To commemorate being completely skunked by overcast skies during Sunday’s lunar eclipse, I give you this Sunday from last year. I don’t think there’s been a regularly scheduled celestial event in years that hasn’t been obscured by clouds where I live. It’s been a frustrating run. I plan to be in the path of the total eclipse of the sun as it traverses the central United States in 2017. At least I know that if it’s cloudy that day, it will still get creepy dark!

And, of course, pisces…
By Jimmy Johnson
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270 responses to “And, of course, pisces…”
Let’s see, Arizona, Oklahoma, Indiana and Ohio. Anywhere else the minivan needs to go? Sounds like one of my usual circuitous trips. Texas? North Carolina.
Just talked to a friend in Wyoming who said following me on Facebook was better than where’s Waldo.
By the way, he knew who my gorgeous seat mate was on last trip but said he’d never been introduced. Small world.
My waiter tonight and lunch yesterday (who I requested) did 8 years in my. Hometown in Louisiana managing the most upscale restaurant there before it closed. He had never met anyone from there outside of the state of Louisiana. He was shocked!
By the way, restaurant here is independent and upscale menu, if it had tablecloths it would be called a “white tablecloth” establishment, yet people dressed and looked like they were in McDonald’s and ate the same way.
Obviously it has good reputation as it had a crowd and lots of kids in tuxes and evening dresses, so maybe a prom? Prices were upscale too. I had tilapia crusted in pistachios on a bed of flash fried spinach which is like spinach crummbles.
Anonymous, don’t pass up the St. Louis Zoo while you are there. It is where Marlin Perkins made a name for himself before going on TV. Lots of wonderful old buildings there, too. Including a reptile house with reliefs of many species carved into the entry area. i got to go there once around 1999 or so and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Could be spell check made the mistake. It doesn’t like Latin.
A, what’s abandon?
anonymous, I searched for Scottish capes in St. Louis, MO and found this.
Just checked dictionary which says that to do something with abandon is an action done without concern or done flippant or carelessly, free and unhibited expression.
They gave a sentence that involved a drunk girl throwing her clothes on a chair. I was just tossing the corners of thecape.
OK HERE is the brand : Calzeat and company Ltd. OldStation Yard,Symington, Lanark shire Scotland ML126LQ
Plus some phone numbers, fax and email
“Calzeat of Scotland” designed and woven by highly skilled craftsmen of Scotland is on tag. I bought it in PortTownsend, WA at the Wandering
Go Gators!
Go Nads!
I think I’ve already told you / my visit to the St. L. Zoo when I was 13 or 14, no? emb
I like puns, so the way you used the word the first time made me ask that question. My own personal answer was A bandstand.
I have been getting sick since Wednesday and lack of sleep has made me kind of loopy. The skin of my nose broke out, then went from bad to worse. Now I look like I stole WC Fields’ nose. Was afraid it might be shingles but had to wait for payday and time off to visit a doctor. He walked in, took one look and told me I had a strep infection of the skin. So everybody else gets strep throat, I have to be different and get strep nose!
Mark, be happy it wasn’t shingles. I took shingles meds for years and I may never be totally rid of it. I am not laughing at your nose, it must be painful too. WI’ll antibiotics cure it?
By the way, I found the website for company that made my cape. I am in deep trouble, their weavings are gorgeous and lots of colors, not cheap but I didn’t find my exact one. But a lot of others I loved. If prices are US then they are less expensive than shop but freight? Loved the throws and scarfs but they donate to SPCA andand love that.
You might email the company and ask who their US distributors are.
And yes, it is curable with antibiotics. Dr. prescribed Cipro, less expensive to get the med than to get diagnosed. No complaints though, since I was paying for his knowledge and got what I needed. On a Saturday afternoon, no less, when most in the area were watching Alabama beat UGA on tv.
I don’t mind you laughing at what I wrote, since I wrote it that way with a purpose. Gave a good word-picture (at least if you have ever seen Fields’ photo, let all of you know it wasn’t that serious to me so you wouldn’t worry, and let the Village know what is happening with me.
ICD-10 is going better than I expected. They had most of the bugs I feared out before we started doing the charts. But I still like Ghost’s comment best: ICD-10, because ICD-9 wasn’t complicated enough.” Ghost, you got the correct answer in one sentence. There had been so many changes in diagnoses and treatment in the last 20 years that the old system couldn’t keep up and had no space to make additions. For those who don’t know, the ICD system was developed by the World Health Organization as a way of tracking diseases and injuries, not for insurance reimbursement. The rest of the major nations had already changed to the version 10, we were the last.
anonymous, here’s a website for you:
Good morning Villagers…
Took yesterday off, and I mean off….I at least got my work clothes in the washer, and my wonderful husband dried and folded them while I napped.
Re; Orphanage Village Society newsletters, I find them intriguing, and yes, I do have to read it more than once. Keep us updated Rosamund Wainwright-Altringham.
Not much to say here…
Ya’ll have a blessed day
GR š just going through a little downer right now. Mom would have been 82 tomorrow, spoke with Ian yesterday…’s been a rough two months, two voids in my life. I really don’t like taking off work, I get depressed. Work keeps my mind busy, and body tired thus early to bed and early to rise. My computer clock says 5:27 now. Thanks for asking.
Emb, thanks for the star gazing details….it is dark now when I leave for work, cloudy this am, but tomorrow, I will look to the stars. Since I don’t have a printer, going to write down those stars that will be coming up in October.
…this one defies describing…
It’s a zebrat.
Sand: “Fair warning. On Twitter someone else is āsandcastler,ā… but there is only one with your name AND sandcastler1…
Ahhhh Gal, you found me.
JJ, Sunday’s offering is priceless. Thanks.
After being away from my computer for a week, everything I have missed boggles the mind! Took all morning to catch up on this forum. Sorry, but I am NOT going back to the previous page!
Enjoyed my week house/kitty sitting. The cat was adorable. An older tortie and yes, very vocal! But she became my buddy. Gonna miss her…
Now using a beta version keyboard on the tablet, lets see what goes wrong.
Learned one useful thing this morning. The new UCD-10 medical codes contains this code: V97.33X Sucked Into Jet Engine. Unsure what the treatment protocol would consist of, but it will get a proper diagnosis.
OF due 1355-1415 CDT. emb
Sand: š
Debbe: looks like a felt tip Turk Van.
Peace, emb