When my grandmother was born, airplanes were more than a decade in the future. In my lifetime, space exploration and exploitation became a reality. In the 20th century, automobiles took over. Electricity and telephones became ubiquitous, and television was invented. It would be impossible to name a century of greater change. Yet, I think more apparent change has occurred in the past two decades. By apparent change, I mean changes in daily life and routine. Think how dated movies made only a few years ago can seem. You’ll see people running around frantically searching for pay phones. You’ll see black computer screens with green type. You’ll hear people asking, “Where are we?!” The fabric of daily life now has an entirely different feel. Take, for example, the above cartoon from 20 years ago. Of course, many people—if they still have land lines—still have answering machines, but they’re not the icon of connectivity they once were. And kids in the household certainly do not consider them a lifeline! Technological change has been a juggernaut for the past 200 years, but the small details have never been more apparent than in the current century.

Answer Man
By Jimmy Johnson
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160 responses to “Answer Man”
I’d have fallen under the treadmill and been scalped by my hair getting caught in rotating pulley, along with two broken legs and anm, What coordination. Does he do windows?
Jackie, maybe he needed a good paddling? The webmaster, not the ministerial friend.
Jackie, you were talking about “Hair”. Found a funny comic about that.
Mark, you made me smile which I needed tonight! Both remarks. Actually I was totally relieved to learn my ministerial friend was alive because he was in his 80’s when he attempted to sail coast of Texas for 200 miles in searing 100 degree plus heat in an 8 foot boat! One of my good friends in Louisiana bought one of his unfinished boats and finished it, an absolutely beautiful power wooden boat that my husband Mike always referred to as “driving a grand piano” it was so beautifully made. That is trouble with growing old with too many boats.
No one ever sends me porn. 🙁
Ghost, if you join the sailing_canoes group on Yahoo Groups you can get the porn I hope I got out of by clicking on unsubscribe. There is a definite opening. I do not know what happened to my trash filters except that I do belong to a lot of boating groups and someone got into first 60’s Sailing and then the canoes. I have been told porn in canoes is unstable activity but do not know first hand.
Actually I would imagine porn would be unstable in a john boat as well. That would be an appropriate name I suppose.
Love, Jackie
He: “I want you in the worst possible way.”
She: “What is the worst possible way?”
He: “Standing up in a canoe.”
Other than that very old joke (and one about lite beer), I really didn’t realize there was a boating/porn connection.
Debbe 😉 Know any good chicken jokes?
My theory on why we get hit by so many spam porn emails is that we are about 99.9 per cent male members and I would suppose that a porn spam advertising available women in my neighborhood and today they were featuring children (!!!!!) apparently but I don’t open them, just delete. No one sends any males since they think they are hitting men of the outdoor sort.
I am an observant filter on more than one group and if you are smart you get a webmaster who puts enough screens to stop them or gets rid of them really fast. The bigger groups all have that in place but the smaller ones are poorly managed and I think those are ones I have been seeing get thru. My own site has a savvy tech smart “owner” and I am a not so savvy owner of others but you won’t see much get by ones like that.
Chicken jokes would be great if I could remember any. That might be an old joke but I had not heard it. I do have a seldom used almost new canoe in back yard. At least I hope it is there, we moved it right before Mike went to hospital to get it out of plain sight in middle of yard.
Love, Jackie
How about a different bird joke. Actually, it’s a cartoon that I have taped to the side of my computer desk. The roadrunner and R2D2 are standing side by side, both of them beeping like crazy, unaware that a truck is backing up behind them. Caption: Tragically, no one could hear the truck backing up. Mark, thanks for the link, that’s the one.
Are there jokes about bad chickens?
Jerry, were any birds or droids injured in the making of that joke?
Questions and comments for last few days
We can not get the Jack Daniels # 7 locally any more what gives?
Jerry: mark Twain had something to say about your situation (your premature obit)
Our last name is not common in the US – Manhattan had only 10 when I was a kid
but the first and last combination has a high %. When I was in basic training there was
another in a different Training Regiment, we got each others mail.
Driving home one time I heard on the radio Mr & Mrs (same first &last name) had a baby. When I got home I asked my wife what she was not telling me. (I was only away a few hours).
I am the 4th with my name(none juniors) +son & Nephew. Grandfather had brother that died
at 8 – since he was the next male he got the name. Hard on genealogy, but not uncommon back in the day.
The litter we use turns to mush – even the clean stuff tracks worse than mud. (Like wet chicken
manure. Debbe would know)
We had a 6 toe cat – all started from one around Boston area 1740ish – they are moving west.
I know of 4 other people with my birthday including my son’s significant other.
Son missed my wife’s birthday by 4 days (He was late).
My brother and his daughter share a birthday – he credits a dutiful wife.
Going off with “Little Nemo”
Also read somewhere that in a room of 60 people 2 will share a birthdate. (Month & day)
Good morning Villagers…..
Goodness sakes, and I thought the health.gov website was mind boggling…yes, Virginia, there is intelligent life in this Village. Brains, breasts, pokies, porn….oh my.
Old Bear….yes I do know all about chicken poop 🙂 I got a pit full of it. I’ve even gone as far to see if there is any correlation between the fumes of the pit to the onset of cataracts. Nothing. Just part of the aging process….sigh.
GR 😉 none that I could post here…
Too much testosterone in this house last night, went to bed at 8….after slamming my bedroom door.
Ya’ll have a blessed day…
the closest I can come to a chicken joke
Debbe: “. . . the onset of cataracts. Nothing. Just part of the aging process….sigh.”
My ophthalmologist is fond of saying, “Everyone over 50 has cataracts.” Mine were first mentioned by his predecessor after an exam in the early ’80s, when I was in my early 50s. They can tell well before you can. I began to notice mine in my mid 60s or so, and had them replaced with plastic several years ago. If you drive, you need them replaced when the glare from lights [head-, street-, traffic-, and advertising neon] gets so bad that you become a traffic hazard]. Peace, emb
My spam filter usually traps email from wonderful Christian folks with huge sums of money that needs depositing in my account. Can only wish for porn that I could enjoy
Mark – Thanks for the That’s Jake. I hadn’t seen one of those in a long time. Jake Vest used to live somewhere in central Florida but quit doing the comic. My favorite is probably still “If you didn’t want grits, why’d you order breakfast?”
Ghost Sweetie, you asked for it!
Chicken joke: Why did the chicken cross the road? To prove to the possum that it really could be done!
I get pretty much the usual spam about loans and vapor smoking and buying cheap property and moving to Belize, but the ones that are really funny are the ones for Russian brides and male “enhancers”. I wish I could figure out what sites I clicked on that got me noticed by those people so I could not go there again!
The two things in modern technology that amuse me are personal computers and cell phones. We didn’t have them, then we did but they were so but we needed backpacks to carry them, then they were pocket-sized, and now they are both in the same tiny case. All this, and I still don’t have my personal jet pack!
Thanks, Jean dear. Yeah, I’m always “asking for it”, aren’t I? 😉
And, trust me, those danged personal jet packs will be dangerous. Do like me and hold out for a flying car.
Ruth Anne in Winter Park, he is one of my favorites too. At one time I had both of his collections, may buy them again if I can find them at a decent price. From what I found while searching for his comics Jake retired from the Sentinel and now teaches 4th grade there in Lake County.
Trapper Jean, that is what the Ghostery program does for you. It shows what cookies the sites are putting on you and lets you block them more effectively than the built-in blocker on Explorer. Once you get rid of these electronic ticks, you don’t get nearly as much of that junk.
Jean dear: Or in your case, I suppose, a flying SUV.
This is a neat story about improving technology and what a young mind can accomplish: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20150120/us–braille_printer-29d9291453.html