A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Backs to the Future

By Jimmy Johnson

This one is from 20 years ago this month. Remember where you heard it first. Often, when I’m addressing a group, I am asked if I ever get political in the strip. My immediate reaction is, “Well, don’t you read the strip?” But I don’t say that out loud. What I say is, I don’t produce overtly political material, but I do a lot of “social commentary.” I believe that if I take sides politically, 40 to 50 percent of readers will be angry whether my stance is justified or not. However, if I comment on underlying problems we all face in society, I find that almost 100 percent of readers agree.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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142 responses to “Backs to the Future”

  1.  Avatar

    Friday the 13 was always a lucky day, no matter what day it falbs on.

    Debbe, I am worried about you. You have an over whelming load of chicken poop to deall with. Don’t make me have to come kidnap you and a few chickens. I am thinking I am going to create a temporary chicken yard by covering top of my very large mobile dog yard with mess and landscape fabric and put mobile dog house inside for shelter until we get permanent chicken house built.

    My feed store has some teenage chickens that need a home.

  2. emb Avatar

    M. house sparrow outside the apt. downstairs;



  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Gal, I love hugs, too. (In fact, I’m a past master at The Huggin’ ‘n’ Kissin’ Game.) But that one Arlo is giving Janis…I’m just sayin’. 🙂

  4.  Avatar

    I love hugging and kissing both sexes, I am from the South, but my late husband and two daughters cannot stand being touched, hugged or kissed. Is that a psychological or genetic thing? They don’t hug or kiss either. Strange.

    When I went to Port Townsend, WA last summer I told my editor I was hugging and kissing bearded men. He said I’d come to the right place. Sailors love to hug usually, even each other.

    I hug people who don’t like it out of pure hope they will lighten up.

  5. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Evan, you are right about Darth Maul, and that video is very good! Thanks for the link!

    Yes, Ghost Sweetie, Harrison did do well in his last foray out as Han Solo.

    Jerry, Amish Lite?

    If you want chicken houses come up and cruise around my part of North Georgia. Gainesville was once known (and still may be) as the Chicken Capitol of the South, and there is no shortage of chicken houses. I will say, though, that most of them have been empty for years and are in danger of falling down, but there are a lot of them. 😉

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    To give the Trekkies equal time (and/or ridicule)…


  7. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Lots of chicken houses in my neck of the woods, too, most still going strong, at least judging by the smell when you pass them on a rural road. Grown not for egg production but as future starring roles as KFC fried chicken; Cracker Barrel chicken and dumplings; Chicken McNuggets; and Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.

    Some years ago, I heard there was a nascent industry of converting out-of-production chicken houses into hot houses to grow tomatoes for the holiday markets. I don’t know how that worked out, but I don’t ever remember seeing locally-grown, vine-ripened tomatoes available at Christmas time.

  8. Ray Avatar

    Usually everybody agrees on what the problems are, just not where the blame lies or what the best way to fix it is.

  9. TruckerRon Avatar

    Ray, in my experience people often disagree on what the problems are. We humans are so ornery that when a girl shoots her attacker there are those who proclaim the attacker the victim and demand that the girl be punished!

  10. TruckerRon Avatar

    Good news! My married daughter who got her diploma last month was just offered (and did accept!) a position with a charter school. She’ll be teaching 6th grade math.

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Wow, Trucker. You mean she’ll be teaching in a school where most of the student are actually there to learn?

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Don’t know anything about the Book of Faces “trending” flap, which is not surprising because I know very little about the Book of Faces itself. Was surprised to find that Book of Faces has apparently become a news media giant, but perhaps shouldn’t be seeing how many people once admitted that a Comedy Central cable show was their primary source of “news”. Will probably not be surprised in a few years if one gets the same puzzled look from many people when mentioning “Facebook” that one does now by saying “MySpace”.

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Do know that “Trending” topics on Yahoo! home page, which I unfortunately have to access to get to one of my primary email accounts, seems to be in large part nothing but click bait. Not surprised at that either, seeing that many of Yahoo!’s “news” items are “sponsored”, which I believe is what we used to call a “paid commercial announcement”.

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    OMG. I just read that Verizon is considering buying and bailing out Yahoo!, which is sinking. (No surprise there…about the sinking.) So now my phone service is probably doomed, too, when the latter drags the former underwater with it. (Some of that “high tech” stuff in action, I suppose.)

    Happy You-Could-Fire-A-Canon-Through-The-Admin-Offices-Without-Hitting-A-Vice-President Day, everyone.

  15. TruckerRon Avatar

    GR, I hadn’t heard of that holiday.

    Also, my daughter’s excited by the charter school. This one has grown and expanded over the years–they are opening a 2nd elementary school in the neighboring school district this fall, and have also established a middle school and a high school over the last few years. Nothing succeeds like success, they say!

  16. emb Avatar

    Good wide angle view now of [search]: Decorah-eagles-north-nest

    That deep, must be a decade old, no? Peace,

  17. emb Avatar

    Ghost: Does that include the Apocrypha? Peace,

  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    YCFACTTAOWHAVP Day seems to begin every Friday at noon where I work.

    There is much in this world that is apocryphal.

  19. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Yes, things can get a little weird in my home state, but usually it’s the humans … http://www.wesh.com/news/turtle-goes-airborne-crashes-through-windshield-on-i4/39532102

  20. domaucan1 Avatar

    Is it THAT early? God bless us every one.

  21. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Wouldn’t you know it…
    Brain cells come & brain cells go but FAT cells live forever.

  22. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Ghost Sweetie, you mean there’s actually real chicken in McNuggets? Who’d-a thunk!

    Trucker, congratulations to your daughter!

  23.  Avatar

    Mark is somewhere between Tulsa and Birmingham and I hope his mama’s cats are not hitch hiking back to Alabama. My sweet veterinary did NOT ask me where I stole this load from. I have to go buy a wedding gift for his surgery assistant who has operated on rescues for me for twenty years. She finally married her partner.

    If he cares to, Mark can tell y’all what I am really like. What you see here is real, for better or worse. I contributed to his delinquency by introducing him to cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory, oriental at PF Changs, French toast made with brioche and fresh raspberries, pulled pork at Okie’s best barbecue, a live theatrical performance and art and gardens at the Gilcrease.. All in one day.

    Have to get my Thomas Moran framed today. Unfortunately I don’t have a wall large enough for the original. In fact, not sure I have a wall as BIG as the original.

  24. Sideburns Avatar

    I’m spending the weekend at Whedonopolis, a convention for fans of Josh Whedon, such as Firefly, Buffy and Angel. Gully, my cat, is having an all expenses paid vacation at The Cat Dr. (Literally; that’s the name of the vet’s office.) Somehow, I doubt that he’s appreciating the experience. As I want to know right away if the vet needs to call me, I’ve put the number into my cell phone with the sound of a cat’s meow as the ringtone. One hopes I’ll not actually hear it.