I felt personally touched by the passing of Jack Davis Wednesday, and I wanted to share it with you. I should mention that another great cartoonist passed away that same day, Richard Thompson. He did not enjoy the longevity of Jack Davis. Richard was only 58 when he died of Parkinson’s disease. But like Jack, Richard was a highly regarded cartoonist’s cartoonist, and he is best remembered for his comic strip “Cul de Sac” and his weekly comic “Richard’s Poor Almanac” in The Washington Post. It was a tough week for the profession.
The Kickstarter campaign raps up next week. It seems to me as if it’s been going on forever, and it probably seems that way to you. Actually, the 21-day campaign is short. Most are 30 days, and they can run to 60 days. We’ll talk next week about how and when we’re going to distribute all those rewards. Thanks, again, to everyone!

Chance of Rain, 50%
By Jimmy Johnson
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75 responses to “Chance of Rain, 50%”
Lady Mindy, sounds like you have a “Go Bag”. So do I, although mine is a little heavier on hardware and lighter on sundries. 🙂
Ref traveling with prescriptions meds, I have found that nursing homes require them to be in blister packs, and that pharmacies have the capability of doing that. Might ask if yours if they will do that for you and if they would be more handy that way for traveling than in bottles.
I have to order Rheta’s books. God, that was funny. And clever. Move over Pat Conroy and Rick Bragg, let a woman go through!
Loved it. What will she say on Hillary I wonder? Someone post that one please?
one advantage of blister packs, they don’t rattle and give away what you’re carrying.
Jerry, I would never check anything like meds or other items are not easily replaced. Last year we had a checked bag pulled at some point between check in and the aircraft. For over 24 hours this bag was officially missing, no record beyond check in, until the airline contacted us that it had been located and was being routed to Houston. The next day, almost 48 hours, it was returned to us. Inside was a notice that the bag had been inspected by TSA in Toronto. The flight was a direct Memphis to Houston.
One thing I don’t miss now that my mom is in nursing care is sitting down on Saturday afternoons and filling four medicine trays from about two dozen Rx and OTC drug bottles for the coming week.
I’ve +/- sworn off long time/long distance travel, partly because they’ve made it a pain in the butt. Now I have several more reasons. Thanks, and peace.
Sand, god point and I have no answer. On another matter I suppose that one could be tinted aqua, but personally I wouldn’t care for it. Finally, I hear almost daily of someone dying from Parkinsons. I don’t mention it that much because I don’t need or wish for sympathy and it certainly is not something to brag about. Having said that, I have said for years that I am the luckiest person that I have ever known. I won’t go into all of the things that I’ve done wrong, but odds would have me miserable, broke and then dead by now. I suppose I qualify as “well off” although I would say that our home is nice but not a mansion. One of our cars is a DTS, but it’s a 2007 and we will continue to drive it because we like it. I was diagnosed in both prostate cancer and Parkinsons in 2007.
Jerry you are certainly doing well to have the mobility and function that you do. Parkinson’s is a dreadful disease. I have many acquintances who are suffering. I feel sorrow for all of you. Cancer took my handsome, athletic and vibrant husband and he went fast. It was too far when found.
Yes, you are lucky, as am I. God spares some of us for inexplicable reasons when we should have died many times over. I have never understood but always assumed there was a purpose in my life, something I had to do, even though I might not know what was required.
One does not have to be a saint or live a blameless life. Were that true there would be far fewer heroes, martyrs and even saints.
So keep on truckin’, there’s something in you worth saving obviously.
Debbe 😉 Meet me at Lulu’s for a Cheeseburger in Paradise, hon?
That wasn’t the end, but mbh “needed to use the computer for a minute”. Anyway, the cancer, and only the cancer is gone and I’m not much worse than I was when first diagnosed with PD, other than CRS and poor typing. The point was, for whatever reason, I’m doing everything wrong and doing great so it’s dumb luck I guess.
Trucker & emb
The “Me and him” or Me & Joe” that is so prevalent on TV by people
that should know better. Sets my teeth on edge (c x-p now you have them
I bet it does your too).
There is one person that uses it continuously but he is from Iowa so what do you expect.
(It is a MN/IA thing)
Few years back – well couple of decades – MBH and I traveled Scandinavia for 3 weeks with
just carry on and her large bag (no computers)( Finns had the cell phones. -Odd at the time
to see people talking to themselves)
Turned underwear inside out and washed in bathroom sink.
(Friend went to 1 country 10 days and took 7 bags – obviously before limits)
GM Debbe
Final Jeopardy question was about a Weird Al Jankovic song-
“I knew a guy
That knew a guy,
That knew a guy,
That knew a guy,
That knew a guy,
That knew a guy,
That knew Kevin Bacon
That is 6 degrees of separation
exb & I have only 2 degrees of separation – My brother had him as a prof.
About 15 YA met a volunteer at an Information Booth at Dartmouth College
(A retired Professor) His best man came from Bemidji so there is possibility
of another 3 degree connection.
OB, another thing which gets me when I hear/read it: “It costs 3 times less than the other.” Were that to be so, it’d mean the seller not only handed you the product, but also gave you twice the purchase price as a gift! Using numbers, if the other cost, say, $2., the object of interest would cost $2. – 3x$2. = -$4. Thus, the store would give the product and also $4. to the buyer. Such a deal….
What the person/ad probably meant was that the item of interest costs 1/3 as much as the other thing. In that case, either you’d get three items for the $2. or pay a slightly rounded 67cents each.
Clearly this applies not only to the number 3, but any other number and to any cost of the other thing.
Similarly, a temperature cannot be “3 times as cold as something else”. Judging heat concentration from temperatures, we must use the Absolute or Kelvin scale. The lowest reading thereon conceivable [not obtainable] is 0 degrees. What the statement probably meant was that the temperature reading was 1/3 of the temperature reading of that something else; that the object of interest had only 1/3 of the energy concentration of the something else. Otherwise, we’d be getting negative readings which don’t exist.
I suppose that, using Fahrenheit or Centigrade, we would not mind negative readings, but then those readings would not be reflecting the heat energy concentrations validly.
Attached to the above is the idea that “heat” refers to a kind of energy and also to an amount of energy, while temperature is a measure of the concentration of heat energy; temperature is not an amount of energy.
In other fields of human endeavor, the Welsh term for “a dress” is “ffrog”. No doubt some of you are thrilled to learn that! Yes, the spelling is correct.
I take 16 or 17 pills per day, including prescriptions and OTC.
Tonight’s pepperoni/mushroom pizza was SO satisfying that I am surprised any is left over!
Arlo will be so proud! Gene just did his first “dad joke!” Saturday’s strip could substitute Arlo and Janis and no one would be the wiser! Love it!
Good Caturday Morning Villagers….
Mindy, you got that right…good ‘corny’ joke 🙂
Paydays don’t last long enough.
GM Old Bear!!! Now I think I understand the ‘6 degrees of separation’ thing,,,thanks.
When I pack, I roll my clothes….I don’t like wrinkles.
gotta go…..
GR 😉 my favorite saying….it’s noon somewhere 🙂
love the markings on this cat…and the lol too.
Lucky you Debbe. You get to sleep until noon every day. I hope that you guys knew what I was talking about last night because I’m not sure that I do. I tend to get too wordy late at night. Sometimes I keep mbh awake if I start talking. Elvis will leave the room in disgust if I don’t shut up.
That’s OK Jerry, I understood. It’s just you needed someone to talk to. All of us do. Love, Jackie
My mystery music continues. Eerily appropriately chosen for me. Here’s today’s I just received.
Good for others of us here as well.
Strange how a human chooses music to communicate anonymously. And does it well. The first song sent was “Talking Woman Blues” or “You Talk Too Much”
I find myself muttering “him!” a lot lately, especially during sports broadcasts but sometimes during the news. Apparently a lot of folks were absent the day they should have learned about using pronouns as objects, as in “I’m not talking to John and he.”
Not sure if this video will work here but I hope it does. Clever, original, and a welcome change from politics overload.
curmudgeonly ex-professor: Our local news, traffic, whatever radio station is math-challenged. They advertise themselves as having “three times more eyes on the road” because they have 3 reporters talking about the traffic. As I understand math and English, unless there are some one-eyed reporters in the population of traffic reporters they ought to be saying “three times the eyes on the road.”
Joke for today!
A blonde lady motorist was about two hours from San Diego when she was flagged down by a man whose truck had broken down……
The man walked up to the car and asked, “Are you going to San Diego?”
“Sure,” answered the blonde, “do you need a lift?”
“Not for me. I’ll be spending the next three hours fixing my truck. My problem is I’ve got two chimpanzees in the back that have to be taken to the San Diego Zoo. They’re a bit stressed already so I don’t want to keep them on the road all day. Could you possibly take them to the zoo for me? I’ll give you $100 for your trouble.”
“I’d be happy to,” said the blonde.
So the two chimpanzees were ushered into the back seat of the blonde’s car and carefully strapped into their seat belts, and off they went.
Five hours later, the truck driver was driving through the heart of San Diego when suddenly he was horrified! There was the blonde walking down the street, holding hands with the two chimps, much to the amusement of a big crowd.
With a screech of brakes he pulled off the road and ran over to the blonde.
“What are you doing here?” he demanded, “I gave you $100 to take these chimpanzees to the zoo!”
“Yes, I know you did,” said the blonde. “But we had money left over so now we’re going to Sea World.”