A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

At Your Service

By Jimmy Johnson

Summer continues, but here is an old A&J from 2009. At least the door is open, and the lights are on.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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162 responses to “At Your Service”

  1. Ghost Avatar

    Waking Arlo up at the romantic parts would keep him up much longer than a bathroom escort. At least, I would certainly hope so.

    I have been awakened in the middle of the night for quite a few things, but never to accompany someone to the bathroom.

  2. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Old Bear, my ex and I trained our dog to ring a bell hung on the door when she needed to go out. Made it a lot easier to know when to take her out.

  3. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Mark: When you said “for something completely different”, I expected “confuse a cat”. Guess I’ll have to go look for it.

  4. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Gerry has a button for the cat to push.

    Ours verbally and non-verbally make their wishes known
    whether it is go out or time for treats.

    They prefer eating out of the dry food bin rather than their own
    dish. Each is available all the time.

    They are spoiled worse than if they were grandkids

  5. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Where is everybody today?

  6. TruckerRon Avatar


    I’m not used to this sort of quiet. It’s happening at my ICD support group, too. Maybe it’s the summer heat?

  7. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Notice how small was the rear ends [hams?] of that hog? The article clearly refers to its 6-inch tushes!!

    Whenever I see the damage wild hogs do in any place to which they have access, I wonder if they could somehow be harvested as free meat for those in need. It would require hunters – which could include some of those beneficiaries – some inspectors to make sure the animals were fit to eat, and persons with butchering skills. There is no doubt the landowners would applaud such a program.

  8. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    “were” in first sentence; I changed to a plural and didn’t change the verb.

  9. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    cx-p: Feral hogs are a big problem in many areas. The free meat idea couldn’t hurt, but there are many complications (demonstrated in some programs to get rid of them at local landfills and even Kennedy Space Center) – they’re both sneaky and dangerously mean, they breed faster than you can kill them, and then there’s this http://articles.extension.org/pages/65499/brucellosis-in-feral-hogs

  10. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    RA/WP: Yes, I well remember – while I lived in Melbourne 40+ years ago – that hogs were being seen. In fact, studying wild hogs was one of the topics for biology graduate students there. At the end of one study, the people involved roasted one and held a party. I ate only a smidgen – it was still pink and I feared brucellosis and who knows what other diseases. As far as I know, no one got ill, so I guess that one was OK. Maybe the perpetrators chickened out and bought a commercial pig!
    The other major topic for bio grad students seemed to be mosquito fish, gambusia affinis [if memory serves]. I read a number of theses about them. Wild pigs HAD to be more interesting….


    Here is the link k to Laws of Files blog which is very funny account of Laws of and a Texas state trooper both shooting a wild boar and the resulting hilarity. Read it.



    Ghost and I are thinking of going to ACA convention in Amarillo, TX on August 5-6 if we can arrange our schedules. Lawdog had a book out now and we’d like to meet him.

    There is another writer there we are interested in named J.L. Curtis who blogs as Old NFO. author of about four modern western novels a d a couple science fiction novels.

  13. Debbe Avatar

    Prayers for John McCain and his family………Amen

    …God bless America

  14. Llee Avatar

    Prayers and good vibes, please? Robert (younger brother) crashed while crop-dusting today. Outlook at moment sounds good, but a long road ahead. MRIs and etc. yet to determine all. Thanks.


    Llee, Ghost and I are very alarmed and hope for good reports when test results are in. Please let us know what happened and where he was flying? Whatever you know. Is it on news?

    So sorry. We will call you tomorrow.

  16. TruckerRon Avatar

    My mom and Ted Kennedy both died from that nasty form of cancer. I wish the McCains more luck with it than they had.

  17. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Sorry to hear that Llee, will be praying for him.

    Jackie: http://www.capegazette.com/article/crop-duster-crashes-near-sandtown/138031


    Note to Debbie, Ghost says we will see your French Lick and raise you Toad Suck, Arkansas.

    We just drove by exit.

  19. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Prayers Llee

  20. TruckerRon Avatar

    Well, don’t forget Bucksnort in Tennessee and Sugartit in Kentucky. I wonder if WordPress will censor that one?

  21. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Prayers and good wishes for those needing them, either as victims or as kin/friends thereof. Last October I lost a good friend to a glioblastoma and lost a cousin in September 2015 to the same disease.