Once upon a time, television viewers would rush to the bathroom or the kitchen during a television commercial, the point being to get back to the boob tube before the entertainment resumed. Ha! Talk about days gone by. Today, it’s possible to build that set of bookshelves you’ve always wanted and still get back for the last of the network promos. All right, all right! Perhaps I exaggerate. It might be necessary to sand and finish your shelves during the next commercial break.
Remember a few weeks ago, I hinted at news from the comic world. I haven’t forgotten. I simply haven’t heard anything yet. I caution you: it’s inside stuff that won’t directly affect you, although it might me. Within a historical context, however, it will be interesting to readers of newspaper comics. I’ll let you know!
“A word from our sponsors…”
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts
Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...
I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...
Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...
Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...
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On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
157 responses to ““A word from our sponsors…””
I just overheard a customer in a QT store complaining about caffeine in green tea which I thought was caffeine free?
Mark, my understanding is that regular Barqs has caffeine in it simply to add a bit of bitterness to the flavor.
Ruth Anne,
Reviewed yesterday’s entries and Tibby’s sounds like my kind of place. If i ever get over there, I’ll have to pay them a visit. I bookmarked their spot. In my humble opinion, crawfish any way are great. Boiled crabs are another great seafood, as are oysters. Wow! I’m getting hungry!
Unless I’m mistaken, all green tea has caffeine, unless it’s been decaffeinated. I like to drink at least two cups a day, plus one cup of espresso, early.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Did someone here recommend the chopped salad at Subway? I found myself in one tonight when the Vietnamese pho shop was closed on Tuesday? Glad I did.
Today’s $6 sub special was chicken breast roasted and they turned that into a giant salad I am still eating. I will do that again.
Debbe: Here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUwUp-D_VV0
Still think of it when I drive through or fly* over burbs. Actually, ‘university’ may upset lotsa boxes. That’s why certain folks distrust us so. *Flew, actually. Been a long while.
c x-p: Looks like skin off a ruffed grouse’s breast to me. That nest is in good grouse country.
About Pluto. For many, it’s about that damned dog. I was a bit annoyed, at first, and remain annoyed at some changes in biological taxonomy, which is a rather different quarrel. Pluto really is something different, a Kuiper object that has become trapped in a 2-3 resonance with a real planet, the ice giant Neptune. There are only 8 planets, as defined astronomically. Lear and his jester knew of only 7: Sol, Luna, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, & Saturn. Will send quote.
I am more interested, and delighted, in the several relatively Earth-sized planets ‘only’ 41 LY away. Never dreamed we’d know of ET planets in my lifetime. Am having fun w/ my fellow BUMCers and Bemidji Pioneer readers with the theological implications of our improved cosmological pictures of Elohim’s universe. Cannot discuss those here.
Jimmy has Arlo date himself even more in the last line, when he says he’s just an old fire horse. How many kids today even know that fire engines were horse-drawn before the internal combustion engine was invented? Or that it refers to the training to run to the sound of the bell?
Fool: The reason why the seven stars are no more than seven is a pretty reason.
Lear: Because they are not eight?
Fool: Yes indeed. Thou wouldst make a good fool.
That’s the quote on the title p. of my 6-part Pioneer fictional series on ‘Raki’, an Asperger’s genius in Anatolia some 10,000 years ago, who discovered Uranus with the naked eye, thus resulting in our 8-day week.
neat little video
Debbe 😉 I was a little under the weather today, but this made me feel better. (Come to think of it, go-go girls always make me feel better.)
Jackie, word of possible caution on that roast chicken.????
Sand, maybe Jackie would rather not know! I wouldn’t (on the fence about this, to be honest.)
Dear emb, thanks for the link to the Pete Seeger song. I remember when it was so popular; was on the radio a lot; but it’s been so long I’d forgotten all the details. It’s a very cynical song! And I disagree with it. When you think about the real people that are living in those houses, they’re humans and deserve respect. I am really a cynical person about a lot of things but in this case, no.
Dear Debbe, you are sweet and caring and it’s nice of you to think of me. The big snowstorm is lousing up many peoples’ lives and some have even died. It’s a monster! But I can’t complain, myself: I haven’t lost power, my house is warm and there is plenty of food in the cupboards and refrigerator, and I don’t have to go anywhere.
Dear emb, intended to say that I remembered, after some reflection, that you had told us long ago about — a sort of science fiction novel? It sounds wonderful and I would love to read it, but there are obstacles? Please do let me know if it’s possible. That you had written, I mean, and you just alluded to it.
Going back a few weeks, when I spoke of seeing the Evening Star, I figured that most of us Villagers are aware that it is the planet Venus, and know about its comings and goings. I must tell you that a few times I’ve been able to see Venus in broad daylight — conditions were right and I knew where to look.
you beat me to it – was all set to post Pete’s song when I read your entry.
The new addition to town has “Ticky Tacky” houses – 2 different designs
but they flip them left to right from time to time.
My Grandmother had a fire chiefs horse from The City of NYFD in the 1920s
when the city changed to motor cars. His name was Prince, when going to town
someone held his head (by the bridal) till everyone was aboard. When the
last person put their foot on the step he was off – he would run till he was winded,
stop, rest and then be off again.
He was also in love with the cow. One time the folks went visiting, he was
left hitched to the buggy, when done visiting they came out – no horse or buggy.
Following the tracks in the new snow they found where he
took the buggy over the stone wall and was standing with the cow in the pasture.
Grandmother said they never did figure out how he got the buggy over the stone
wall without breaking anything.
For me, the Pete Seeger song was typical of many young people’s attitude towards people they don’t know but mistakenly believe they fully understand. After all, people outside their little world aren’t worth knowing or caring about… if they were they’d be attending their colleges, participating in their causes, and going to their concerts… they’d be like them!
Why is it Walt Disney’s Pluto (a dog) only says “Arf” (or is that only Sandy?)
Bow wow?
While Goofy (a dog) speaks English? (in the US anyway)
If Worcester is a city of 200k+ or so…they all must have been on the highways
when I was there last couple of times.
Dear Trucker Ron, the comment you just posted is wise and well expressed. You are a good person, a good thinker, and a good writer.
As a former teacher of The Bard, I am compelled to write the following:
Sometimes, soothsayers are right.
I know what you mean about the amount of commercials.
I have become so irritated by them that I greatly curtailed my college football viewing last season, and I doubt that I will renew my season tickets for the OU Bobcats this year.
Four or four and a half hours is a ridiculous length of time to sit in a stadium.
Good morning Villagers…..
Miss Charlotte, relieved to read you are warm, fed, and safe…..I have seen the morning star Venus while going to work at the hen house. I think in October, isn’t Mars at its brightest? And I didn;t like it either when they ‘declassified’ Pluto as a planet.
This new discovery of planets are being referred to as ‘dwarf’ planets, and I had read they thought about naming them after the seven drawfs from ‘Snow White’……I hope it was just a joke..because I don’t think this should be taken lightly, it’s just awe inspiring to think that life could exist some 41 million light years away.
Emb, thank you for that link, I often referred to the ‘burbs’ as Xerox houses.
And, yes it is the Ides of March…..et tu who 🙂
Don’t even want to know about the chicken at Subway. I love their chicken subs with lots of green on it. Hope Ian can get on at the one four blocks down. Dropped off his app yesterday morning. Keep your fingers crossed.
And just how is Indy Mindy doing…..inquiring minds need to know.
Old Bear, cute story about the cow loving horse, Prince. And yes, just how did he get over that stone fence. B’ugs
Waiting on Dad to wake up. We all went to bed at 8:30 last night. Of course I was awake at midnight, but managed to fall back to sleep. Heard Dad up at three, and then at five, Tucked him back in both times after he got his ‘fix’ of a little chocolate milk.
Rick..when do you sleep 🙂
Happy 15 March:
Don’t know about the dog, Pluto, just the Kuiper object. Other Disney animals talk and Kelly’s dog Beauregard Bugleboy talked, but Toto was the only Oz animal that didn’t talk. ‘Course, he was a Kansas animal.
No, Mars is not at its brightest in any particular month in our year. Its own yr. is about two of ours, and its orbit more elliptical than ours, so its distance both from us and from our orbit varies. Like other outer planets, it is generally brightest when it’s closest, which is at, or close to, Opposition. Opposition is when Sol, Earth, and the outer planet are in a straight line. Planet rises in the E. about sunset, is due S. at midnight [local “God’s time”, but not ST or DST]. Are those of us who enjoy DST therefore heretics? I’m a heretic for other reasons, but a devout, dues-paying one.
Pax vobiscum.
Charlotte and JJ: “… a sort of science fiction novel? It sounds wonderful and I would love to read it, but there are obstacles? Please do let me know if it’s possible. That you had written, I mean, and you just alluded to it.”
It was 6 [not quite consecutive] of my monthly columns in The Bemidji Pioneer, which I’ve since combined into one copyrighted file. JJ: I’m willing to share email addresses w/ Charlotte if she wants. Then I can email the file, w/ the proviso that neither of you make hard cc. for others.
I just love birthday parties with milk rings, milk bottle caps and catnip cake 🙂
…still can’t get enough of the guy playing the piano for his cats as she swoons in his lap it’s pm U-Tube also 🙂
GR 😉 sorry to read that you’re under the weather…hope you are yourself again soon, and remember that’s it’s the most important meal of the day….