I felt personally touched by the passing of Jack Davis Wednesday, and I wanted to share it with you. I should mention that another great cartoonist passed away that same day, Richard Thompson. He did not enjoy the longevity of Jack Davis. Richard was only 58 when he died of Parkinson’s disease. But like Jack, Richard was a highly regarded cartoonist’s cartoonist, and he is best remembered for his comic strip “Cul de Sac” and his weekly comic “Richard’s Poor Almanac” in The Washington Post. It was a tough week for the profession.
The Kickstarter campaign raps up next week. It seems to me as if it’s been going on forever, and it probably seems that way to you. Actually, the 21-day campaign is short. Most are 30 days, and they can run to 60 days. We’ll talk next week about how and when we’re going to distribute all those rewards. Thanks, again, to everyone!

Chance of Rain, 50%
By Jimmy Johnson
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75 responses to “Chance of Rain, 50%”
Mine is jackie.monies2324@gmail.com and my phone number is 918-618-2367
If you contact Lezlie just say you are Ghost. She will know who you are, we have no secrets. We also laugh a lot at ourselves. Good thing to do!
What the heck, it’s going to be all over online in a couple of days!
Travel packing tips from our household.
Pack light.
Pack mix and match.
Use hotel laundering service to reduce total weight.
Loon uses a roller bag that fits overhead bins and one LARGE handbag. My preference is a mid sized duffle with shoulder strap and a backpack; by putting on the pack first, then cross slinging the duffle, I am hands free. After a sixteen day trip to China, carrying these two bags, the airline weigh in was 30lbs total.
On packing – I can pack for a week in about ten minutes, provided all my laundry is caught up. 🙂 My trick is to keep a medium-sized make-up bag, stocked with essential toiletries and grooming utensils, all ready to go in my favorite travel bag, along with a complete set of emergency undergarments. If I haven’t traveled overnight somewhere in a while, I will pull the travel toothpaste, contact solution, and ibuprophen and use it up before it expires. The next trick is to pick a clothing color and coordinate around it. My week in Illinois, I wore brown for my base, and went from low 50s to 80s and never struggled for clothing options. I will admit, I am lucky enough not to have to worry about prescription medications, and boring enough not to bother with cosmetics, those would also be expiration-dependent items.
I have used two things from this company. One is a theft resistant fanny pack and the other is a bag strap. The strap lets you fasten a smaller bag on top of a larger roller so you only need one hand to manage both. Both items are well-designed and easy to use.
And if you want to browse some oddball/useful items, have a look here:
Mark, that sciplus place is very fascinating; I’ve visited their suburban store several times and almost always left with something I never knew I needed or wanted. As it has been some years now, maybe it is time to make another journey to their portal.
PS: Go for their printed catalogues. Past ones have been compendious and written with considerable humor as well. The reading gives you more time to consider the unexpected items they often have.
Yes, they remind me of the Edmund’s catalogs I used to get in the late ’60’s, with a better sense of humor.
May have to spend more time on the Travelon site – and try to spend only time! I did see something that reminded me of a question I’ve had about going through customs with medication. It’s my understanding that the rule is that medications should be in their properly labelled, as dispensed, containers. For those of us whose drug coverage requires/recommends getting 90-day supplies of regular medications this would mean carrying large bottles, even if only a few days’ supply would be needed for the visit. Any of you have experience with this?
I just came across an interesting website that asks lots of questions about where you stand on a wide variety of issues and then lets you know which candidate most closely matches your beliefs. Some of the questions and possible answers were thought-provoking.
Ruth Anne that is what I was told on script too and I have carried mine like that for 20 years at my doctors request. I use a makeup bag for that purpose. But it is just not out of country travel but all travel they recommend carrying original bottles.
One thing I learned was my pharmacy could put 30 in one bottle and 60 in another or 3 bottles of 30. Or they could put in flat cardboard or push out packs making them take up less space.
Post script, despite 20 years of prescriptions and often sitting in at my request with my doctors, my late husband could not have told you the name of a single drug I took , a diagnosis nor a physicians name should a bus have run over me on a trip. It didn’t interest him, not that he was stupid. So solution was hand over the bag in emergency room.
Works for me too since I have several specialists and they check up on me and each other.
Carrying them in the original bottles with the prescription labels is especially important if they are controlled substances. That is your best defense if questioned by law enforcement because it proves you have the need for those items and the means of verifying that.
I stopped too soon. Most pharmacies give you print-outs listing the medicines when you refill prescriptions. Save those, mark out SSN# if present, and take them with you when seeing new Doctors. It will save you a lot of time when filling out those medical history forms they all use.
I will count how many meds I currently take which is much reduced. But at height of my assorted sordid illnesses I took 29 maintenance drugs from 12 or so specialists. I no longer have that many specialists nor do I take that many drugs.
Maintenance is a euphemism for take for rest of your life and we are giving you these to combat what the other one is doing to you that other doctor prescribed.
I made a determined effort to reduce quantity and have. That effort continues. But you want to carry them around just in case. Doing so has saved me from several medical mishaps.
We carry complete medication list on our phones. All our meds are carried in the under seat bags. All our prescriptions are with a major chain, making out of town refills easier.
Sand speaks truth keep ALL your prescriptions at one pharmacy and make sure they are nationwide and frequent. Learn their refill transfer policies. If you have a controlled substance make sure you don’t run out, it can’t be refilled.
Jackie, you’re one of the few people I know who gulp down more pills per day than I do. Currently, I’m down to 13 oral prescriptions and a total of 23 pills per day, none of them for side effects or interactions. Add to that my insulin kit with both a long-acting and a mealtime insulin, my test kit and sharp’s container, and you’ll see why I refer to my traveling pharmacy. (All of that goes into one padded picnic bag when I’m on the road.)
I can put all of my clothing, toiletries and other stuff in a backpack with a handle and wheels, and my laptop goes into a second backpack, partially because it doesn’t look as tempting to a thief as a laptop case would, and those three pieces are all I need for a weekend at a convention. If I had to fly, I’d get something big enough to put both my clothing and meds in if I were limited to one checked and one carryon. If I could have two carryons, the meds would go in the overhead and the laptop under the seat.
Packing takes longer than it once did when you not only are taking a lot of medicines but are also using a CPAP and sometimes need to take a monitor for your ICD.
Another way to make sure any ER has access to your list of meds: register with Medic Alert, wear a bracelet or necklace and keep your info there current. This has probably saved my life on the four occasions that I woke up in an ER after a low blood sugar incident.
Excellent suggestions all. I don’t check medications. I carry up to date lists and prescription numbers. Walmart became my pharmacy of choice because they are indeed everyehete.
Ok, 18 different ones but that includes insulin and OTC like baby aspirin and allergy meds. Total of 22 individual pills to swallow but that includes OTC and insulin injections.
That is down from 29 different ones, many of which were multi times per day and many of which seemed to be necessitated by a side effect of another.
And all are now lower dosage period, many are better replacements for prior ones. The ones that were literally liable to kill me are mainly gone. And the problems are controlled.
We have a governor that has a well-known and illegal connection with healthcare. My wife and I are both retired state employees and we have to get our meds where and how the honorable governor says. As to how we carry our meds we just put it in our check-in luggage and never had a problem. The pill that I have to take every two hours is in a little pill box in my pocket. As to proof that the pills in my pocket are needed, no one has ever asked me, but I have various cards and lists of meds in my wallet. BTW, you’re brave to put your phone # out there. I’ve been getting calls from Washington D.C. all week, but I don’t answer. They can get by without my advice.
Yep, cxp, speelchek/auto-correct (and being in a rush) did me in with “aquatinted”. I didn’t even know that’s a word. Is it?
Ref Gene’s comment about cooks in today’s cartoon, if you watch an episode or two of “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives” on the Food Network, and observe the multiple large-coverage tatts, multiple piercings, man buns, weird beards, and gangsta caps back in the kitchens, you’ll understand it.