That’s how radar was invented, you know! It’s been an eventful week, starting with the book close-out and then the hurricane. In case you wondered, I sat just outside the northern edge of Michael’s “cone of probability.” I watched from my front porch Wednesday night as a steady rain was whipped by near tropical storm-force winds. We didn’t lose power or experience anything worse than a messy yard the next day. We are beginning to learn that many inland towns in northern Florida and southwest Georgia experienced much wind-related damage, not unlike tornado destruction, but we haven’t heard much about that yet.

Bogey at Six O’Clock!
By Jimmy Johnson
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70 responses to “Bogey at Six O’Clock!”
About what ya’ll said about Debbe. Things were not going well for her or her family, sadly. Ghost and I have not heard from her in awhile. She was quite ill.
I’m sorry to hear that. I will say this and then drop the subject for now. My hometown looks like Hiroshima after the bomb. Things that we take for granted no longer exists, you have no bathroom or toilet paper and no one will bring in portables because they can’t get in, no mail delivery and your mailbox blew away anyway, no high school football because you don’t know where the players are and you have no place to play so the season is over, will there even be any school again this year, all computer records are lost because the computers blew away, where you used to work is now a concrete slab and no one knows where your boss is so you don’t know if you will ever get another paycheck from your old job. My financial advisor (what they used to call a stock broker) had an office four blocks from the bay and his headquarters hasn’t heard from him. I’ve heard that he was in his office until at least noon Tuesday. The mall is across the street from where those trains were on their side on Hwy 231 or it used to be. Their main tenants were Sears and Penneys so I doubt that the mall will reopen. When the storm was coming north straight towards us I took the furniture off the front porch. If it had not turned I would not have a front porch most likely. My feeling at the moment is if there is a chance that we may get any category of storm in the future we will evacuate. I used to have a couple of “grab and go” boxes prepared but I don’t even know for sure where they are right now. That will change. Yesterday I dropped something on the trunk of my convertible and put some scratches on it. Ordinarily that would have brought out several loud comments. This time I thought “Well, I should have been more careful” and “that can be easily fixed”. This type of thing can change your ideas about what is important. I’ve left politics out of this but I will end with this-climate change deniers beware. Otherwise, now is a good time to buy some beach property in Mexico Beach.
Jerry you are right. I agree. It is all relative.
I wish I had good news for you about Debbe. Ghost says we will try to reach her if she is still there. She had no cell phone or computer. I tried to explain about disposable phones and cheap tablets and free wifi she could use.
Kenya, Egyptian goose,
I have a hat like that (funny what living in Oklahoma a year or so will do to one), but i don’t put it on to go to the door to see what the stagecoach has left.
Mr. Jimmy,
Y’all put a sharp, humorous, pencil to this thing we call living. Your Sunday sketch is a primo example.
Re “have a hat like that,” search “Holloway where did get hat.” Below: Kenya, this may be Behemoth of the Hebrew Bible, at rest. The active birds are oxpeckers.
Apropos of nothing, our son just installed a DoD disc on our old computer to write over everything on it, thus making it safer to dispose of commercially. From what he said, this seems a very good method, but what do I know? [About computers, not much at all.]
When that gets done in another 5+ hours, we have to figure out how to do the previous laptop, too – since its power cord seems to have sublimed.
Anyone else have any experience with DoD write over discs?
Esteemed colleague: Bet your use of “sublimed” puzzled some Villagers. When chemists say a substance is subliming, they mean it is going directly from a solid to gaseous state without first passing through a liquid phase. It happens to lots of substances, albeit often slowly. It happens to water over shorter periods; e.g., to snow and ice when temps are not far below 0 C. It is most easily seen when “dry ice” [solid CO2] vaporizes.
Defining “solid” and “liquid” become difficult when dealing with various complex stuff, especially organic compounds. Many of you also know, of course, that glass is a liquid. The centuries old panes of Medieval windows are now thicker at the bottom.
There’s lots more to it, but this “skin-out” zoologist is close to over his head now.
P.S. It happens to power cords very slowly. God knows where that cord is, literally. There’s emb, sneaking in theology. Tsk, tsk.
I thought it might be more interesting to say it sublimed than to state prosaically that it seemed to vanish into thin air.
emb — This article states glass isn’t a liquid at room temperature and that the glass in the cathedrals was installed that way:
“Sublimed”? Yeah, I got it.
Thanks, 11th grade chemistry class!
Yes, Arlo, Janis may technically be just as accessible in her heavy flannel PJs as in her little black nightie. However…
Trucker: Article sounds reasonable to me, but I’m no authority. Hope it’s accurate.
Ghost: Right on. Elaine once had a Sears[?] “dormitory shirt”, which I said I liked because it unbuttoned in the front. She didn’t seem to mind. It also was just long enough that it had no accompanying panties.
To the inevitable, “Is that all you men think about?”: No! We also think about food. It’s lutefisk season but retired pastor son, who w/ his wife has moved back to Bemidji, is so allergic to fish that he has trouble in a space laden w/ l’fisk vapor. And lots of folks, even some Lutherans, cannot abide the stuff. Yesterday, Solway LC, some 10+ mo. W., had a meatball dinner, no fish, free will offering. Lovely. And now it’s time for my 2nd cup of tea and the last piece of other daughter-in-law’s pound cake, left over from Labor Day family reunion. It refrigerates well.
10+ mi.
Oh the humanity – no Lutefisk at a Lutefisk Supper.
Have traveled over hr to go to Lutefisk Supper.
glass from end of 1800 ‘s and early 1900 ‘s is measurably thicker at bottom
and if glass was made that way it would be random in its placement.
(some top some sides in window )
Glass: y’all need remember that glass is not a single chemical entity; it is never pure because it is a mixture. As with all mixtures, the composition is variable. With variance not only in identity of components but also amounts thereof, different samples are bound to show different properties including differences in gravitationally-induced flowage.
Glass flow is slower than the urban legend would have you think. From that article–
[1] Edgar Dutra Zanotto is a Brazilian materials engineer from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Federal University of Sao Carlos) (UFSCar) in Brazil. He currently teaches glass related subjects in that University for both graduation and post-graduation as he is the head of LaMaV, the Vitreous Materials Laboratory. In May 1998, Zanotto wrote an article in the American Journal of Physics relating to the false notion that observations of thick glass in old windows translated to the fact that glass is a liquid. Zanotto sought to calculate the flow of glass and found that at 414 Celsius (777 °F) the glass would move a visible amount in 800 years, yet at room temperature he found that it would take glass 10,000 trillion times the age of the earth.
that’s a lot of zeros
The most likely reason that old windows are thicker at the bottom than at the top is that the glaziers installed them that way because the thick end is stronger than the thin one and less likely to break.
But old timey glaziers are uneducated, lower class workers. They cannot possibly understand through trial and error, and a reluctance to do work a second time, such complex subjects that elude the thoughts of their betters. They must wait for more knowledgeable robe wearers to tell them why the world works exactly the way they already observe. end sarcasm
Vapor is liquid droplets in suspension within the gas called air, making it visible. Steam is the gaseous state of water and is dangerously invisible until condensed into droplets. But these are synonymous in every day use and should only be corrected when the writer is trying to correct others.
Not only does “glass” include a wide variety of chemical recipes, its use in s-g windows varies. Seldom does a window contain only patterns where it would not matter how the thinking or unthinking workman could place a piece in any of two or more orientations: e.g., a checkerboard or a pattern of equilateral triangles or hexagons. Often at least part of a s-g window includes some irregular pieces that help to make a better picture of an event or supposed event, maybe even one that has become required dogma / an ex-cathedra papal proclamation. For comments on such, consult W.S. Gilbert’s songs and statements of Don Alhambra del Bolero, the Grand Inquisitor, in G&S’s “The Gondoliers.”
Perhaps the jury on glass’s liquidity is still out.
Pax vobiscum.
At any given time at least 2 someones can be found to voice contrary views on anything.
In the age of the computer and social media even more so.
I’ve seen the thick bottom of a glazier as it begins to melt and breaks off but you can’t get too close or the wave will get you. That’s part of the climate change I mentioned but then you knew that.