I’m late posting. I’m going to be on the road in a few minutes, and my waking hours have been a bit hectic. I won’t be posting Friday, but I’ve arranged for you to peruse a week-long series from 2002, wherein Arlo and Janis answer frequently asked questions about whatever it is they do. I hope you enjoy it. Just click on the link beneath the cartoon to get started.

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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77 responses to “A&J FAQs”
Ha ha! The retro series is very amusing. Actually, someone could use drones to peek into a LOT of windows. Which would be ethically wrong. But….just sayin’
Well, still better than your sleeping hours being a bit hectic, I suppose.
Ghost is at rehab to meet me with Dickens. I cannot go out or anywhere on my own. I am so happy they will let me see him. It has been 18 long days for both of us. Puppy love.
Yeah, maybe when I walk into the house alone, Dickens will stop giving me a look that says, “You b**tard! What have you done with my mommy?”
He doesn’t really. Quite. But that was one happy pup when he saw Jackie. I’ll try to take him again tomorrow, if the weather cooperates.
I feel physically better now than I have in months. I have been observing and studying and taking notes. I have NOT been complying as I should for some time. My fault and no one else’s. I am implementing all of this with Ghost when I go home. I’ve No plans to go to a nursing home or give up.
N or does Ghost. I love him so much and I want every day we can manage.
I don’t know what got you there (nor am I asking), but Oct 12 I had back surgery – when I awoke, my right foot no longer did what I told it. Off to “Acute Residential Rehab”. A couple weeks later, back to surgery for the infection the first one left in me; back to ARR.
45 days in hospitals – most of them with no visitors due to the plague (and a week in lockdown due to 2 cases on our ward).
I’m fairly well limited, but at least I’m home now!
Hang in there & get better!
Good grief CC! It sounds like you’ve really been through the wringer! I’m glad you’re finally home. Whew!
Loved the retro strips but even more I loved the strips of Janis giving Arlo his first sailboat. Somehow U had not seen them in 2002. Those are so good and so accurate. The artwork on the big boat is fabulous.
Going to sleep. Love, all.
And as I found looking at this sequence, if you keep going to the Sunday, there’s a great Ludwig Christmas strip. Loved it too.
Me too. Thanks for posting it on Facebook!
Regarding today’s (12-11-2020) strip. Jupiter and Saturn may be closer, but Venus and Mars are not!
I didn’t sleep well last night, but not awful. I discovered that I did not take my restless leg medicine before I went to bed, so I can’t complain. I read somewhere that you should lay on your back and hold your legs up against the wall for 20 minutes at night. It is supposed to help with circulation and digestion. I have my doubts on either, but I did lose 3 lbs. from Thursday morning. Of course it might have been something that I ate…or didn’t!
JJ has shared this series on the old home page several times. But it may have been one of his better efforts.
I just clicked through the series and went past the new year. Some really good strips!
A good parody song, but it only covers events in the first half of the year:
My question about today’s (12-11-2020) strip: why is Janis asleep at 7:00 pm? (Jupiter and Saturn are in the southwestern sky these days and set around 7:30 pm.) Still, it’s a spectacular sight (the planets, I mean).
The conjunction on the 21st is supposed to be marvelous, literally a once in a 400-year event. Knowing my luck, the sky that night will by cloud-covered.
It’s nice to sit for a while in a warm and friendly place like this. Basking in love and good will feels like good medicine for, well, 2020. Thank you all. Oh — nearly forgot why I decided to post to begin with. The two strips overlap for us, the daily one and the retro one. I shared the daily strip with my half-sister today, who shares a house with me, because I am constantly slipping in to wake her up to see some celestial event or another, especially in the winter. She looked at the strip, broke out laughing, and said, “He must look in our windows!” Ta-dum! Today’s retro strip! 🙂
Re 12-11-20 real-time cartoon: Arlo, IIRC, is “that guy” who stays up/did stay up on DST Day to watch his computer clock jump forward an hour. So getting up and going out in the cold dark to witness an astronomical event (no matter how minor at the time) would be right in character for him.
So, Blinky, is that supposed to be a “Three Wise Men” class event on the 21st?
From my understanding, the two planets will be less than 1 degree apart- close, but they will still be separate points of light. Although planets are generally on the same plane, there is some variation and never “eclipse” one another.
Regarding the The Magi, note the Bible calls them astrologers. I don’t really know much about astrology, but I have heard that the celestial event that drew then to Jerusalem was a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. Herod seemed unaware of the significance of the event, if he even knew about it, which suggests it was an arcane observation to non-astrologers. Nice write up in the ever-reliable Wikipedia. Look for “Star of Bethlehem” and the sub article “#Regulus, Jupiter, and Venus”
JJ – I HOPE YOU’RE NOT MAKING FUN OF US JUPITER/SATURN CONJUNCTION WATCHERS! ‘Cause I’m one of those starry-eyed people who check out their progress every cloudless evening after sunset. Since the moonlight obscured it 400 years ago, the last people to see it lived 800 years ago. Haley’s Comet was a bust, so I’ll take this, thank you very much. *wink*
And people were a lot easier to entertain 800 years ago, eh? 🙂
Dickens and I had things to do early this morning, so I have just finished a “breakfast for brunch” meal. We’re planning another trip to the rehab center this afternoon to see Jackie, and I hope by then the rain will be over at both Point of Departure and Point of Arrival. Jackie tells me snow is in the forecast for Broken Arrow one day next week. But as pilots have observed for many years, weather forecasts are 90% accurate…10 % of the time.
Mark, I would tell you to be careful on your commute to work next week, but that’s what, like 6 or 8 steps? 😀
Be careful, anyway.
Thanks, Ghost. That’s about right, and I don’t even have to go outside. I don’t want to have any falls, either. Last time I had a bad one I broke my wrist and had to wear an external fixator for weeks. That was bad enough that I can’t see doing anything worse, especially I don’t have a Ghostette to help me out.
If a fracture of the wrist is any more painful than the gout attack I had in my right wrist last year, I don’t want to find out. I guess Torquemadas One, Two, and Three must have been doing more than just competing to see which one could bend my wrist and finger joints the most painfully. Amazingly, the range of motion of my right wrist is essentially the same as that of my left wrist, and all my right digits’ ranges are back to normal, with the exception of my index finger. (And ironically, my left index finger’s is restricted about equally to my right one, the result of the MRSA infection I got in it several years ago, which tried to turn the finger into an eggplant.) I’d highly recommend that anyone of a certain age have a discussion with their primary care physician about having an uric acid included in your six or twelve month routine bloodwork, if it’s not already. I didn’t know mine was high until I lost the use of my right hand and much of my right arm for several weeks. (The elevated level was rapidly brought down to normal with medication.)
After the initial break, it was more of a dull ache for the first couple of weeks. As for the fixation device, imagine having to wear an old style car antenna fastened to your lower arm for better than 6 weeks. And I couldn’t work, had to use up my short term sick leave and then go to FMLA. When it came time to have the fixation removed the ortho service didn’t make it clear what was involved. I drove myself there and found out in the exam room that they would normally give a mild drug to dull any pain. But since I did not have anyone else to drive, I had to forgo that and just deal with it. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else.
I am glad that we all know each other here. For you to say “Jackie is back in rehab” can take on a different meaning in another group, 😛
Heh. Jackie, like me, rarely takes anything stronger than one of those “dangerous narcotic Benadryls” of which I previously mentioned here as knocking me on my keister the first time I ever took one.
Sitting with ice pack on knee. Leg is hurting badly. I have another something going on but my daily schedule has vanished from in front of me!
We’ve said that for years
Too many instances to be coincindental
Can I get a cut of the royalities
For all who have a good memory for A&J topics – or some kind of searchable listing: what is the date for the strip in which Arlo, using stock market terms, tells Janis he is happy to have gotten in “on the ground floor” [or similar term] with her, whereupon she corrects him to “at the right time”?
I’ve just reread the entire gocomics trove of A&J from its earliest in June ’94 to date.
My doc, believe it or not, told me to take about 4 drinks per week as opposed to my typical none. Great guy!!
I am 58 and have been a daily reader of the comics for 50+ years. I love A&J but wish you could make it more of a “serial” type of comic more frequently with the focus on the son Gene, his family and the father in law Gus. I fit the dying demographic of comic readers…kids, along with their tribulations, combined with aging parents and their challenges should appeal to my fellow demographic….give Ludwig a break and focus on the kids and A&J’s thoughts and actions. Thank you! Eddie
My wish is that JJ continues exactly as is with only occasional visits with the kids. I love Ludwig and enjoy the dynamics between A&J. I also hope that time stands still. Don’t want to see them get too much older. I love this strip!
Awake waiting for physical therapy and breakfast. Getting up, dressed, breakfast, teeth brushed, hair combed and medications taken is part of physical therapy.
This will be a permanent routine for Ghost and me, as little will happen on spur of moment now. The broken left leg can return to near pre accident condition, it is the unbroken right leg that is unusable
Is the right leg problem because of the unreplaced knee, Jackie?
Yes, it is beyond bone on bone and hurts unbearably and collapses.
Jackie, have you tried a Tens Machine to help reduce the pain? I used to use one for back pain and it worked great.
What is that and what does it do?
It usually as two to four pads attached to the skin around area in pain. It then sends electrical pulses through the skin to block the pain.
“12 More Shopping Days Until Christmas”
I’m so old I can remember when that daily countdown was printed on the front pages of newspapers during the month of December…and they didn’t include Sundays in the total.
Perhaps it still is. I haven’t seen the front page of a newspaper during December in some time.
I have tried listening to carols but havng a problem with perky happy Christmas music. Can listen to piano, cello, guitar and do.
Forecasters called it right for Tulsa. It was snowing when I got up and it is still going at it. Prediction is it will continue as late as 4pm today. Glad I don’t have to get out in it.
Christmas card-class snowflakes falling in Eufaula OK as well, for about 30 minutes. Forecasted to last for another nine or ten hours. I’d rather it stayed on the Christmas cards.
With an over-night low of 20 degrees F forecasted for the Tulsa/Broken Arrow area, the morning commute tomorrow morning could be “interesting”. Except for Mark, unless he trips over an electrical cord on his way to work. 🙂