I must admit, it’s a big week around here. The college football season begins in a big way this weekend. I resolve, as usual, not to wind up like Arlo above. I know it’s all a big racket, and I’ve certainly been critical of big-time college sports in the strip over the years, but then, doggone it, my alma mater has a year like last year. It certainly was one of the most interesting seasons ever; even non-sports fans were watching the replays and talking about the end of the Auburn-Alabama game. It’s going to be another exciting year for us, I think, but there’ll never be another last year.

All in the Game
By Jimmy Johnson
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234 responses to “All in the Game”
Debbe 😉 This must have been at the point where their kitten ran into the room and cried, “Daddy, daddy, why are you hurting Mama?” 😉
Apparently one of the immutable Laws of the Universe is “Them eggs won’t pack themselves.” And I don’t suppose the hens will be taking off for Labor Day, will they?
Ghost, I completely agree with your assessment of the 9-year-old and the Uzi. My first thought on reading the news story was “oh, death by stupidity”. And yes, I do believe the parents should be held responsible because they allowed that instructor to place the Uzi in their child’s hands.
Debbe, http://pandawhale.com/post/37769/i-requested-minions-of-darkness-and-you-sent-me-fluffy-jellybeans
JJ, critcal commentary on the Sunday feature. The year is 2014, no one watches a single screen in this era. You need to show your characters with either phone or tablet in hand while watching TV. How else will they share thoughts or opinions?
Now back to why every nine year old should be firing an Uzi. I use to own an M3 grease gun: short barrel, high powered ammo, no muzzle control; unsafe in any hands. The Uzi is just the grease guns fancy cousin that speaks with a rapid fire accent.
sandcastler™: The year is 2014, no one watches a single screen in this era.
Speak for yourself! I use my iPod for a lot of things (calendar, notes, podcasts, music, boring meetings, etc.) but not while watching TV, eating a meal, or using my laptop. I happen to be a clarinetist; I take on life one note at a time. My wife plays piano; she multitasks all the time… (having 3 autistic kids made that a necessity) but she doesn’t watch multiple screens.
Today’s real-time strip must be a follow up to Jimmy’s comments about duplicating panels. Way to go, Jimmy!
Ghost: Fine commentary on the Uzi tragedy. You articulated some thoughts that occurred to me when I read of it. Good going!
BTW, it is refreshing to see some well thought out observations rather than other flippant “oh, well” type comments I have been seeing.
And Debbe… 🙂 🙂 !!
Jean dear, the cat pic reminds me of the title of a Dave Barry book…”Babies and Other Hazards of Sex: How to Make a Tiny Person in Only 9 Months, with Tools You Probably Have around the Home”.
Mark, I ignored your warning and looked at the comments under the article you cited. ::Sigh:: I suppose some of them would be good examples of what happens when people are allowed to exercise their free speech rights without first passing a background check. Or an IQ test.
One comment that did give me pause, because I’ve heard it more than a few times before, was something like, “What are you so afraid of, that you feel you have to have a gun?” I always remind the askers that if you wait until a threat (deadly or otherwise) presents itself to begin formulating your response, you are much much less likely to be able to overcome that threat.
That applies to most things in life. I keep a 10-day supply of food and water in my pantry, and a “bug out bag” in the trunk of my car, but I wouldn’t say that I’m “afraid” of hurricanes. I’d say that bitter experience has taught me the wisdom of always being prepared. (Thank you, Boys Scouts of America.)
Good morning, Villagers. Just a quick note to say I am about to go to choir practice. A good thing about Texas, nobody asks “What are you afraid of?”
GR6, you sound like me. Bag in the trunk is my E&E kit.
P. S. Loon and I are at breakfast. She is on her tablet, me on the phone. We are a multi screen couple, communicate across the house via text messages.
I can’t help but wonder if Putin will ever have to say to his wife, “What photos of me with another woman? Those are from some X-rated video game!”
GR6, Putin is exKGB; those photos don’t exist.????
Another failed emoji. 🙁
Afternoon, all. Service is over and we are on our way to Brunch. Yummy!
Champagne brunch, I’ll bet. 🙂
7 quakes in the last 24 hours worldwide greater than 5.0. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Thanks, Jerry. Mental note to self: Make sure I have a sleeping bag in car trunk in case I have to spend a post-earthquakal night outdoors.
Denise, that was on 8-12-14, so yeah, the timing would seem right for Jimmy to have done today’s cartoon about then, wouldn’t it? We agree then that today’s cartoon utilizes cut and paste? And if so, why not? How better to capture the mind-numbing “experience” of watching television in panels two through seven? And did you notice the detail of the changing shades of the backgrounds, the way room lighting dims or brightens when the scenes change on TV? Nice touch, isn’t it?
Hey, did you notice this is an “on-topic” comment? And that it has eight question marks in it?
Ghost, I do think it was a result of that discussion.(as well as a superb portrayal of what can happen to us during television watching). And my neighbors’ drapes change color the same way. 😉
Aaand we are on our way back home from Dallas. I had champagne, beef bourguignon, and asparagus with scallions. Skipped the croissants and dessert of course. I am full enough as it is. The Man In My Life is driving and chatting with The Boss of My Life, and Will (The Boy In My Life) and I are sitting in the back playing with our phones.
If you want to see a beautiful history of Project Voyager and have the time and patience to read it all, check this out: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/space/voyager/?utm_source=NatGeocom&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=pom_20140831&utm_campaign=Content Expect to spend about 25 to 30 minutes reading it, but it’s worth the time.
Thanks, sideburns. Something about Voyager has always seemed to capture my imagination.
Still hoping evil aliens don’t find it, though. Or if they do, it will be to late to matter to us. 🙂
I saw the Star Trek movie. I guess that ruined Voyager for me.
I don’t believe in alien intelligence, good or evil. We would have picked up their radio signals by now.