A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Arluddite II

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Here’s the next installment of Arlo’s technology rant. I’m staging my own mini-protest against digital tyranny by cutting short today’s commentary in favor of a hands-on project involving wood and sharp blades. Don’t take it personally! I did update the page, and those ideas about a new Web page that I discussed months ago are still percolating in the old noggin. Those are the speeds of the creative mind: slow and stop—my creative mind anyway. One of the phrases I hear most often are, “I didn’t think you’d ever really get around to doing it!” How about that? The commentary ended up not being so short after all.

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41 responses to “Arluddite II”

  1. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Permission to quote you on ‘Slow & Stop.’

  2. sandcastler™ Avatar

    For all you Scots who wish to display your national pride. Starting today, you can get an official dot Scot email addy. How cool is that?

    Dot Scot: New web domain name starts http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-28300195

  3. Steve from Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    Well the second installment explains the first installment!

    Be careful with those blades Jimmy.

    Weather here today in Michigan is officially pleasant.

  4. Mindy Avatar

    Arlo still isn’t naked as Janis said in the last panel yesterday. Is it wishful thinking of her part? Or did the Censors ooze out of the wilderness? Goodbye.

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Scots pride? Isn’t that what a guy in a kilt displays when he isn’t careful sitting down?

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”–Albert Einstein

    So is this the secret of the mind that created “Arlo & Janis”? Yeah, right.

  7. Symply Fargone Avatar

    @sandcastler and Rusty,

    Sorry for the late response, I Symply go to the Fargone website called noisebot.com to find the shirts I wear….the favorite seems to be “So Far This Is The Oldest I’ve Ever Been” enjoy!

    @RuthAnne in Winter Park,

    If you are referring to the black tshirts on our web site, send an email to the info email address on the web site and give us your contact info and we can get you one mailed out(no shipping charge) for $20, I believe they’ll need your size S-XXL….

    @Mindy say Hi to Shelley, Ginger and John for me and the village(-VM) and nice to hear from 1/4-1/3 of you….


    My partner has done a good job of finding acts that pull in 400-1500 folks for a show. Hoping our venue gets enough exposure in the next year to become self sustaining….and of course our demographic shrinks every year 🙁

  8. Lilyblack Avatar

    AFAIK, the “nekkd” part was to emphasize Janis’ servitude to the electronics of today: she feels nekkd without her toys. The look of consternation on her face shoul show how far from her wishes that is. Heh, when we were staying in a little house in Salonika, the only shower was a perforated oil drum in the back yard, which I alone would only use in my swimsuit. The lady in the sweets shop told me the men of the town complained about it. I guess they were wondering whether I am a boy or a girl. 😀

  9. sandcastler™ Avatar

    GR6, I don’t wear kilts, but been known to proudly display on certain beaches.

    Lily, Loon and I enjoyed the outdoor shower at the bungalow we stayed at in Vietnam, it can revitalize one. 😉

  10. Nodak Wayne Avatar
    Nodak Wayne

    Thank you Lily, I finally got Arlo being naked. My experience with Greek booze is Ouzo. You must have tried that!

  11. Lilyblack Avatar

    Yeah. Ouzo tastes like a black gumball has been dropped in it. Not that bad, but not my fave

  12. Redman in the "Big O" Avatar
    Redman in the "Big O"

    Be careful with than hands-on project !

  13. Lilyblack Avatar

    Sandcastler, I just didn’t like getting nekkd out there in front of everybody. Yeah, it was nice, but I don’t think it would have been nicer without my swimsuit

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Would have been for the male townfolk. 😉

  15. Lilyblack Avatar

    The heck with them. There were plenty of others for them to gawk at 😛

  16. Rusty Avatar

    Thanks Symply Fargone!

  17. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Daughter and I bought a couple of outdoor shower kits on close out, heavily marked down, to install for October boating gathering. She wants to install them out on the new rock walk so they will run into creek and put them in separate bathroom tents we own for privacy. Unless we hook up the hot water aspect of those showers they will only have cold water showers.

    Uummnh, perforated holes in a large steel drum for a shower? That sounds like an easily obtained Okie shower kit and cheaper than what we bought! How do they work? You turn them upside down and invert when you want hot water to come out?

    Boaters use a spray shower that comes out of a black plastic sprayer like you use to poison weeds with. Water heats while it hangs on boat somewhere in sun.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  18. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Rusty, diesel in bottom of bilge doesn’t sound good at all. I had a friend and his daughters get blown out of boat when it exploded in Kemah channel from a bilge full of gas/diesel. They weren’t killed but the boat was a loss.

    Get that looked after! Maybe just a bad hose?

    You guys forgot the classic, Ford, Fix or repair daily. (Which isn’t true, my Ford Truck is now 14 years old and doing just fine)

    Love, Jackie Monies

  19. sandcastler™ Avatar

    In Vietnam we used 500 gallon fuel bladders on a rack with pipe and facets for a shower. Water was solar heated. During monsoon season you could just strip, lather, and rinse.

  20. Village Loon Avatar
    Village Loon

    Guilty 😀

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Jimmy, normally I don’t worry too much about people doing hand projects with sharp tools, as most of my friends do. I make the exception for certain people, like surgeons, veterinarians and special skilled people who use their hands.

    Cartoonists and artists and musicians fall in that category of “Be careful with those tools and don’t cut your fingers off, boy!”

    Love, Jackie Monies

  22. Lilyblack Avatar

    Dull knives are *much* more dangerous than sharp ones. Thy are more likely to slip and go deeper when they do cause you are pressing harder on them to do the same work.

    Jackie, this drum was welded onto a four-legged stand. You pulled water out of a well and then tipped the bucket into the barrel. There was a little ladder to get up onto to tip the bucket, another reason to wear your swimsuit. We tried wrapping some canvas around the four legs but there was little to hold them on, simpler just to shower in your swimsuit and stick it in the laundry hamper afterwards for the maid to wash and hang dry. It wasn’t like we had a lot of dirt to wash off, just the salt from the sea.

  23. Blinky the Wonder Wombat Avatar
    Blinky the Wonder Wombat

    Speaking of Scots pride:
    A Scotsman clad in kilt
    Left a bar one evening fair
    And one could tell by how he walked
    He’d drunk more than his share
    He stumbled on until
    He could no longer keep his feet
    Then staggered off into the grass
    To sleep beside the street.

    A pair of young and lovely girls
    Just happened to come by
    And one said to the other,
    With a twinkle in her eye:
    “You see yon sleeping Scotsman,
    So strong and handsome built..
    I wonder if it’s true
    What they don’t wear beneath the kilt?”

    They crept upon the sleeping Scotsman,
    Quiet as could be,
    And lifted up his kilt above the waist,
    So they could see…
    And there, behold, for them to view,
    Beneath his Scottish skirt
    T’was nothing but
    What God has graced him with upon his birth!

    They marveled for a moment,
    Then one said: “We’d best be gone.
    But let’s leave a present for our friend
    Before we move along!”
    So as a gift, they left a blue silk ribbon,
    Tied into a bow,
    Around the Bonnie Star
    The Scottish kilt did lift and show!

    The Scotsman woke to Nature’s Call,
    And stumbled towards a tree
    Behind the bush, he lifts his kilt,
    And gawks at what he sees!
    Then, in a startled voice he says
    To what’s before his eyes:
    “I ken not where y’been, m’lad,
    But I see y’won First Prize!”

  24. NK in AZ Avatar
    NK in AZ

    Blinky the WW: BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

  25. Symply Fargone Avatar

    @Blinky the Wonder Wombat,

    I have heard that sung somewhere…bet if I look well wait a sec….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-T85oNsyRc

    There you go, Symply googled it!


    Enjoy, they have some good ones; another fave. “What I Really Need Are Minions”

    Fargone nekkid in the water? Been there, still do that, same thing for outdoor showers, prefer not being watched, but hey you need a shower you take a shower…