I’m going to start a little beach series from 2007 that I think is pretty good. Otherwise, we’re going to pretend this week never was. All that stuff I talked up last week? It’s still going to happen: next week. Things simply are taking a bit longer than I’d anticipated, and circumstances haven’t been kind, either. As usual, I’m doing most of this personally, and I am prone to being overly optimistic in the early going. However, I am working to make the coming Kickstarter campaign fun and productive. Just give me a few more days, and enjoy the beach.

Beach Erosion
By Jimmy Johnson
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65 responses to “Beach Erosion”
Sweet Charlotte, interesting that you mentioned the ice harvest. I believe I’ve told this before, about the last time my two grandmothers were together. Some years ago, while they were visiting my parents, I took them to see an antebellum mansion that was undergoing restoration. The owner pointed out a sunken area in the ground behind the house and explained it was the remains of an ice cellar that had held large blocks of ice, packed in sawdust and shipped to the Deep South from the Great Lakes, at, I’m sure, no small expense.
I’d never thought about ice being a cash crop.
I’m a little surprised no one has posted the ice cutter’s song from Frozen yet:
Debbe 😉 I’d sure hate to lose you…
emb, looks more like Sotheby’s.
On the page you linked, click artworks next to the artist’s name. It’s in blue above the photo. There are around 500 more works by him there. Some are very interesting landscapes, and there are more of the series combining nude photos with other objects.
Goodbye Ralph.
Comme c’est étrange. I was just listening to this.
Gee, it’s great to learn so many new things. I didn’t suspect that your Southern ice houses were places that made ice. Or that they stored ice that was shipped from Up North — but they would have needed a place to keep it, of course, so that figures. Thanks to Ghost and to Mark, and to emb.
Dear Debbe, troubles keep coming your way and won’t leave — but you stay cheerful and joke about it. Bless you and all the Miss Prissies. That heat better go away.
Had a wonderful afternoon and night visiting Lora and laughing g. Laughing and smiling is one of the most wonderful things to do together. We have so much in common, love of orchids, flowers, birds, music, collect some of the same types of things. Love old small towns and old houses, cottage styles, vegetables, food choices, art, pottery. It was so much fun just getting to know her in real time.
Made me want to meet more of you in person. You all are probably even better in color and 3 D.
First thing I did was stop and visit the Boots Motel. Got to meet the remarkable man doing the restoration of the Route 66 property and see the room Clark Gable slept in. Better than George Washington. He stayed there twice and the second room is dog friendly. It is so authentic, all beds are double, furniture is period, chenille spreads, no TV but a period radio. Carports alongside.
How did we sleep in those small beds and they are so short!
Jackie, I’m glad to see you and Llee in such fine fettle. Nice that you are having a good time.
Have figured out how to get the Adventure Dog up to my cardiologists office on 8th floor tomorrow. Too big for handbag but he will fit in shopping bag from Tractor Supply.
Right now Adventure Dog is asleep on my pajamas. He really liked Llee. He loves all my friends until you load him back into truck when he goes bipolar and turns into Cujo. He thinks he has to guard it. But I noticed him guarding Llees house from invasion by people outside window.
That is 80th floor, not 8. It’s a long elevator ride but fast.
Welcome hbslots
GM Debbe
A lg = .49 (not bad if you are getting .67 – or is that for cracks)
A med = .34
A sm = .10
B & C =.16
A lg =.49 328 doz
A med = .38 19 doz
B & C =.12 34 & 70 doz
loss 40 doz
A lg = .34
A med .26
B = .14
C = .12
$120.00 for half week – out of that came electricity. feed. interest (16%), Mortgauge
bird cost (tell that tomorrow) and everything else
We had a dog like that – Not a barker, mild as long as family was around.
But don’t invade her space if family was not around.
Good morning Villagers…
My dear Miss Charlotte, thank you for your kind words…..I learned a long time ago to get right back up after getting knocked down….one has to be ready for the next ’round’.
When I left hen house at 1ish, it was 91 degrees. My mortality rate is slowly going up due to the heat. Even my Golden Boy is showing the stress of the heat. Some relief is coming in on Tuesday….Amen.
Old Bear…..our eggs are not grade A….they go straight to the ‘crack’ room (I could make ‘crack’ jokes here but I’d get thrown in moderation.) They use the eggs in Sarah Lee and such products…..gee, I wonder what company the consumer will be from for that upcoming inspection…..I’ve even seen a Milky Way eighteen wheeler coming from the direction of Dubois where the Corp is at.
OK, I give, why do they pack blocks of ice in sawdust??
gotta go, another round of clothes in dryer….only run dryer early in morning.
….and it’s PAYDAY
GR 😉 as long as we have this…..
Old Bear
Thanks for noticing I had signed in!
Debbe, insulation before they had created all the modern types. And they had plenty of it, since most structures were made of wood. Have a pleasant day, and stay cool as you can.
Ghost, your kind of woman? http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2016/06/this_alabama_bikini-wearing_ca.html#incart_river_home_pop
Cute. Hannah could noodle…well, never mind.
Jackie, your comment about the small, short beds reminded me of this from, I believe, Johnny Carson: “Remember when ‘safe sex’ meant being careful not to bump your head into the headboard?”
When my Dad was in high school in Gainesville Ga (once the chicken capitol of the South!) in the late ’30s he worked for an ice company. He rode on the delivery truck and would bring the blocks of ice into houses and stores and put them into the ice boxes so people could store their perishable foods. When he graduated from high school he quit that job and began a 20 year career in the Army.
Ok, it hasn’t been that long since I slept in a full size bed with a man but said man was only about six inches or less taller than me. I looked at that bed with the pristine white chenille spread sitting out in open on wood floors and tried to visualize Clark Gable.
Didn’t work. All I could visualize was someone way over six feet and wondering if they’d have to sleep diagonally on the mattress or hang their feet and legs off the end.
And it would definitely be cozy. Even Dickens and I sleep in king size beds.
On ice boxes, my daughter in Quincy, IL lives in one of most historic homes in town. Mostly as built long ago. But previous owners before her removed the ice door off back porch where the blocks of ice were placed for the servants to take into kitchen or house for cooling. She regrets this loss.
House still has servants bells, speaking tubes, dumb waiters, butlers warming stations, warming stations for cook in kitchen that still work.
Some of you might enjoy her home. It isn’t on tour, just lives in it.
Jackie, for me it sounds like a nice motel to visit, but I couldn’t stay there. There would be too much of me hanging over the edge for comfort, and not enough length for diagonal position.
Which brings up question, how tall was Clark Gable? He stayed there twice during his days as a super star.