Have I shown you this little drawing? I thought I had, but I couldn’t find any evidence of it searching the blog archives. Anyway, I have always liked this vignette. I don’t know why; probably because I like to waste time in cozy cafés myself. I can’t remember what I had in mind when I drew it. Perhaps it was intended for coffee-cup art. There must have been some purpose, because I seldom draw for my own amusement. Whatever the project, it was never realized. I like this scene so much, I’ve drawn several versions: a larger version, a warm-weather version, a less somber, more frivolous version. OK, so maybe I do draw for my own amusement now and then. There is even one mirror-image version, with Gene seated on the left and Arlo and Janis on the right. This leads me to think the purpose of that particular piece was coffee-cup art, for that would have put Arlo and Janis front and center for right-handed coffee drinkers. I’m thinking I might work a version into the new Web site. Remember when the Worldwide Web was new? It was perceived as a gathering place, often a metaphorical café. I have always liked that, too.

Café Arlo & Janis
By Jimmy Johnson
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159 responses to “Café Arlo & Janis”
what I’ve learned since my wife died. Glad Wrap is much more user friendly than Saran Wrap, the oven has a self clean feature and the hand duster handle can extend out a lot longer ! ….. … .. being in Miami – when we did a Key West/Bahamas trip I had to see Art Deco Row in Miami Beach, wow, couldn’t believe it – a real Art Deco wonderland for real, right in front of me
So, that’s why he quit acting…
It’s your life, you go around but once, live it with gusto!
John, houses are incredible, hotels. We are talking about houses/architecture, right?
Were you sailing? Key West to Bahamas?
Are you architect by any chance? North Beach and South Beach are both full of fabulous, well preserved Art Deco, entire streets of it.
Weird thing to me is that up in Oklahoma except some parts of Tulsa, Art Deco seems “Out of Place” but down here it just seems “right”. All the tropical foliage everywhere is so familiar too,
the things I got to love in Venezuela and Hawaii. Of course I am allergic to a lot of it. Got out of car to pump gas and a huge flock of chattering parrots went over. They perch in palm trees and eat date palms fruit. So many memories just come back.
Here’s another sight, made wrong turn into dead end at one of nicer hotels down in old Miami area, backed it around, good looking older man paying taxi, naturally I said, “Good looking. Wait, he’s wearing one of those travel jackets Sand and Ghost like!” Traveling in taste apparently.
Love, Jackie
Good morning Villagers….
Stayed up too late last night, couldn’t make it through the Led Zeppelin concert on 127.
And it’s Monday….alright, back to work. The Boss stopped in on Saturday, he talked and talked, glad it was on my time. He was laying out plans for me to oversee the cleaning of the other hen house when they go out March 25th. I am not looking forward to another cleaning and disinfecting a hen house. But this time I get to play ‘supervisor’, he said he wanted me to use my ‘managerial skills’ (boy, do I have him buffaloed) and oversee the cleansing. I told him I was not going to put myself out like I did when we cleaned my house….that just about killed me.
So, Jackie, when do we get the ‘who, what, where, and why’ details of this rescue. You are one wonderful person to be doing this, God bless you.
Yes, GR, sorry, but the boys always got ‘fixed’…
I had at one time 10 cats, some were outside, but I kept the girls inside…it’s like Mark said, when you take in strays, it does get expensive. I keep up on certain preventative measures like parasites though, internal and external. My vet at one time was kind enough to charge me his cost on worm medicine since I took in strays…I got to counting cat names and came up with 10. Right now, I am down to 4. I will feed the two feral ones coming around, but I’m not going to get attached to them.
And now, I have some 75,000 plus Miss Prissies to look after.
Well, better get this work week started…
ya’ll have a blessed Monday
“…draw for my own amusement now and then.” Made me smile. 🙂
Hey, this might be Martine’s last week in 9CL. She’s wearing the helmet, in a field, in Normandy. So we now know for sure Martine is buried there, Bill is buried in America, and the Jeep driver must be telling Juliette this story; however, even though he kept popping up in their adventures, there is no way he can know all of these details unless Bill told him *everything* – before he gets amnesia.
And sorry Luddie, I don’t like wet food on my hands either.
Mindy from Indy, yeah, it takes a while to get rid of the odor, doesn’t it?
Debbe, we only name the ones that become indoor cats. As Jon’s roommate said in Garfield, “why name something that isn’t going to answer to it anyway?”.
@Jackie, oh gosh, no, I just like the cool look of the Art Deco, flew to Miami, short flight to Bahamas and back to Miami, then drove to Key West and back
Leaving for glades after I get a shirt back out of car, Not in shape to appear in a bra yet! Minion is excited to be meeting people from all over world, which is cool. If I had this woman on a beach with a bunch of crazy boaters she’d love it. Probably get on a boat and take off if it had a head and a shower and a bunk and galley.
Staying away from marinas for now! I am like Loon and Sand, I can tell the real deals. On vets, military and animal, boaters and cowboys. Probably some others on second thought.
May be some long drives now, caged cats will not be happy.
Love, Jackie
John, I love Art Deco too and I am no architect. Actually, I don’t think you have to be a rocket scientist to love and appreciate a lot of things, there is beauty anywhere you open your eyes.
I do actually know a couple of rocket scientists, as I am sure Sand and Loon do. They are impossible to pick out in a crowd.
Minion needs computer. Me and the Smart Phone are gonna learn to like each other.
Right now I have five indoor cats: Toby, Pumpkin, Robbie, Emmy, and Malkin; and four outside cats: Agnes, Delores, Bob, and Reggie. Toby and Pumpkin are upwards of 14, and still doing well. Of the others, Agnes and Delores are maybe three years old, and the mothers of the other five. Between us and our neighbors we have spent the last several years trapping and neutering all the local strays we could. Now we take care of them as best as they’ll let us. That’s food and shelter at least, and in return none of us have rodent problems. Seems equitable to me!
Jackie: You haz gotz Smart Phone now, or you iz gonna getz Smart Phone later?
Lots of bison passing OF (10:55 EST) – http://www.nps.gov/features/yell/webcam/oldFaithfulStreaming.html
John, thanks for the tip on Glad vs Saran. Cling wraps have always fought with me, but I’ve never known some are less likely to be recalcitrant than others.
Debbe, stock up on dust masks! Wasn’t your last bout of pleurisy after a cleaning?
Ghost haz bin on Cheezburger lots, I thinks!
Not really, Denise; just making sure I’m communicating with one of our self-proclaimed Crazy Cat Ladies here. And “Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome” seems more prevalent in the Village than I imagined. 🙂
I failed to take into account your facility in acquiring languages, Ghost. 😉
OF due Now-1312 CST, but foggy. OR visit all negative, no additional one recommended in 10 yr. Thanks / all well-wishes. Nap time. Peace, emb
I assume clear cider as opposed to cloudy – what Tea? I am partial to PG Tips.
Mark f/TT
See if you can find a vet that does barn cats at discount. We found one that does at
1/2 price – but no over night and they clip ear. Doesn’t bother us, our Skeezix lost more to
frostbite. There is also Organization here in MN called Kindest Cut that do for a donation. But you may have to travel.
Most out side cats had names (at one time 25) but some litters were Newbies and Furbies.
Tobee was very pregnant when she showed up. (mother to 3 of our indoors- Lily, Rose and
Petunia)(Arnold is only one that likes strangers – he is shameless looking for attention.)
Flowers and TV characters were prominent names. Or physical characteristics.
Crazy Farmers – you have to be crazy to be a farmer, but not that many years ago
farmers did not get off the farm but to get parts or grind feed. All you talked to were
chickens & cows – cows were better conversationalists.
And in town many still thought they were driving tractor.
Farmers must get off the farm for other reasons, at least occasionally now, judging from the existence of the dating site “FarmersOnly.com”.
Farmers have always been great lovers. They know how to till the field, sow the seed, and bring in the harvest.
If you watch the ad – they are still walking the fields and the animals are speaking English.
I thought this FarmersOnly ad was funny:
No talking animals but a lot of pretty faces at the end.
This one has the talking animals:
And I agree with their slogan regarding the city folk. We truckers are a blend of country and urban, depending on the loads we haul. Mine kept me in small towns with a few stops at farms and ranches.