Think about it. We should be living in the golden age of UFO sightings. Every sentient person is walking around with a cell phone that doubles as a camera—a camera that can instantly duplicate a photograph to a technically unlimited number of recipients, including news outlets who are more than happy to post unsolicited material these days in lieu of paying actual reporters. And where is Big Foot?

Conspicuous by Their Absence
By Jimmy Johnson
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168 responses to “Conspicuous by Their Absence”
Ghost, here’s the cab in search of a cabin crew:
Old Bear, thanks for the map. I have been reading John Sandford novels for a couple of years now, and he often mentions the Skyway. Now I have a better understanding of what I’m reading.
Forgot to add, the pic is Jackie’s new truck taken from FB.
This is what I keep dreaming about (at least one night each week) even though I can never have a CDL again:
Thanks Mark. I will find out Monday why it doesn’t have the backup camera connected, see if I am missing anything else. Got to Lowe’s tonight and yes, I knew I was buying a glorified car (I sold it to myself) but I drove two functionaL trucks for years and years. This is a glorified car with a large trunk. Almost nothing I bought at Lowe’s would fit in the short, I am sending workman with my old truck to pick up cabinets, counter for replacing in laundry that didn’t fit in new truck.
After buying 500 feet of pipe for French drains and sinks and cabinets I decided to run across to Chili’s for quick soup and salad. Got there and 30 minute wait for table. Go on people! Asked to sit at bar, I do that a lot in upscale eateries which Chili’s is not. Since I don’t drink weirded them out but I would NEVER order a drink from that bar after tonight. Jeez! Worst I have ever seen. And People who were worse than the drinks and service.
Guests, not employees.
We know I am superficial at times but women, women, there are better ways to spend your Saturday nights than noshing on plates of bad fried foods and hot pink fruit cocktails and being high enough to talk like that in a twangy nasal red neck accent at your age wearing frayed holey jeans and knee high boots with a hair style and makeup suitable for a senior citizen bingo parlour. And don’t sit on bar stools that are half the size of your butt.
Sounds like you need yourself a flatbed trailer too. It would help you get ready for towing your boat and make up for the lack of hauling capacity.
It was hard to find a 8 foot bed on a truck – only 1 Mfg. offered new
And that was $10K more that I was willing to pay. I sure miss my old truck.
Yeah, I miss my old truck too with the long bed and Leer cover. My workman got a good deal cause I maintain my vehicles. I hope he pays it off, I don’t want it back because it’s trashed now.
II looked at flatbed trailers at Lowes, will go to an independent, Tractor Supply and Atwood Farm Supply and look. I am also thinking of a smaller toy hauler, I had a 20 foot one and a 12 foot one my late husband got rid of. I hauled both but the 20 was too big for F150 loaded.
It is colder by emb but cold enough here — minus 10* F
Stay warm all.
Debbe π Oh, look! My absolute favorite music video that features vampire hookers.
They said Robert Palmer had a heart attack. Yeah right. Nobody won the money. I had such plans. Yeah right again.
Years ago I noticed that Jan. 10 was frequently the coldest night of the year. Sure enough it is expected to plunge to 25 tonight. May have to put the ferns in the garage. It will be a three cat night for sure.
Good morning Villagers…..
And it snowed, blowed and temp is still dropping…14 degrees on my front porch and wind chill, according to Accuwhether is minus 4. Called hen house and it’s 68 degrees in there. Hope my babies stay worm…they worked on the window yesterday….Amen.
Emb and Old Bear….with your temps, I am enjoying a ‘warm’ spell. But that’s why they call it winter……
Jackie, that is one big truck for a 5 foot woman….I would love to see you get in and out of it π You got the power (there’s a song there somewhere).’re right, I read the link yesterday after I googled some info and came up with “St Vincent” ….I had to watch that video again this morning. Neighbor down the road said he had the movie…..said he’d bring it by today, hope so. Looking forward to seeing it.
Jerry, glad I could accommodate you on Dylan’s top ten hits….
Neighbor just came in….he’s nuts, definite ADHD, but he did bring the movie, a pirate copy, (I should have known…he even calls me Aunt Debbe) don’t know if it’ll work in my DVD player. He said I may have to watch it on my computer….hahahahaha…..we’ll see.
This county is full of nuts though, that’s what makes life interesting. He is a friend of Ian’s and still comes by everyday, just to BS….very intelligent, but can be a little hard on my nerves at times.
GR π I can’t stand that video, or the song. An old friend called the name of the song a different title, one that I can’t print here….Palmer and his girls should take lessons from…
And now for something different:
Debbe all the world’s strange save me and thee and even thee’s a little strange. Learned that one when I went to school in Amish country.
Hal changed that strange to weird and substitutes essential for little. This goes beyond spell checking, this thing is an editor and thinks it knows and writes better than me.
Minions are here takingood care of animals. Dickens is under comforter licking my feet. He thinks that’s his responsibility. I am working on getting to normal hours and off antipodean time.
Debbe π “Addicted to…”, oh, I get it. π Don’t worry, not really a favorite song or video of mine; I hope you could tell from the sarcastic intro. Think about me and stay warm, hon. π
Jackie, thinking about your description of the “lounge lizards” you saw and realizing it was spot on…or would have been 20+ years ago, which was when I stopped going to bars. Observing them in their native habitat was amusing, though, albeit in somewhat the manner of watching a slow-motion train-wreck.
…and we have a winner…..
TR…couldn’t bring up the sound…read an error was ‘encountered’?
Not a bar I will eat in again. In fact they may have lost a restaurant customer forever. I often sit at bars in upscale restaurants because when you are alone, fast seating and you don’t tie up a four cover table, they appreciate that. Those bars are quiet, immaculate and 90% are eating just like me, few there to drink.
Realized the entire world is not me nor runs to my taste but I don’t want part of theirs, not even as a visitor or observer. Call me selective, call me a snob, discerning or discriminatory. Not my kind of watering hole, whereas I eat at PF Changs bar all the time and love it.
Re real time. Or you could just look out window.
Debbe — Try it on Youtube:
TR..thanks, that came through fine…not familiar with Jackson’s songs, but found the ‘instrument’ interesting…sort of like an old player piano.
Emb, I meant to comment on your link of S IL Cache River pics. I love the deep colors that show up on the wild turkeys….and to think that this location is only about a 2 or 3 hour drive from us. I’m going to ask husband if he’s ever heard of this place. I’m very familiar with the S IL Ozarks, when much younger, we would hike the trails….have pics (Polaroids π showing the fall carpeting of trees from up on high.
Been cruising through some interesting links on U Tube…everything from Johnny Carson’s show with Jonathon Winters and Robin Williams to Marcia Yockey (E’ville meteorologist from days of old) to that fateful night that the University of Evansville lost their entire basketball team to a plane crash on December 13.1977. I remember exactly where I was that fateful night…I was working for Honeywell Information Systems and the two secretaries (which I was one of) played hostess for a Christmas party…on the top floor of the highest building in E’ville at that time. I recall standing at the windows looking out to see a faint smoldering of fire…..
Oh, and the DVD ‘replicate’ of “St Vincent” didn’t ‘cut’ it….POI, I’ll just go rent it sometime.
Drums….you can’t beat ’em…