Sorry to be late. I had some internet difficulties earlier this morning. Here are the next installments from the recent series in 2018.

Bowling Along
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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53 responses to “Bowling Along”
Re 6-14-19 retro comic: Arlo! Dude! Should’ve suggested going to a nude beach.
I could never talk my wife into going bowling….certainly not a nude beach!
Go for broke, ask her to go nude bowling.
I did it again. Posted a reply on the bottom of yesterday. Here it is again.
Jackie: No pity. Understanding and empathy insofar as we can give them when we have not walked in your shoes. Taking my cue from the way you used to sign your posts back in the day—-Love, Nancy Kirk
Dad lofted a ball back-in-the-day.
Hit the gutter edge.
Big dent.
They quietly packed their bags and left.
Empathy & Prayers
Love & BIG Hugs – Momma & Grumpy Old Bear
Back in the mid-’60s, my MBH and I bowled a few games on a granite alley somewhere in SW Minnesota. I hesitate to think how the unforgiving granite (as opposed to the usually-forgiving maple) would react to a lofted ball. Yes, it was indoors…wish I could recall the town name. Perhaps Pipestone??
Re 6-15-19 cartoon: Stuck the landing. All 9.95s…except for the Russian judge’s 8.75.
Mark forgot to thank you for help finding the used store fixture place. It was old one I used to like that closed
Ironically her last name is Vick. She loves mannequins too, even more than I.
She is in crowded warehouse and mannequins are upstairs stored. I want another lying down one or another seated or kneeling.
You’re welcome, Jackie. Glad I could help out.
Jackie, as long as you don’t try to recreate this cover, your staff shouldn’t mind another mannequin.
More than once I have bowled in women’s league long ago. I even owned my own ball, shoes, bag, gloves and gear. I played for the Tomcats sponsored by Airforce squadron.
That was long ago and more lives than the tomcat has.
Ghost bought me some blueberries and blackberries today in Tulsa as a compromise because I wanted to go out at 7 a m Sunday to our You Pick berry farm and pick. If I can’t go back to sleep I plan to go bake blueberry biscuits.
What else will she say YES to?
Kenya, Grevy zebra, impala male + harem.
Magpie on post by osprey nest, osprey much disturbed. Peace?
Last week I watched kids(4 to 5yrs old) bowl and I cringed when they did what Janis did which was often.
And I thought the very same thing as Arlo.
The first time I went bowling with my wife, she managed to lose her grip on the ball during her backswing. It rolled back towards the seats, not very fast, and I managed to grab it before it hit anyone who wasn’t watching.
6/15/19: The Seattle Times ran only the first two panels of today’s strip, which was a four panel strip on GoComics. Thought you’d like to know.
Our Tippy was the lightest cat ever on his feet
we never knew when he jumped on bed, others
Running around upstairs sounds like
elephants overhead some days
Re 6-16-19 real-time cartoon:
1. Chips and salsa: yummy!
2: Watching golf on TV: < exciting than watching paint dry.
3: New hammer: what, did he break his old one?
Nonetheless, Happy Father's Day to all you guys of that persuasion. 🙂
Happy F Day. Here’s Melcher’s cynical take on it:
I never had a father so this holiday is not a favorite. I envy those of you with happy family memories both of past and present. I wonder what it must have been like ti grow up in a “normal” family unit? I was always a misfit from all points of view. I produced a disfunctional family of my own, having married into one as I was incapable of recognizing normalacy or love.
Ghost had two families to love and help raise sons. He was and is a good Godfather. I hope his call him
My dad was great! Mom had issues. 🙁
Think maybe something has done in the 2 Great Spirit Bluff young. They look in disarray, are in exactly the same positions as 3-4 hrs ago, and the movable cliff view cam wanders around, looking for the adults, perhaps.
and there are flies in and near the nest box.
According to the comment below the cam view, the flies are the probable reason that the “remaining falcon” jumped from the nest a few days ago. Apparently it survived and the parents are feeding it. Similar situation a few years ago.
Thinking about this I realize I have never had a positive male role model in my life. My grandparents had a terrible marriage but my grandfather was widely loved. Never really knew my dad’s father or if he was really his father?
My stepdad and his parents distinguished “real” family as blood descended so I was not family. Let’s just say I married into a nightmare family to try to find one that looked “right.”
Be grateful for what you have/had if holidays leave you with warm fuzzy memories.