I intended to be here yesterday, and I would have but for technical issues. I still prefer a desktop computer for my work. It seems to me much more suited to the graphic manipulation that is much of my effort. However, the old Dell I’d been using was about 150 years old in computer years. Loading modern Web sites was excruciatingly slow and increasingly futile, and it simply was not powerful enough to run updated versions of some of the software upon which I rely. Worst of all, I couldn’t stream HD movies to run in the background while I worked! So, I purchased a new computer, the latest incarnation of the first computer I purchased back in 1994. I love it. However, the migration has not been easy, particularly getting my scanner to work properly. That’s what I was working on yesterday about this time. For now, it’s working, but it was working once before—perfectly—then my scanner vanished from my new computer’s “friends” list. So we shall see. For now, here’s Vince. We’ll talk more about him and the cartoons next time.

Character Flaw
By Jimmy Johnson
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307 responses to “Character Flaw”
Jackie, see end of “yesterday’s” comments for Bacon Marmalade recipe.
The life expectancy of a laptop computer is 2 years 6 months. After that, it becomes senile. There is no other explanation.
Ghost: Just posted a response to your bacon marmalade comment on Over Coffee.
Ghost and Jackie, I looked at 9CL, and when you enlarge the strip the copyright date shows 2008.
Debbe, I’ve been reading but not saying too much. Haven’t bought the album yet because I was looking for the deluxe version with the Blu-ray disc. Wanted to buy locally but guess I will have to go on expedition up the Amazon to find it. By the way, I have listened to the album, since Spotify made it available in its entirety on the 10th. Who cares if Taylor Swift pulled her stuff off it. Never listened to anything she recorded anyway. Her loss is our gain.
Thanks, Mark. That’s about what I figured, as I think it was about 2007 when Juliette decided she was being sexually harassed by the board of trustees (despite being empowered by secretly wearing uber-sexy leopard skin-pattern lingerie under her prim and proper business attire) and bought the farm, so to speak.
I took off today to meet with my Mom’s home health RN. (As good an excuse as any, I suppose). So I may make up some bacon marm, too, Ruth Anne. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but the recent “sex is icky” remarks here didn’t bother me quite as much as the “bacon is icky” ones. 😉
Mark, looks like Taylor Swift will never ever be getting back together with Spotify.
Good of her to try to encourage struggling recording artists to also pull the plug on Spotify, even if it means them giving up revenue. Of course, it’s obviously easier to take principled stands when one is mega-rich from selling songs to teenage girls.
Her music is for an audience that is not me.
1994??? Did it still have word perfect on it?
I think that you have upgraded since then or else Janis would still have had long hair and Gene would have still been 3 foot tall!
OF is in a fog. Webcam can barely see to the geyser base. Still no predictions. emb
Ghost: “. . . the recent “sex is icky” remarks here didn’t bother me quite as much as the “bacon is icky” ones.”
Bacon is not icky, especially crisp bacon. Just contains > fat grams > I can handle without severely restricting what else I eat. Reminds me, I slept in this morning, and my large bowl of hot cereal + black seedless awaits me in the microwave. Back this afternoon or so. emb
P.S. Sex isn’t icky, it’s theoretical.
GR6, musicians may have a gripe with Spotify. The real problem is over the air radio went to talk shows and internet services did not buy the old music distribution model.
Neal, information on life of computing devices should not be made public; we have an economy to protect. 😉
GR6, I had coffee this morning with a former MIG 17 pilot, what stories.
Hey, Steve, don’t knock WordPerfect. That’s what we have at work, as the company is too cheap, ah, expense-conscious to buy as many Word licenses as would be required for all of us. (I have MS Office on my office desktop. Don’t ask how.)
I understand Spotify pays the artist very little per play, but from the point of view of a consumer (like me), listening to just about anything I care to hear for ~ $10 per month is a heck of a deal. Helps make up for all those $20 CD’s I bought over the years just to listen to a couple of tunes on each of them. 🙂 And I suspect the potential audience on Spotify does (or will soon) dwarf that of most other media forms.
If you can’t eat regular bacon, emb, try beef bacon. Just like with the regular kind, you have to pick and choose to get a package without too much fat, but once you do, it’s much leaner than the best bacon. Not quite the same taste or texture, of course, but it’s pretty good.
Or give the Morning Star veggie bacon a try. Can veggie bacon be vegan?
sand, I’m not sure “veggie bacon” computes for me. Seems to make about as much sense as “promiscuous virgin.” 🙂
“my scanner vanished from my new computer’s “friends” list”
Ha! I love this. I expect that I will steal it and use it often, probably without attribution.
Yes, the same feeling is coming over me as did when I first read this series Back In The Day. Without going into great detail, it can be summarized as “Danger, danger, Will Robinson!” (with appropriate arm flailing.)
GR6 said: “promiscuous virgin.”
Urban dictionary would likely define as follows; fifteen year old with a smartphone in a bathroom equipped with a full length mirror.
The price per play may be small, but considering that unlike radio, you can pick exactly what you want to hear, the large crowd of fans should provide a lot of plays and a lot of money. After all, streaming music has not killed CD sales, they were already in the toilet due to ever-increasing prices combined with low quality performers. Some of what I listen to on Spotify I would not buy as a CD, but if I listen to the Spotify radio setting i might hear something I would not have listened to, either, and find that I like it.
Thanks for the bacon recipe Ghost. I highlighted it, went to print it and 21 pages of comments began to print instead, including all the archival lists from A and J. That is 3 more than the last time I tried to print it!
Saying icky about bacon to a Southerner is totally treasonous in my opinion. Two things will improve anything, bacon and chocolate. In fact, we had a restaurant when I lived in Houston that became famous for batter frying crisp bacon like chicken fried steak. Unfortunately, Mike never would go eat there so I didn’t try chicken fried bacon.
Stopped at Mom’s favorite bar-b-que/catfish restaurant in Muskogee (Okie From Muskogee) and had homemade banana pudding and got phone number and info from the tabletop business cards of premier trainer for guns and defense, including top woman shooter in Oklahoma as women’s defense course.
I knew that would be on new tabletops! Right place to go, we have been a customer since day he opened. Great food and love the staff.
Love, Jackie
My favorite appetizer in world are mustard green bite sized pies.
Really simple, fry a lb. of bacon, drain off most of grease, add one chopped onion to caramelize and then add a big handful of chiffoniered mustard greens, a bunch about as big as you can get your hands around. Do not add water. If liquid forms, drain it off. Coarse pepper and salt if needed.
Use the bacon=greens to stuff small rounds of butter pastry for a pie crust. Cut the rounds with small circle cutter, then fold over and close, use fork to press sides together. Bake until golden crust and crisp.
I’d be more exact but I got this verbally from the cook who did appetizers for my wedding and I never wrote it down! Just kept making them. I used to make about 2-3 hundred and freeze for a big party, they got slurped down fast.
Last time I saw lardoons used it was for making slits in meat and putting slivers of fat into the holes! So, lardoons of bacon.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, make sure you click on “Selected” after you highlight the recipe and before you print it. Or try highlighting the recipe; then cut and paste it to a work processor (whatever you’ve got on your computer); then print it from the word processor.
Sounds like a great choice for an instructor. Females have some unique challenges in firearms use, not the least of which is hand size, and that a holster that will fit the waist-hip area of a male perfectly…not so much for a female. (Curves, you know.) I’d be anxious to know if she has any recommendations for a choice of firearms for you. (Whether they agree with mine or not.)
A small yellow flag went up yesterday when Vince invited Janis for coffee. A medium-sized red flag when up when he made that remark in panel 4 today.
Watch him Janis.
Decided not to go get my hair and nails done before the onslaught of rain, ice and snow they are predicting for us here. I know, bad choice!
Sat here and read blogs on comics about 9 CL plots. I know there are people who professionally write about the comics, so I anticipated getting an explanation of sudden disappearance of plot. No such thing.
I had even thought it might be linked to Veterans’ Day and syndicates receiving complaints about strip. But that was stretching it, really. Complaints about slowly boring us all to death maybe?
Read an article that said it was most popular strip in America. Really? Then why can’t I find a single line mentioning the abrupt change of plot, time and characters?
Time for a nap now!
Love, Jackie
Dear Jackie, I looked for Chickweed Lane on the site “Comics I Don’t Understand” (this morning) — you can Google this or type it into the address bar. There was some kind of explanation there but it didn’t make much sense to me. I haven’t been following the strip recently; just reading the comments here.
For a REALLY hard to follow story line, read Jane’s World by Paige Braddock; it’s on GoComics.com with most of the Villagers’ favorites. I looked her up … I guess it’s in re-runs … but Jane is so endearing, and the drawing is SO GOOD without any unnecessary flourishes, I love it. And the characters have real facial expressions. Brooke’s characters look like cute paper dolls that are moved around here and there to show the action of the strip.
For Ghost, and Jackie, I’ve read of lardoons in cookbooks but never seen real ones. How big are they really? (or, how small?)
And dearest Ghost, please don’t cook bacon over high heat; not only will the bacon burn, but the bacon fat will be no good either. Use a nice moderate, or even lower, heat. Is your stove electric, or gas? My stove is electric.