A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

A Touch of Glass

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Now, don’t be offended. You know I’m not talking about you, but this old cartoon from five years ago is an example of the problems I sometimes cause for myself. Arlo’s words in the last panel, “I figure grape jelly/wine…,” makes the joke very subtle. The reader must fill in a blank. I know—I certainly hope—that many readers would have no problem doing this, but looking back I know a lot of readers probably were left thinking “I don’t get it.” This could have been avoided by having Arlo say, “I figure grape jelly/wine, what’s the difference?” I have had to learn over the years that a cartoonist can’t be too obvious.

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413 responses to “A Touch of Glass”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, I also visited Vicksburg one Independence Day weekend when there were re-enactors (from both sides) in the park re-enacting the Siege of Vicksburg. With their wire-rimmed glasses. In the stifling July heat. In their wool uniforms. It’s no wonder I met a battalion surgeon who was a real MD.

    For those who might not know, the surrender of the CSA troops at Vicksburg was finalized on July 4, 1863, and there were several generations of Vicksburg citizens who never in their lives celebrated Independence Day. Some still may not.

  2. sandcastler™ Avatar

    GR6, Vicksburg is some of the most hellish terrain I’ve ever seen for a battlefield. It’s no wonder it became a seige.

    On a food note. Loon is out of town on business, the evening meal will be red beans and rice. Plenty of beer on the side.

  3. Blinky the Wonder Wombat Avatar
    Blinky the Wonder Wombat

    July 4, 1863 was a crucial day in American history: the Union won two crucial battles that day – Vicksburg and Gettysburg- that shattered the Confederacy’s chances for victory. Add in that three US presidents died on July 4th and another was born on that day and one can reasonably argue that it truly is the most American day on the calendar.

  4. Lilyblack Avatar

    Ghost, I regret I have but one liver to give for my drinking problem. 😛

  5. DellaMae Avatar

    Your comment about folks in Vicksburg not celebrating Independence Day reminded me of a story told by Shelby Foote, the author and Civil War Historian, possibly in the Ken Burns documentary although I can’t remember now. Apparently he got to know Nathan Bedford Forrest’s granddaughter fairly well when she was an old lady. She even let him hold Forrest’s battle sword and swing it over his head a few times. At some point he expressed his opinion that there were two “bona-fide geniuses” of the Civil War from a military standpoint: Nathan Bedford Forrest and Abraham Lincoln. After a pause, she said politely, “You know, we never thought much of Mr. Lincoln in our family.” He was clearly amused when recounting this story.

    Ghost I am extraordinarily capable of knocking over all types of drinks even when stone cold sober, so I’ve had to come up with a better “tell” that I’ve had too many. 😉

  6. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Back in the 1960’s before the Vicksburg military park got “remodeled” to it’s current more civilized appearance, I took a northern friend of mine to see the park. In that infamous red Ford convertible. In those days the park still had many dirt, muddy roads/paths through the deep ravines and the kudzu and weeds and vines were formidable, really making it a scary place to visit.

    Naturally we got lost in the mazes. This was the period of the Twilight Zone television show and my roommate was totally convinced we had gone through a time warp back to the war and a soldier or two were going to crash through the bushes. Good thing there were no enactors then!

    We stumbled over a decaying slave cabin, still inhabited which scared her to death and I think the two dizzy blondes in the red convertible equally scared them.

    Finally we found a paved road again and she decided she had seen enough. Think about the soldiers, one group on one side of a ravine, the other on opposite bank.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, I used to belong to the SCA, Shire of Misty Mere, Kingdom of Meridies. Our running joke was that when we wore the garb (period costume) when off-site was we would be asked “Are you in a play?”. Our group was small enough that at one of our events I was not only the Marshal (responsible for overseeing the combat events) I was also the assistant Herald (human loudspeaker).

  8. Lilyblack Avatar

    One of my favorite memories is of when I was visiting a friend in Waxahachie doing my running in their beautiful park and seeing two couples from the Ren Faire sitting under a tree in their period garb with the men’s two colorful shields hung on the tree like the chivalrous knights would do to challenge passersby to joust

  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I have many friends who do the “Mountain Men” reenactments. They have personas they enact. One of my favorites is a blacksmith (not his occupation- hobby) who is a Danish frontiersman who dresses in kilts and leggings made of fur. Now THAT was a brave man!

    Many of these men and women not only make their own costumes and gear but their weapons as well. I have only attended one encampment but I think we all should try to go if any are near us.

    These people do recreate historical periods, dress, battles, foods and life.

    I have several friends who do similar events in boats, some small boats, some big ones.
    My husband used to work on and help sail the Texas tall ship, the Elisa, when we lived in Houston. These people volunteer and contribute to saving a living history for us all.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  10. Lilyblack Avatar

    DellaMae, reminds me of when I was visiting Atlanta and went to a steak restaurant where the doneness was described on the menu as rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, and “Shermanized”.
    Being a steak lover from way back, I of course did not order my expensive steak “Shermanized.” But I wanted to.

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, from what I remember hearing, your night-time adventure in the park may have been around the time some idiot with a rifle was shooting at cars passing though the park at night. But you probably would have notice that.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I have a memory of Corpus Christi, also. Especially the Corpus part.

    Back when I was pushing tin for a living, it was not uncommon to fly several hundred miles, pick up a corpse, and return it to somewhere it the local area for burial. At that time, it was actually less costly to transport a body by air than by ground hearse. Some asked me at the time if I minded flying such “passengers”, but I would always answer that I was happy to expedite getting someone’s loved one back and thereby allowing them to begin the closure process sooner.

    And beside they were good passengers…they never asked “When will be there?” or said, “I have to go to the bathroom,” when we were VFR on top of a solid cloud deck at 8500 feet and the nearest airport with an instrument approach was less than five miles away. (The latter actually happened to me.) The only problem I had was figuring out how to report the number of “souls on board” on my flight plan. If I filed “1” and had ever crashed, I would have liked to think that the ground party would not think that the elderly deceased and bloodless person with all the big stitches across his or her chest and torso was not the pilot and would keep looking for me. But you never can tell.

    Normal procedure was to take all the seats out of the cabin except for the pilot’s seat and lock a stretcher into the right side seat rails. The deceased, wrapped in a shroud, was strapped onto the stretcher. When I got to Corpus on one of those trips, the hearse pulled up to the aircraft and discharged four large guys who pulled a big metal box out of the back. Hum. Well, OK. Seems the decedent had had a disagreement with party or parties unknown, who had advanced their argument by hitting him in the head with a blunt object and then clinched it by tossing him into the bay, where he was found four days later.

    But he was a good passenger, too, so I didn’t mind.

  13. Lilyblack Avatar

    Ghost, people ask me all the time if being around dead people bothers me, and I invariabl respond that I don’t mind dead people, it’s the live ones you have to watch out for.

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Lily, I may have told this story, but if not, or you missed it, you might like it.

    A local man was picked up for public drunkenness so many times that the city judge finally ordered him to attend an AA meeting. He went as instructed, but showed up intoxicated and took a seat in the back of the room.

    The moderator on stage held up a glass of clear liquid and said, “I have a demonstration for you. This is pure alcohol. And this is an earthworm,” he added, dropping the hapless invertebrate into the glass. Within seconds, the worm was completely dissolved. “What,” he asked, “do we learn from this?”

    The drunk in the back jumped up and proclaimed happily, “If you drink alcohol, you won’t have worms!”

  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Roger that, sand. Lots of hills and ravines there, as Jackie noted.

    Hum, red beans and rice, avec beer. Something else I like about this blog…when I can’t think what I want to eat, someone comes up with an idea.

  16. Debbe Avatar

    Jackie…I do not remember ‘Black Beards”…but I did frequent the Black Diamond Oyster Bar. Black Beards…I think I would have been a ‘regular’…but, I’m going to ‘research’ it…curious…as I still remember all the street names (Alameda Blvd. Shoreline Drive.etc….down to the seedy downtown…we used off duty CCPD officers as security guard at the hotel…I quickly became friends.

    I, at one time worked for a NCOA officer near the base there…..oh, the stories…not going there, as you said Jackie…at this age, one tends to reflect on what…should have, could have, and would have…..

    Sleep tight, tonight…..and pleasant dreams……

    Oh, and GR 😉 , I started singing the song ‘Rio’ this morning…and my son looked at me and said “Pablo Cruise”…I looked at him and asked…how did you know that…his quote “I am my Mother’s son.”

    Oh, and on the downloading….Netflex was explained to me….and we should not be getting anymore letters, he knows his life is on the line 🙂

  17. Debbe Avatar

    And as I sign off….I leave you with: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fyY-TxGEwE

  18.  Avatar

    Being from a State that was still a fairly new Territory during the Civil War, and one where only one battle of any significance occurred (Glorieta Pass, the site being just a hop, skip, and flop from where I currently reside) I find the discussions on here enlightening, entertaining and educational. When discussions tend to the War, as they did today, I find myself going to the history books (or more often Wiki) to find out the who, what, and where of which you speak.
    Thank you all for the furtherance of my edumication.

  19. Bryan Avatar

    Harumph!!! That was my post there about Glorieta Pass and education. Not sure why I got anoned.

  20. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 I’ll see that and raise you this…


  21. Ruth Anne In Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne In Winter Park

    Jackie – I’ve been enjoying the stories about your various “encounters” and just read the one about the restaurant in Corpus Christi to my husband. He reminded me of Moon River Brewing, a restaurant/bar in Savannah we have visited a couple of times, that is in a building reputed to be haunted. Our niece, who lives tin the area, has heard so many encounter stories that she refuses to use their restroom (frequent site of same). If the need arises she goes to the pizza place down the street.

  22. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    DellaMae, when I watched the Burns TV Civil War series the most recent time around, I became totally enthralled by the voice of Mr. Foote. With his abilities, I suspect he could read a grocery list and make people listen intently. He seemed to have a nicely subtle sense of humor, too.

  23. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Welch’s jelly glasses and Kraft Pimento Cheese glasses were a mainstay of my childhood.

    Times were rough, then.

    My mom didn’t have to resort to making clothes for herself out of flour sacks, but times were rough.

    I hope I’m wrong, but I suspect that we might be heading for those days again.

  24. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Not to worry anyone, but someone recently pointed out to me that rifle and pistol ammunition has increased in price at a greater rate than gold in recent years, making it a solid investment. Someone is worried. Or a lot of people are.

  25. Debbe Avatar

    Oh, GR 😉 , how strange this is re: rifle and pistol …tag…


    Oh, and by the way…that Eagles song was played as a prelude to my long, long walk down the aisle….15 years ago this 5th of June….