We at Arlo & Janis do not think hitting a cat in the head with a door is funny. In our defense, this one just sort of slipped by quality control. In fact, we think physical humor is disgusting, and we are very excited to be present at the dawn of a glorious era, the digital production of comics. In the future, when every panel is a cut-and-paste copy of the initial panel, with only the dialog—and maybe an eyebrow—changing from start to finish, physical humor in the comics will become all but impossible and will disappear from our consciousness altogether. We live for that day.

Cat Fall
By Jimmy Johnson
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185 responses to “Cat Fall”
S’cuse me. The doll holding the fruit is, has, to my knowledge, not shown up before. Peace,
I think cats are the smartest species. But there are times, like this, when they crack me up. My cat used to do the same thing. I’d look at her and she’d just stand there. And eventually, she’d get the little bump on the nose and jump back.
Maybe the cat loses track of the door’s position because it’s too close and all of a single color?
No cats were harmed in the drawing of this cartoon.
Have we heard anything from Jean since her knee procedure that I have overlooked?
No Ghost, not a word. Anyone have real contact information for her? Jean has lupus recently diagnosed. Any surgery is dangerous for autoimmune patients and things can behave differently.
Frankly I am worried.
It is 35 here and sunny. I am in layers. To peel off if need be. The top is going back on Black Jack. My help just got here. I Am happy. I have shed 13 pounds in this past month. Back to where I was when Trigger wrecked.
More to lose that I gained last summer as my life wrecked.
I will do this.
All of our cats and dogs at one time or another has gotten a “dumber than a brick” bonk. It just seems to come with the territory. Although we have an older small dog that it has become a more frequent occurrence even with the best of care taken. In reference to the tiny house arc, I live in a 900 sq foot house that was originally built as a cabin. It was given to us as a Christmas/Wedding present with 22 acres over 40 years ago. Supposed to be 2 bedroom but it is now one bedroom and a computer room, small living room connected to the kitchen. A utility room big enough to walk into that holds the furnace and washer and dryer. A loft full of storage. Please nothing smaller.
My house began as an Opie cabin in 1960s. A one car carport or shed and a room behind with toilet, etc. That car she’d has morphed into my bedroom with a Chippendale canopy bed that touches ceiling and the back room is my master bath same size as bedroom.
Another owner added another side with tiny rooms that were supposed to be bedrooms. Small sitting room, small kitchen like in a boat galley. I think less than 900 square feet and a lake camp.
Now it extends across two blocks and has grown like a farm house where each generation adds more. I have no idea but still small by McMansion.standards. I like it. My favorite house.
Just heard this played on the Bluegrass channel of Sirius and thought some of you might like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7jBCJxKuLw
Ghostly Encounter: I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt with “Guess” on its front…so I said, “36C?”
Don’t think this violates our no church, no politics notion; maybe jostles it a tad. Anyway, often I receive requests that I ‘write’ a legislator opposing or favoring something. Often, it is a canned missive which they suggest I ‘personalize’. Also, often but sadly, it needs editing. E,g., the common, pompous, sophomoric initial ‘I’m writing to urge you to oppose …’ becomes simply ‘Please oppose …’ One I just submitted wanted to ‘reign in’ certain greedy outfits.
If it is an issue where I believe a certain 1st century rabbi would have taken the same stand as I, I may add ‘WWJD?’ at the end. Here is the closing I added to that submission:
‘WWJD? He would oppose this resolution, but forgive canned letter composers who don’t know the difference between rain, reign, and rein. Peace,’
Compulsive copy editors have to have some fun.
Ghost you cracked me up. What did the woman say?
Ghost: That reminds me of two tees, one I saw in the ’80s, one in a ’60s or ’70s cartoon, likely both mentioned here before. In the cartoon a lean but chesty protestor’s shirt had a peace symbol + ‘What are you staring at, PIG?’ The one I saw at a private work-out gym said, ‘I’m for REAL’, using the dairy symbol that was common then [and may still be]. She was also stacked.
I’m not sure, Lara. My ears were ringing too much after she slapped me. 🙂
My favorite actually-seen-in-the-wild t-shirt was worn, sans bra, by a busty young lady that declared, “I wish these were brains.” And yes, pokies were involved.
I guess y’all heard about the young dude being slapped by the car wash customer? She was offended when he asked her to remove her (car’s) bra before it went into the wash.
I have had many special cats that shared their lives with me, but the one that was the most special was an orange tiger-striped tabby that I named Max. I could go on for quite some time about his abilities and talents, but I will share only two.
He learned how to knock on the back screen door to let us know he wanted to come in.
He played tag and hide-and-go-seek with my dad.
Old, old story about a man who went to a new Western-themed bar and restaurant for the first time:
The waitresses were wearing cowboy hats and boots; short fringed skirts; midriff-bearing, cleavage-revealing Western shirts knotted below their breasts; and a gun belt holding a pair of six-shooters. Being a gun buff, his eyes widened as he noticed that the guns appeared to be authentic .45 Colt Single Action Army revolvers.
When his well-endowed waitress came to the table to take his order, he looked up at her and said, “Wow! Are those things real?”
Aaaand she slapped him.
I’ve accomplished two things since supper [which was the last portion of a mix of steamed veggies, takeout egg fried rice + eggdrop soup + pulled chicken, light and dark, accompanied by a good porter): 1. set up a free Radon test which will run into early Mon. morning & then be rushed UPS to the lab; and 2. set up the order of worship for an upcoming BUMC Sunday when I’m doing pulpit supply. Apparently the rest of the Village has been busy also.
Not saying I’m worried about Jean, but I’m worried about Jean. To the point I just checked the Dahlonega GA newspaper obituaries. (I know her given first name, and I can estimate her YOB pretty closely.) Nothing found there, but she could still be hospitalized.
I had forgotten the town where Trapper Jean lives. Good for you, dear Ghostly One, trying to find her. I am worried too.
A gentle push with the side of a foot and ours get the idea –
but trying to prepare food in a sea of cats gets interesting.
We soon learned not to lift feet so tails and paws are protected.
Which reminds me of a shop cat that would stand behind people
so he would get bumped so he then got pets.
Lady Mindy, you hanging in there?
Would Jean have been sent to rehab center, and maybe not have computer handy?