A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Bosom Buddies

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I have never been comfortable talking about my work. There was a time I simply refused to do it. I felt as if it were my job to put the work out there, and it would have to speak for itself. Then, along came the internet and the Web and email and forums and blogs and Facebook and on and on. I found myself almost obligated to interact at least a little bit. And you know what? It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. I sometimes even enjoy bloviating about my comic strip, although I still believe, ultimately, it must speak for itself. I say all this, because Arlo and Janis have a new neighbor this week, Robin. Any new character in Arlo & Janis is big news, believe me. That is, I hope she’ll be a new character. One never really knows about these things, and I’m not yanking your chain when I tell you, not even I know for sure whether Robin has legs. I hope she does. I’m badly in need of new foils.

There were a lot of comments yesterday, when she first appeared, about her physical similarity to Janis. She was supposed to have silvery hair, as above, but my instructions to the colorist were lost. It probably was my fault. Silver hair would have gone a long way toward eliminating any confusion. Already, by her second appearance today, she is taking on a more distinctive and permanent look. Many cartoonists when pondering a new character will spend months filling sketch books with studies and prototypes before introducing a winner. Not me! You get to see it happen at Arlo & Janis!

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154 responses to “Bosom Buddies”

  1. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Ghost, I remember that. We thought that we would never get him to take off again. He got off the ground just before the end of the runway.

  2. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    When I was at Fort Dix we had a guard on each floor with a baseball bat to
    keep the mosquitoes from carrying anyone off in the night.

  3. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Before I go
    Prayers for David

  4. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    Mark, cute video…also it’s nice that your ex shares the exploits of your pets with you. Is Vickie the name of the dog?

    Good one GR 😉 “get augered” is right, I’ll be using that instead of the other expletive 🙂

    Wind chills today and tonight could get down to 34 below……mother nature is not being very kind to all of us. Forecast….minus 11 tonight…..

    Miss Charlotte…you still with us?

    Thank you Llee…..you be safe too.

    AND WHERE is Indy Mindy?????

    And to top it all off….I think I have a muffler problem…..Ian just though he had to do donuts in the parking lot at work the day before…..but, it’s an ’02 Izuzu Rodeo Sport, so it’s about time. She’s been a great vehicle and not much work has had to be done one her. Just the regular maintenance. She’s my first 4 wheel drive, and she has come in handy.

    Stay warm and safe ya’ll

    Hope we hear from David soon.

  5. Granny Carol Avatar
    Granny Carol

    Debbe, that little paw print made me laugh out loud – thanks! I can also vouch for huge mosquitoes and pesky no-see’ums in Alaska, my husband’s home state. Many years ago we traveled down the Alcan and stopped for the night at a KOA just inside Washington state. All was well until the attack of the mosquitoes. We were awakened and found the whole side of our pickup truck literally black with mosquitoes. I don’t know why they were so attracted to that particular place, but we immediately packed up and left!

  6. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I had an uncle that had a Rodeo Sport or was he in the rodeo? Well anyway he was a sport and drove something with four wheels.

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Debbe, yes, Vickie is her (the dog’s) name. She really gets a kick out of chasing tennis balls. We found that throwing gadget at a pet store. It’s great for lobbing the balls without wearing out your arm.

  8. Denise in Michigan Avatar
    Denise in Michigan

    Sideburns, everyone needs a K-9 and an R2D2. I have both on my desk (along with Tom Baker, “my” Doctor, in full regalia).

    Debbe, that auger is cursed in more ways than one.

    Jimmy, if Robin stays, she can always have a discussion with Janis about letting her hair go to it’s natural silver, then act upon it.

    Jackie, Great Lakes mosquitoes and black flies are why there is DEET.

    Keep warm, everyone. Those of us who are freezing today will be cursing mosquitoes and muggy days in four and a half months.

  9. Steve from Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    I have been either sending Jimmy emails or on this blog for well over 10 years.(maybe 15) I discovered A&J in the early 1990’s and often had to stop and think about the gag or even look a word or two up in the dictionary. I like to read books, articles and comic strips that make me think.

    Jimmy is right, that at first he often would not respond much about the meaning of the strip and depended upon the reader to come up with it In some ways, it reminded me of parables, which give the reader/listener an active role in understanding the meaning, which helps them “learn” the meaning better.

    And sometimes it is about a cat being a cat or Arlo and Janis being “off the wall” The gag is so obvious, we feel like he is looking in our windows… I LOVE it!

  10. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Jackie: You might want to contact http://ww2.fsu.edu/ regarding your dad’s World War II things. Even if they’re not the sort of things they accept, they might have a good suggestion about who else might want them.

  11. emeritus mn. biologist Avatar
    emeritus mn. biologist

    Old Bear: “Hear it is going to be almost freezing down your way. Wind Chill advisory here, tonight & tomorrow minus 35 expected. emb even more.”

    Right: expected high today -2F, low tonight -24. Wind chills worse. May warm up next several days, but no thaws in sight. We may have seen more thaws in Jan. than we will in Feb. Weather happens. Mosquitoes in summer. Peace, emb

  12. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar


    Contact Nell Colloway at the Chennault museum. Your step-dads collection would be a fitting addition.

  13. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Robin still has brown hair on Yahoo comics page, about same color as Janis. So, either colorists did a whole lot of them at once or they missed the memo.

    Strangest thing- dogs had been howling like mad at about daylight, which woke me up. Went back to bed and fell asleep (about an hour ago) Woke up again to the sound of a man’s voice which sounded like someone leaving a message on an answering machine (don’t have one anymore) Got up to see if it was a message on computer ? Cell phone ? Television ? A weather alert ? Someone at door ? Nada.

    Really peculiar. My ghost has never had a voice that I know of. Sound seemed to originate in office here. Dogs were neither barking nor howling at all.

    Good morning all. This may have me up with little sleep!

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Drive past the museum all the time when I am home, Sand, so that is strange I did not think of them? I knew they had asked about the Ace in the Hole stuff I had but it just didn’t seem a fit to me there. A Louisiana acquaintance/friend had told them about it I think.

    Whoa, I just woke up and know why it probably didn’t occur to me at all because last time I was trying to figure out what to do with stuff my mother was still alive. Actually it would be a good fit no doubt and I have to go there soon, like in next week or so.

    Yes, the Flying Tigers are even mentioned in his “memoir” I think as who flew them in and out of China and mom talked about how they burned their “base” they were operating out of just as plane took off lifting them out of a remote “airstrip” which I took to be a dirt road?

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Drive past the museum all the time when I am home, Sand, so that is strange I did not think of them? I knew they had asked about the Ace in the Hole stuff I had but it just didn’t seem a fit to me there. A Louisiana acquaintance/friend had told them about it I think.

    Whoa, I just woke up and know why it probably didn’t occur to me at all because last time I was trying to figure out what to do with stuff my mother was still alive. Actually it would be a good fit no doubt and I have to go there soon, like in next week or so.

    Yes, the Flying Tigers are even mentioned in his “memoir” I think as who flew them in and out of China and mom talked about how they burned their “base” they were operating out of just as plane took off lifting them out of a remote “airstrip” which I took to be a dirt road?

  16. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Why did that just happen?

  17. John in Richmond Texas Avatar
    John in Richmond Texas

    your ghost is messing with you everywhere! the worst thing I have happen is walking around an empty house asking myself Did I turn that light on?

  18. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar


    If the light is on, a candy wrapper, or coke can, or cereal bowl is adrift, I have no doubt who, Loon!

  19. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I think you’re lucky, Sand. Hungry cat is staring at me through window. A gray one, one of the younger ones.

  20. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    If one cannot immediately identify which of one’s devices rang, dinged or pinged, one may have too many devices that ring, ding or ping.

    Like me.

  21. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    GR6, can be even more confusing when rings, dings, and pings might not be one of your devices.

  22. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    There is some mysterious device in living room which I have not bothered to try to find that keeps doing all of the above. Since stuff in living room were husband’s entertainment, I haven’t tried.

  23. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Still here. Slowly battling all of the germs, viruses, and general yuck going around. Funny how life works. My pregnant assistant called off Monday, very sick, and on her way to the hospital. The baby is okay, but mom is not so much. She has pneumonia, and they are keeping her until she has the baby. Monday was *supposed* to be my day off, and I was thinking I wasn’t getting on this week. However, twist of events got me today off – which is awesome, because I feel like crap today. Which in turn allowed me to dig through my digital archives, for my cousins, for photos of my aunt’s sister-in-law, who died of a massive heart attack in her home last night.

    Concerning 9CL, when does Juliette do when she finds out the story-teller is also the killer?

  24. Ermine Notyours Avatar
    Ermine Notyours

    One way to get back at the colorist: have Robin leave a beauty salon. Janice remarks, “Your hair used to be brown.” And Robin replies, “Oh, the colorists never get it right.”