe when he did a baptism… 🙂

  13. sandcastler™ Avatar

    GR6, only if the pole dancer has no children of hers enrolled in the school.

    Back from New Orleans. Three days to get rested before we head to San Francisco for Halloween.

    Found a surprise in our mail. Kickstarter gifts are arriving. 🙂

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I need to go to post office again to look for Santa and the Secret Squirrel. And take my raincheck in for third frame and putting mine into mats. Red mats with black inner edges and high gloss black frames, really sharp.

    Need to drive north anyway, I have consumed entire inventory of the Lowe’s south of me in that patio stone. We need more.

    Will you be leading the Maypole dancing at spring carnival, Ghost? I’d contribute to that one. In tights, jerkin and a Daisy crown? No wait, that’s Jon in the Garfield strip. This is A and J so it has to be lederhosen.

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Rusty, I was assured the bapistry was drained. Not chest deep. The arrangement hung from glass, taped on. Taped to a humid piece of glass high on back wall over ministers head.

    Assistant manager was Baptist so she prayed all through service that it not kill minister by fslling.

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Spring carnival? Sure, Jackie, go right ahead. 😉


  17. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    GM Debbe

    We hang the petty thieves
    and appoint the great ones to public office.

  18. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    OB…another good one 🙂

    Got ‘railroaded” yesterday into helping out at the other henhouse. Can you believe that they are going to have an United Egg Producers inspection today, and ‘culling’ the hens next Tuesday! It is not as an intense one that our house went through, they won’t be counting number of hens in cages.

    So there’s Ian and me knocking ‘crap’ off the back of curtains when along comes a Corp man. He asked how we were doing, I said “tired, very tired and kicking $hit” (one never knows what is going to come out of my vocal chords when I am tired 🙂 ). I also told the Corp man “this is ludicrous, and I am only doing it so that Mike (my boss) will go ‘out’ with 5 Star ratings on both of his henhouses”. The Corp man said he appreciated that…..yeah, yeah, sure, sure I thought.

    I own a black, felt fedora and I love to where it, I also have Mom’s cream colored one with a black band. Not worn my fedora though in years. Think I’ll wear it when job hunting…that should be for a good impression. Maybe I’ll go to the bathroom and come back hired….like GR getting elected in his new civic duty volunteer work.

    …and it’s hump day for some of you.

  19. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 saw them perform at ISU’s homecoming some years back….great performance


  20. Debbe Avatar

    ‘oh, Lord, won’t you buy me a……..


  21. Rusty Avatar

    Jackie, your life is never dull! ????

  22. Rusty Avatar

    Sorry, supposed to be a smiley there… 🙂

  23. emb Avatar

    Kenya livecam highlights. Close expl ore. Peace,

    http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/african-safari-camera

  24. domaucan1 Avatar

    I missed most of yesterday’s comments. I do not ever recall a time where I have attended Mass without a tie, coat and dress pants. I got that from my daddy, my grandfather and the brothers of the Sacred Heart, who taught at Catholic High, Baton Rouge, LA. We could not wear blue jeans to school because, as we were told, you do things in blue jeans that you don’t do in dress pants. (My daddy called them “dungarees”!) As a result, I still do not wear blue jeans to this day, much to the chagrin of my wife. I dearly love cargo pants. Speaking of my grandfather, he was a legal immigrant from Italy (circa 1900) and very proud opf his American citizenship. He would not even go sit on the porch without a suit, starched white shirt, tie, vest and hat. I still wear hats in the Winter. My daddy advised me to do that when I had sinus problems. It helps.

    Prayers for everyone. God bless us every one. God bless the USA.