I must admit, it’s a big week around here. The college football season begins in a big way this weekend. I resolve, as usual, not to wind up like Arlo above. I know it’s all a big racket, and I’ve certainly been critical of big-time college sports in the strip over the years, but then, doggone it, my alma mater has a year like last year. It certainly was one of the most interesting seasons ever; even non-sports fans were watching the replays and talking about the end of the Auburn-Alabama game. It’s going to be another exciting year for us, I think, but there’ll never be another last year.

All in the Game
By Jimmy Johnson
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234 responses to “All in the Game”
GR6 [3:41 pm]: No, it appears that Florida and Georgia have joined in.
Yeah, it’s well known in ER’s that all bleeding eventually stops. But what I meant is an adaptation of the the old saying, “You can’t go around killing people just for being jerks because how would you know when to stop?”
I think the guy that shot the drunk who killed his two sons can be considered provoked
My favorite was when a huge (over six-six) Dallas local music star got wasted and wandered away from the Lower Greenville bar he was drinking at and started pounding on the back door of one of the neighbors’ residences. The poor little guy that lived there fired a shot through the door, over the head (as he thought) of the guy pounding on his door and hit him right in the forehead. Dead at the scene. The Grand-Jury no-billed it.
“I think the guy who shot the drunk…” Messy, messy! The jury acquitted due to reasonable doubt. There was no weapon, no gunpowder residue on the accused, and no witnesses. There was only CONJECTURE that the distraught father might have killed the drunk driver. Many people might have felt retribution to be justice, but the law doesn’t allow that.
Hmp, there was only this dead guy with bullet holes in him. I think most people would deduce that *somebody* shot him. And it couldn’t be that grieving father whose sons were laying dead. Somebody else came by and shot him for unknown reasons? Don’t think so.
“…no weapon, no gunpowder residue on the accused, and no witnesses…” (in short, little or no physical evidence) would certainly seem to me to add up to a very circumstantial case. Deducing something is not the same as proving it, at least not in a court of law.
Darn, stopped by to say hello and this laptop erased me again. I was commenting that I not only have trouble with sensors but anything that requires finger tips that can be detected, like phones, gps, computers and finger print readers at license department.
They think I am already gone, I suspect.
I read about 5 days of comics, comments and emails, not much different than lurking. I did so hope the XXX agent on 9CL would be shot, just for being so boring but no such luck.
Glad Mindy got moved, for better or not, sorry the chickens are gone with new cast.
Read a good Oscar Wilde comment today, “A man who cannot think of ways to live beyond his means has little imagination.” If that is not correct, let the more erudite correct me. I was standing in the midst of great excess.
The most excessive of all I missed, as they would not admit children, so I babysat 2 year old and my 93 year old mom.
Love, Jackie Monies
GR6: “Of course the problem is (or would be for me) once you start, how would you know when to stop?” Koko [Lord High Executioner] has the answer early in Act. I of G&S’s “The Mikado.” He has a “little list”, which he goes through, but finishes, “But it really doesn’t matter whom you put upon the list, For they’d none of them be missed, they’d none of them be missed.” G&S’s most popular opera, and quite good, but maybe 2-4 are better.
Bob: () and []. I do that regularly, when I expect later to insert, for instance, a person’s DOB and DOD, but never thought to do it when simply writing. Thanks, emb
Lily: Not as realistic, but in his ‘blue period’, he did some fine portraits. His nursing mother [don’t know if that’s the actual title] hangs in ‘our’ bedroom, as does his young couple, title also on the back of the framed print.
Also, where did you get “A green-and-black nudibranch devours a tunicate.” I know who both [not specifically, but in general] are and would like to see the video
Did a search but couldn’t find that one. However, this:
has a photo gallery of nudibranch mollusks. I’ve met only one or two of those pictured, OR coast, rocky intertidal zone at low-low spring tides [a few days every two weeks, early am, June-Aug]. The ‘low-low’ [as distinguished high-low, low-high, and high-high] w/b in a separate lecture. They might show up in a search. For practical zool. purposes, suffice to say the summer tide regime along the OR and WA coasts accts. for the great diversity of marine critters in the intertidal zone there.
emb, it was in a National Geographic ink on my FB feed. I have no idea how to retrieve it, it is long gone, and I did not save it. Oh, and my favorite of Picasso’s Blue Period is “The Old Guitarist.” (http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s565/Lilyblack1/OldGuitarist_zps0c365720.jpg)
I can’t claim to have a print of that, but I do have an engraving of his, “The Three Graces”, hanging in mine.
Here it is:
It’s a still photo, but gorgeous [literally]. The nudibranch is a dorid species, with the ‘naked gills’ bunched on the rear dorsal surface. The other major group has paired, right and left naked gills along the sides. World’s prettiest snails, though some shelled snails come close.
Hi, Jackie. If that be true, then I have a pretty good imagination.
emb: yep, that’s it.
Jackie: Just today, I was copying ““The Soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. And the body is born young and grows old. That is life’s tragedy/” – Oscar Wilde ” into my book of quotes
Not all moved just yet. Oh man, I don’t remember EVER being this sore and tired before. Night all, early day ahead.
Just woke up when The Man In My Life dumped me on my bed. I am allowed one post. Good night, Villagers, Shhhhh
Lily, Psst, it seemed like an obvious suicide to me. Leo humor. I have to lower my standards occasionally. Even a bad oyster can contain a pearl.
Good morning Villagers…..
These dog day mornings, afternoons and evenings are killing me, good old sweltering dog days…..with no relief in site according to whether.com.
Yes, Jackie, I have a new cast….unfortunately, the old girls were spent hens. When they were gearing up for the big purge, they brought in a truck trailer and it even had the words “spent hens” label on it!
Indy Mindy….you have my sympathy when it comes to moving. My mom would keep my addresses in pencil because I moved so often. Do not miss apartment complex living, in one such place, the walls and floors were so thin, you could hear the bed squeaking upstairs…almost every night 🙂
This is one smart panda: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/11059417/Giant-panda-faked-pregnancy-for-extra-treats-and-nicer-accommodation.html
GR 😉
gotta go….the last of the hens are being put in as I type…..more counting,
Jerry, you keeping an eye on the gulf?
ya’ll have a blessed day
If you really want to start sputtering about college football, get a load of this morning’s Wall Street Journal article on the subject: http://online.wsj.com/articles/at-college-football-games-student-sections-likely-to-have-empty-seats-1409188244
Lilyblack: That case with the 6’6″ music star was similar to a case in the Detroit area. A girl got in an accident and started wondering the neighborhood. She was drunk/high and when she pounded on this guy’s door, he shot her:
The man was convicted on 2nd degree murder, partly because he took the stand. His original story was that it was an accident, but he also admitted that he was scared. This case also drew a lot of attention due to the different races of the shooter and the victim
Several neat items in today’s Writer’s Almanac. In the one on radio commercials, note the comment by the Republican who was president when I was born. Would he be ushered in or out by today’s GOP?
Debbe, I have a friend in his late 60s who says he’s moved 27 times. I hope you don’t move as often as he has. And no, he’s not career military, although he is a veteran. (Oddly enough, we both had the same Nurse Practitioner as primary care provider at the VA for a few months, just before she retired.)
Good morning, Villagers.
Steve: But note the difference. Your shooter had to take the stand, which means he was charged with something, while ours was no-billed and didn’t even get charged. We take a pretty stern attitude toward people “putting in fear” here in Texas. It is a definite rationale for killing somebody. I can’t count the number of times I have heard of people shooting and sometimes killing burglars, trespassers, and threatening drunks. Shoot ’em if they are putting you in fear of bodily harm, and the law has nothing to say. Which is how we like it, here.
Re: today’s A&J. Gotta remember that next time some big dumb jerk puts the clamp on me.
Lying after the fact is the quickest way to turn a legally justified use of a firearm into a prison sentence.
I have a personal policy of not pulling the trigger when I am not 100% certain what my target is. (Not shooting through doors means never having to say I’m sorry.) But that’s just me. Do what what you sincerely feel is right (and what the law in your state allows) to save your life and/or the lives of others when the SHTF. And don’t lie about it afterwards.