My cats do this. They’ll charge to the scene of the least movement and freeze, on high alert. Slowly, the adrenalin subsides, and time passes, and then they’ve fallen asleep. I’ve always wanted to see this happen. My favorite cartoon characters when I was a small boy were Chip and Dale, the Disney chipmunks; they could have pulled this off. I probably was a teenager before the light went on. “Chip ‘n’ Dale! I get it!” Of course, I was just a little kid. I didn’t know anything about elegant furniture. Or male dancers.

By Jimmy Johnson
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139 responses to “Chipunked”
Male dancers!
@Debbe – the little flash can be all about the tingle factor. 😉
Ha! I beat you to it, JJ!
I’m in my very early forties and only today did I relate Chip ‘n’ Dale to Chippendale furniture.
This one is too funny! Have not seen it. Haven’t gone on to today’s to see the continuing saga of the Dock’s demise.
I too loved Chip N’ Dale, Trapper Jean I love Confederate Railroad and Trashy Women, She Never Cried and David Allen Coe is a Texas legend.
“We are the people our parents warned us about.”
Have only seen the Chippendales once at a MD benefit I think? We donated all the wine for the event and STILL had to buy a table! They were atop a western themed kitchen motif, Mickey Gilley was playing the piano (live) for them to dance and they were atop the whole thing in a sea of clouds wearing little besides leather chaps and boots.
Theme was “Cowgirls’ Dream”. I do not remember which celebrity was cooking chili in the kitchen.
Nor do I remember any of the other booths, we were seated next to this one, premium seating!
Love, Jackie Monies
Which one was the male dancer? Okay, that’s half my weekly limit since I decided I’d post no more than twice a week, if that. Food morning, Debbe, from us. John says that he is not talking and I am not listening, that Ginger is not telling and Shelly is not asking, and that he thinks Putin is getting a bum rap from certain morons and dimwits who shall remain unnamed herein, goodbye.
My cat is an excellent spider/bug pointer. If she suddenly darts off to investigate some random patch of floor or wall, I know it’s time to find the flyswatter.
Good morning, Villagers. Jean, YouTube is blocked here at work, and I don’t think I’d want to get in trouble with The Boss Of My Life for a song called “Trashy Women”, anyway. There are plenty of them at Walmart, not to speak of our waiting room.
There were about a half dozen naked men (semi) on top of a room sized kitchen “booth” where some celebrity/movie/tv was cooking chili. Mickey Gilley was playing a grand piano next to our table but fully clothed.
There were a dozen of these “booths” each with a celebrity chef and different theme. I do not remember any of the others!
You know those “black tied events” that Garth Brooks sings about? Well, this was one of those. But mostly “I’ve Got Friends in Low Places”.
Love, Jackie Monies
You gotta learn to laugh and lighten up, people! Music is like that.
I used to play country and western when it wasn’t “in” and then I’d switch the car radio to the classical music when I got in the mom’s car line to pick up my daughter at her school. So as not to offend the nuns.
Now I wouldn’t bother!
Love, Jackie Monies
Like Mindy, I’m a little confused. Were Chip ‘n’ Dale the ones that were always trying to hide their nuts? Or was that the male dancers?
Decisions, decisions. Do I move “Pickles” or “Real Life Adventures” to my #2 comics list? My A list is getting too long. Pity about RLA, it used to be funny.
I am proud to say that I have never been in a strip joint for either sex, attended a “Cook-Off”, or intentionally listened to country music in my life. But I will admit I listened to “Beer For My Horses” all the way through on my friend’s car radio before I insisted she change the station.
I have a little chipmunk ouside my office window I put peanuts out for him quite often. We get a long very well although he (or she) is not comfortable enough to feed out of the hand as of yet, but I’m working on him. And yes I remember my favorite book as a preschooler was a Chip & Dale book about trains.
All this time I though Chip ‘n’ Dale were part of the LGBT movement. Now I learn they dance for the ladies. So much for all that reality tv I watch.
If you’re of a certain age group, you may also recall Chip and Dale not just for torturing Donald Duck, but for teaming up with Monterey Jack, Gadget, and Zipper to stop fiendish animal-based crime.
I can tell when the cat is looking intensely at something and on occasion, I will jerk my foot and watch him jump with all 4 legs straight in the air. It is hilarious! It looks like exactly something from a cartoon.
Such wonderful timing, Jimmy. One of our cats did exactly this over a gopher hole this past Sunday. Her nose was actually in the hole when she dozed off.
When I first heard a radio spot for the Chippendale Dancers I couldn’t figure out why someone would want to dance on/with expensive furniture or dressed up as chipmunks. Nor why anyone would pay good money to see a “one night show” of the same. Then I saw an advert and the light went on.
Lily will be praying for my soul soon, not my husband’s cancer recovery! I must be the most depraved among us, I think. I have been to male strip bars, female strip bars, Gay bars, cross dressed Queens who sang and danced, country bars, bars where I sat next to Truman Capote (because he wasn’t dressed appropriately in coat and tie) drank with cowboys and titled Europeans at same occasion, just a whole catalog of sin.
And I am a teetotaler and have been for about 40 years. God blessed or cursed me with an interesting life. I count people of all colors, races, beliefs, station in life as personal friends and love them equally.
When life gives you lemons you make lemonade or that iced tea Jack Nicklaus drinks. And you learn to laugh and not take yourself seriously. Don’t worry, life’s not permanent!
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, my ticket says admit one. Back side reads no reentry. Not you are telling me we all have to get off the tilt-a-whirl when the ride ends. That is plain unfair.
Not not, now!
I have been praying for you and your husband for months, now, Jackie, but not because of your taste in entertainment. It isn’t mine, is all. My idea of a great evening is to go into the kitchen with The Man In My Life and help make a killer dinner and sit and read afterwards. Maybe once a month I go to a club (not country-western) and dance with my girlfriends.
Heh, if I had sat next to Truman Capote, I would probably have said something like “I have never believed you wrote ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ because it is better than anything you have ever written.” Though I kind of liked Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Hi, Y’all–
BTW, the anonymous comment yesterday about Roger Whittaker’s “The Last Farewell” was me. I had my computer worked on and it ditched all my ID’s. Today I thought I’d add that “Beer for my Horses” is another favorite–one of about three YouTube’s that I have actually downloaded, although I do listen to a lot of C&W, mostly on SiriusXM when I’m driving around Tucson.
I was in my thirties before I realized Palmolive soap was named after the two Mediterranean oils used to make it. They didn’t even change the spelling or pronunciation.
Harper Lee may/may not have written “To Kill A Mockingbird.”
Truman Capote may/may not have written it either way!
There I sat chatting with Truman Capote while he ate his dinner in his little red toggle coat and children’s pants because the hotel would not let him into dining room. He was a guest there. His little feet dangled off the stool, shorter than my little legs and feet.
Mike of course would not let me ask for an autograph. His policy is the only time you ask a celebrity to sign anything is the check or at a book signing. He did buy me a limited edition copy of “A Christmas Memory” autographed by Capote as a gift.
He KNEW I loved him! And then they called us for our table.
Love, Jackie Monies
NK, “The Last Farewell” by Roger Whittaker gives me goose bumps and I can unapologetically cry. So does a lot of music.
Ghost, remember when Pretty Woman heard her first opera and she cried? And “like to pee’d my pants!” And Gere’s line, “She liked it better than Pirates of Penzance!”
Opera and symphonic music was like that for me as well, although I was not working as a hooker when I discovered it.
Oh, that’s right, I never worked as a hooker!
Love, Jackie Monies
To borrow a bit from castler, Jackie, it definitely sounds like you got an E-ticket ride there. Maybe even a whole book of E-tickets.