A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.
Est. 1985
Extra, Extra!
Adieu to Peggy Sue
By Jimmy Johnson
Finally, we get to the end of the “Peggy Sue Got Married” spoof, from 1986. (Xerox was hot then.) I failed to note it was a Christmas story of sorts, but I think that’s obvious. Tomorrow, something else!
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
30 responses to “Adieu to Peggy Sue”
Top Bunk
In 1961, Xerox was a good guess for the future. However, as an Field Service tech for Xerox from 1984 to 2005 I saw the decline in office equipment. They were a tech innovator in their day. They are still pretty big, but with a completely different focus. Nevertheless, many great memories for me. 🙂
To finish a thread I started, I wasn’t asking for the first Fractured Fairy Tail, but the first one that the writers made up: The Prince With a Nose Like a Cassava Melon.
“Berkshire Hathawaaaay!”
Planning an entry for the boutiques for the local Independence Day Parade. Let’s see, there’s a Mustang convertible, and two shops full of bikinis and other skimpy clothes. Whatever could we do? Oh, I know…find some cute girls to don skimpy outfits and ride in the back of the Mustang!
Actually, I already picked up, erh, recruited a cute waitress at our favorite steakhouse last night. And one of our sales associates is a cutie, too. I think I’ve got this.
Actually there is a scene in the movie “Frequency” where the boy talks to his long deceased dad via Ham Radio. During the movie the son tells his best friend to remember the word “Yahoo”. Since it came out in 2000, they showed the last scene as his friend is driving a luxury car with “Yahoo” on the vanity license plate.
I suppose that if we were transported back 40 years, the word to remember would be Apple. Maybe 30 years would be “Google”. Kind of a fun exercise.
Mark in TTown
“Microsoft”, “Internet”. Stocks to avoid? “Sears”, “American Motors”, “DeLorean”.
I had a chance to buy into Microsoft before Gates have even named the company. He was going pitching his OS to computer companies trying to get investors. My brother and I could tell it was gonna’ be great but he still in H.S. and me working minimum wage we couldn’t scrape together the $1000 gates was asking. Our family didn’t want anything to do with it.
Still, my life didn’t turn out too bad but I often wonder just what would have happened if I’d been able to be one of his initial investors. Pretty sure I’d at least have a newer house and truck!
He was pitching his OS to computer-type stores trying to get investors.
Shouldn’t hit ‘submit’ without proofing.
Old Bear
Some guest on the Tonight Show (w/Johnny ) described Edward Everett Horton’s lips as
2 razor blades. They were rather thin.
1961 I was heading back to base listening to a talk show extolling Xerox.
I thought it was a good idea – but I did not have 2 nickels let alone $2 to rub together.
Their best idea when they could not sell machines was to rent them. With (I think) 25 cents
a copy – they made out like bandits. Everyone was copying jokes and recipes.
And since it was so easy make 2 (or 3) copies of real work.
curmudgeonly ex-professor
We had somewhat north of 4″ of rain last evening, and had to go to a church-related meeting 6:30 – 8:00 pm since my MBH runs it. The site has a spacious parking lot which can flood. I thought we had found a spot quite unlikely to flood, as only part of said lot really gets wet.
At about 8:15 I discovered that
a) I was wrong
b) the water was 6 or 7 inches deep plus wavelets from sloshing through, and
c) my special padded-leather diabetic shoes are not 6 inches high.
I expect my shoes will not be dry for a several more days, whether I expose them to the air or stuff them with crumpled newspapers or alternate those methods. As you might imagine, it was rather a squishy drive home.
I like how Gene got a coonskin cap out of the deal 🙂
Many of the dresses at Steals could be mistaken for swimsuits. None of the swimsuits, however, could be mistaken for dresses. 😉
Mark in TTown
Llee, yeah. The only Davy Crockett thing I got out the craze was a cereal bowl from my dad’s mother.
Decades back [maybe 5/6] there were actual premiums in Wheaties boxes, replica miniature metal license plates. Only one I remember said “Turkey” but actually a replica US military plate for use in Turkey. Peace,
curmudgeonly ex-professor
Yeah, eMb, I remember small fake license plates from some cereal boxes. If memory serves, one could mail in a boxtop (maybe with some coin) and get a whole set. Loved the variety of vivid colors the state plates had.
Mark in TTown
curmudgeonly, you would probably like a print that hangs in a local restaurant, then. It is an outline map of the US with each state represented by its license plate, shaped like the state. A neat bit of photo editing.
To dry the outsides (of shoes), you can wrap a few sheets around them and secure with a rubber band. The newspaper should also help to absorb any unpleasant smells from the water. To speed up the process even more, place the shoes in front of a fan or use a hair dryer on them, like mentioned before.
Yep, that license plate map is interesting. I note that the artist used plates of several different years; would have thought that a single year would have sufficed.
My shoes are slowly drying. Currently, in the air; soon to be stuffed with newspaper again. I did think of using a hair dryer, but the wet areas are too large for easy application.
Thanks for the input.
curmudgeonly ex-professor
I admit that I had not even considered using dry rice. Wouldn’t doing that give a new flavor to the rice?! ;<)
30 responses to “Adieu to Peggy Sue”
In 1961, Xerox was a good guess for the future. However, as an Field Service tech for Xerox from 1984 to 2005 I saw the decline in office equipment. They were a tech innovator in their day. They are still pretty big, but with a completely different focus. Nevertheless, many great memories for me. 🙂
Aha! This story is what a friend calls a “leaky dream”. That is, something from the dream leaks out into the Real World.
To finish a thread I started, I wasn’t asking for the first Fractured Fairy Tail, but the first one that the writers made up: The Prince With a Nose Like a Cassava Melon.
“Berkshire Hathawaaaay!”
Planning an entry for the boutiques for the local Independence Day Parade. Let’s see, there’s a Mustang convertible, and two shops full of bikinis and other skimpy clothes. Whatever could we do? Oh, I know…find some cute girls to don skimpy outfits and ride in the back of the Mustang!
Actually, I already picked up, erh, recruited a cute waitress at our favorite steakhouse last night. And one of our sales associates is a cutie, too. I think I’ve got this.
Actually there is a scene in the movie “Frequency” where the boy talks to his long deceased dad via Ham Radio. During the movie the son tells his best friend to remember the word “Yahoo”. Since it came out in 2000, they showed the last scene as his friend is driving a luxury car with “Yahoo” on the vanity license plate.
I suppose that if we were transported back 40 years, the word to remember would be Apple. Maybe 30 years would be “Google”. Kind of a fun exercise.
“Microsoft”, “Internet”. Stocks to avoid? “Sears”, “American Motors”, “DeLorean”.
I had a chance to buy into Microsoft before Gates have even named the company. He was going pitching his OS to computer companies trying to get investors. My brother and I could tell it was gonna’ be great but he still in H.S. and me working minimum wage we couldn’t scrape together the $1000 gates was asking. Our family didn’t want anything to do with it.
Still, my life didn’t turn out too bad but I often wonder just what would have happened if I’d been able to be one of his initial investors. Pretty sure I’d at least have a newer house and truck!
He was pitching his OS to computer-type stores trying to get investors.
Shouldn’t hit ‘submit’ without proofing.
Some guest on the Tonight Show (w/Johnny ) described Edward Everett Horton’s lips as
2 razor blades. They were rather thin.
1961 I was heading back to base listening to a talk show extolling Xerox.
I thought it was a good idea – but I did not have 2 nickels let alone $2 to rub together.
Their best idea when they could not sell machines was to rent them. With (I think) 25 cents
a copy – they made out like bandits. Everyone was copying jokes and recipes.
And since it was so easy make 2 (or 3) copies of real work.
We had somewhat north of 4″ of rain last evening, and had to go to a church-related meeting 6:30 – 8:00 pm since my MBH runs it. The site has a spacious parking lot which can flood. I thought we had found a spot quite unlikely to flood, as only part of said lot really gets wet.
At about 8:15 I discovered that
a) I was wrong
b) the water was 6 or 7 inches deep plus wavelets from sloshing through, and
c) my special padded-leather diabetic shoes are not 6 inches high.
I expect my shoes will not be dry for a several more days, whether I expose them to the air or stuff them with crumpled newspapers or alternate those methods. As you might imagine, it was rather a squishy drive home.
Dry rice works for cell phones… would you mind your shoes picking up that odor?
Use a hand-held blow dryer to get them started.
Dress or bathing suit. Either way, Arlo was impressed. Maybe Janis shopped at Steals?
I like how Gene got a coonskin cap out of the deal 🙂
Many of the dresses at Steals could be mistaken for swimsuits. None of the swimsuits, however, could be mistaken for dresses. 😉
Llee, yeah. The only Davy Crockett thing I got out the craze was a cereal bowl from my dad’s mother.
Decades back [maybe 5/6] there were actual premiums in Wheaties boxes, replica miniature metal license plates. Only one I remember said “Turkey” but actually a replica US military plate for use in Turkey. Peace,
Yeah, eMb, I remember small fake license plates from some cereal boxes. If memory serves, one could mail in a boxtop (maybe with some coin) and get a whole set. Loved the variety of vivid colors the state plates had.
curmudgeonly, you would probably like a print that hangs in a local restaurant, then. It is an outline map of the US with each state represented by its license plate, shaped like the state. A neat bit of photo editing.
It looks something like this: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/license-plate-map-of-the-usa-on-gray-reclaimed-wood-vintage-recycled-art-license-plate-art-and-maps.html
To dry the outsides (of shoes), you can wrap a few sheets around them and secure with a rubber band. The newspaper should also help to absorb any unpleasant smells from the water. To speed up the process even more, place the shoes in front of a fan or use a hair dryer on them, like mentioned before.
Yep, that license plate map is interesting. I note that the artist used plates of several different years; would have thought that a single year would have sufficed.
My shoes are slowly drying. Currently, in the air; soon to be stuffed with newspaper again. I did think of using a hair dryer, but the wet areas are too large for easy application.
Thanks for the input.
I admit that I had not even considered using dry rice. Wouldn’t doing that give a new flavor to the rice?! ;<)
Oh, yes, you bet it would! But it’s saved quite a few cell phones over the years.