I’ve been traveling this week and still am. I apologize for the sporadic updating, but it has been largely unavoidable. You probably want to hear about Boston Comic Con. I met some wonderful readers in Boston. I had so many people come by and say such nice things. However, so many kind words were prefaced the same way: “I used to read you all the time in the newspaper!” Of course, I would point out that I’m still in the newspaper, and they’d say, “Yeah, well, we don’t get a paper anymore.” Aside from being flagrantly reminded how far the scene has shifted from my professional turf, Boston was great. I will talk a lot more about it in days to come. Vermont Comic Con is yet to come!

Boston Is History
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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213 responses to “Boston Is History”
GR 😉 got to remember this…..
I’d read in the comments section where someone said it reminded them of Oreos and Nutella…..I love Nutella….husband bought me a jar the other day…smear on anything 🙂
I WANT those shoes 🙂
…don’t you just want to scratch that belly????
I get the Mackinac Island Town Crier delivered to me weekly during the summer and then they only publish only every few months in the off season. They use summer interns and there is somewhat a competition as many of them are pretty good and then graduate and write for big papers. The highlight of the paper was reading Mrs. Dowd, who wrote into her late eighties until she passed away last Christmas. It turns out that her eyesight had been failing and her daughter, the Mayor, had been writing much of the column for her. So this year we are reading her daughter’s column and it is quite the same. Maybe it’s her picture!
I met Mrs. Dowd a few times when I went there and she often wrote that I had stopped by to visit. She was only a few years younger than my Mom, but my Mom wrote weekly letters until her untimely death in 1984. That was the feel of the column. It was sometimes a bit gossipy but there was always real news interspersed. Both Mrs. Dowd and my Mom would include prayers for those who were sick and praise for good people doing good deeds. If some of you are from a small town, you probably all had a columnist that wrote about stuff like that. I think people tend to miss that today.
Debbe, I own those shoes! I forgot I owned them until you posted the photo. Yes, they are adorable. I need to wear them. Crazy cat lady who buys things and forgets to ever wear them. If they don’t fit, what size are your feet?
Years ago I read the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, because it was the only paper there was. Then I got tired of the slant their “news” coverage took, and they dropped many of my favorite comics so I dropped them. By then a small local, the Gwinnett Daily News, had better reporting-and comics-so I subscribed to them. That was when I found Arlo & Janis. 🙂 Then I moved, and the Dahlonega Nugget is a weekly and does not have a comics page. Happily I now have gocomics so I can keep up with A&J and BCN, among others. As for the news, I ignore much of that.
And yes, Ghost Sweetie, Jackie is right-take care of yourself!
Prayers and good thoughts for those that need them!
Debbe: https://www.thehunt.com/the-hunt/Z5GxbU-the-black-cat-shoes—–
I own the black cat shoes and their soles are pristine.
Mark YOU take care of YOURSELF and stay away from that cigarette smoke. Call about visiting nurse, aide, whatever. I am at appointment.
Re today’s real time strip. I own the mermaid too AND the tee shirt. Go figure?
Ghost: “bean counters making medical decisions” – I’ve known people who have gone through the lengthy process of finding the medication that works right for their condition only to be forced to start over when their employer-provided insurance changed. How is this not “practicing medicine without a license”? (This sort of discussion usually inspires a rant from my husband about insurance being the reason that health care is so expensive.)
I got the call at a little before 2:00 this morning. By the time I got to the hospital, my mother had passed away. I’ll be busy for a few days.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers over the past months. Most of all, thank you for caring.
Our deepest sympathies, Ghost dear.
So sorry Ghost. May God keep you wrapped in his arms during this tough time.
My mother has been gone since 2002, still an empty spot in the heart.
Ghost you did the very best you could. My heart truly goes out to you. I wish I knew where to send flowers, I would you know. I feel as though I knew her because of you.
This is the hardest thing and I know you loved her with every beat of your heart. You would have made her proud of you her entire life and that is something not every mother can have.
God bless you and hold you in his hands.
I’m so sorry, Ghost. Hugs.
So very sorry. It hurts to lose a parent, no matter how long you have had them. This is not mine, but expresses my thoughts for you well:
May you see God’s light on the path ahead
When the road you walk is dark.
May you always hear,
Even in your hour of sorrow,
The gentle singing of the lark.
When times are hard may hardness
Never turn your heart to stone,
May you always remember
when the shadows fall –
You do not walk alone.
I have had an interesting emotional journey since my mother passed on St Patrick’s Day in 2006, 18 months after the doctors went in to remove a “simple glioma” that turned out to be a glioblastoma multiforme, the same thing that took Ted Kennedy. By the time pneumonia took her, I was emotionally exhausted and relieved to have it over. Since then I’ve reconsidered our relationship in light of what I’ve learned these past 7 years as a chaplain in a psychiatric hospital.
The only time as an adult when I felt true affection for her was during that 18 months… in her diminished state, paralyzed on her dominant side, she finally was emotionally open to me and far less critical of me and everyone else on the planet. As she approached the end she actually apologized for many of the more hurtful things she had said and done.
Today, some 10 years after her passing, I’m finally really starting to miss her.
Ghost, I hope your emotional journey runs more smoothly than my own.
Trucker, my husband loved my mother and my aunt who traveled with us after her husband died. Dying of cancer, he made the effort to visit her as she died so she thought he was recovered. He did not love his oen mother and like many others barely tolerated her.
I know her illnesses and death hastened Mike’s own death as we struggled through his mother’s terminal illness. I am certain her death was a relief, her last years were misery and pain. Had we not dealt with that his cancer might have been found but what if is no use to the present.
My happiest years as an adult child may have been caring for my mother. I always knew I would do so but she believed others would. Of course they did not. If you do the best you can as I did then you have peace that their passing was fast and without suffering. If pain and suffering is the end, and you did the best you could Trucker, then you too deserve peace.
Ghost Sweetie, I am so sorry to read of your mother. May her memory always be a blessing to you.
GR, blessings be upon you. It does seem you did everything humanly possible for your mom.
GR6, our prayers and thoughts go out for you.
By coincidence, only a half hour ago, we had a call from my MBH’s sister, saying that their mutual cousin had passed away a week ago. SIL saw it in the local paper to which she has a subscription. MBH also has a subscription, but we are a greater distance away, so get it later.
This cousin was on hand in 1970 when my MIL died. I crunched the numbers for my FIL and told him it would be wise to accept cousin’s offer for 10 of his 11 acres. FIL did. Then, a decade later, FIL died, and cousin bought the remaining acre with the ancestral home. That house had been built in the 1830s and passed down through the generations – always via a daughter. Thus the surname of the successive occupants changed each generation. Cousin, however, bore the same family name as FIL, so, at last there was no change.
When FIL died around 1980, we lived 1500 miles away, and SIL lived 500 miles away. There were no other heirs and neither sister could take over and keep up the place. That’s where their cousin came in, and I, for one, appreciated that.
Ghost, dear… I am so sorry. Words are inadequate for what I feel right now. God’s blessing on you…
Ghost – Many hugs.