Have I shown you this little drawing? I thought I had, but I couldn’t find any evidence of it searching the blog archives. Anyway, I have always liked this vignette. I don’t know why; probably because I like to waste time in cozy cafés myself. I can’t remember what I had in mind when I drew it. Perhaps it was intended for coffee-cup art. There must have been some purpose, because I seldom draw for my own amusement. Whatever the project, it was never realized. I like this scene so much, I’ve drawn several versions: a larger version, a warm-weather version, a less somber, more frivolous version. OK, so maybe I do draw for my own amusement now and then. There is even one mirror-image version, with Gene seated on the left and Arlo and Janis on the right. This leads me to think the purpose of that particular piece was coffee-cup art, for that would have put Arlo and Janis front and center for right-handed coffee drinkers. I’m thinking I might work a version into the new Web site. Remember when the Worldwide Web was new? It was perceived as a gathering place, often a metaphorical café. I have always liked that, too.

Café Arlo & Janis
By Jimmy Johnson
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159 responses to “Café Arlo & Janis”
“The Weather Is Here, Wish You Were Beautiful”
Debbe – I know you can get prescription goggles because my husband used to have some. Must not be too expensive or he wouldn’t have gotten them.
There I go again hitting submit before I finished thinking. Compare the cost of prescription goggles to the cost of treating the respiratory infection – I’m sure they would be worth it!
emb, congratulations on the procedure results! As for tea, I like Twinings English Afternoon as a basic tea but drink several others, too, from time to time.
Debbe, I never thought about the tear ducts as an entry area. I’ve never found goggles that fit well over glasses, either, and would be interested in the Village’s input. In my case, it’s not only the glasses that are a problem. All goggles, even without glasses on, seem too large and have gaps all around. Why have I never researched this online? I bet there’s a Goggles’R’Us out there. But then, how to try them on?
Jimmy, it’s not 20 here right now. We’re having a heat wave. It’s 19—pretty tropical for metro Detroit at 8:52 a.m. on February 10.
Thank you, Ruth Anne! Good solution!
Debbe, try this site. Also check for respirators.
22F now, predicted high 24, low 4, high tomorrow 4. I didn’t look at the 5-day.
Peace, emb
Debbe, You should also try your local farmer’s co-op store and Tractor Supply Company if there are any nearby.
Debbe: Thanks for asking… I wrote a long comment yesterday, but it went away into cyber-space!
I have left Cambridge and now am back in Gallipolis. I was gone only about three months, but now everything HERE seems odd. But I suppose that is normal, under the circumstances. I am in the process of trying to integrate everything I had with me back into this space. I had no idea I had taken so much. But I had been traveling back and forth for several years, so I have a lot of duplicates. It was a lot easier to have duplicates than to keep repacking every week. It will take awhile to get everything sorted thru, put away, decide what to get rid of.
Personally, I suppose I am doing fairly well. I don’t seem to have a lot of energy and do not want to talk with anyone. But that is probably normal also. My spirit is probably trying to smooth out the empty spaces.
Everyone’s personality is different and we each have our own way of coping with trials. My way is to be quiet and introspective. becoming stronger before I can face the world again. I have thought several times of the Jewish custom of “sitting Shivah”. Now, I can understand how that can be a healing time.