I don’t have a lot of time this morning; it’s a travel day for me, and I must get an early start. I did want to leave you with this, one of my favorite “cooking” strips. Readers don’t have to wonder where I got this idea!

Cooking Lesson
By Jimmy Johnson
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357 responses to “Cooking Lesson”
I’ve had tinnitus for 25+ years since I was the OIC for a machine gun range. The M60 (7.62..) weren’t too bad, but the M2 (.50 cal) were LOUD even with ear protection. The VA has determined that it is only 10% disabling. I’d agree– it is one of the smaller problems in my life.
I finally got disabled-vet plates this year, when I broke the foot and couldn’t walk. Has been helpful since, using the wheelchair after blowing the tendons in both knees. I’ve developed a great respect for those who live with paraplegia. For me, I expect to eventually recover the use of my legs. When I could walk, I hadn’t applied for handicapped plates. Once I can walk again I hope to not have to use the handicapped parking.
It always struck me as strange when I’d see the “disabled” label on my medical files because I always thought they’d handed me someone else’s’ paperwork! I was always working and I’d joke that must mean I’d have to cut back those 60-70 hour weeks!
Love, Jackie Monies
Bless your heart, David. I’ll add you to my prayers.
Looking at the tail end of the comments here, I have not read the whole collection, but I have couple of random thoughts…
I have tinnitus, really sore knees, and at 75 summers, a little tendency to be wobbly and unstable, particularly in a gusty cross wind.
The tinnitus IS a problem–I don’t know of mine is “bad” or “the worst” or “not so bad”–I do know that I try hard to not focus on it or to let it consume me–but I can see how it might drive one mad if a toe-hold is ever granted. I don’t know of anything to do for it–I have gotten more fond of white noise sources like fans, air conditioners, CPAP machines and such> I have read about a new thing where they inject (if I understand it) “T-cells” into the ear-canals where the “hair’ structures are to cause growth of replacements–my further understanding is that is damage there that “causes” the tinnitus.
I have on occasion used my placard to park in a “handicap” slot even when another non-handicap slot would serve me as well or better because there were lots of handicapped slots available and a shortage of not-handicapped.
And I have parked in non-handicapped slots when they were a lot better suited to my needs. One store in particular exemplifies the problem:
Standing facing the front door of the establishment and looking to your right you see an array of garage doors for work-on-automobiles-bays. To the right of that is a road-way. Looking to your left you see an array of garage doors for work-on-automobiles-bays. To the left of that is a group of four or so Handicapped parking slots.
Now, turning around with your back to the door, you see a line of un-restricted parking spaces, the nearest the width of a driving lane away from you. One H___ of a lot shorter and less hazardous walk away.
I have just mild tinnitus, due mainly, I believe, to too many hours spent in too many airplanes. I used ear plugs on most flights, but intercoms in training aircraft were pretty rare then, so I didn’t use them when giving dual instruction. My brain mostly does a good job of tuning it out. Either that or my brain is just wearing out. And I wouldn’t bet against the latter.
Would I ever confront someone I truly felt was not entitled to use a handicapped parking space for using it? Hell, no. These days that would likely as not turn into a gun battle. And even if I won, there would be an awful lot of paperwork involved. π
Oh, and in case anyone thought I was joking about severe tinnitus not being a being debilitating problem, I was not. I just meant I don’t think I could get a parking permit for it.
Jackie, I once visited the Vicksburg National Military Park on Memorial Day. Most of the Union dead from the Battle of Vicksburg are buried in the park, with the recovered dead of the Confederacy being buried in a local cemetery. As I looked down row after seemingly endless row of grave sites, each with its small marble headstone and small American flag, I suddenly realized that every headstone I could see was engraved simply “Unknown US Soldier”.
I cried.
Vicksburg has always saddened me for both sides. I grew up on/in the great swamp that Grant’s men fought their way through to that battle.
The Siege of Vicksburg should be required reading for everyone. One of my ancestresses wrote a fascinating history of a civilian woman and family crossing that same swamp to try to escape the war.
Somehow the Civil War always seemed so recent in those parts.
Military cemeteries and their seemingly endless rows of perfect white crosses always make me cry too, Ghost.
Are you sure yours and my paths never crossed? I think you are younger than me but I sure did date a lot of flight instructors. pilots and air traffic controllers in my youth! They say women are trying to find a man like their father to fall in love with and I will attest to that one!
Love, Jackie Monies
Love, Jackie Monies
GR6, I visited Shiloh National Military Park in Tennessee. And one of the things that struck me was not the neat rows of markers for the Union, but the rectangular spaces surrounded with a rail and topped with a pyramid of cannonballs. Those are the Confederate burial trenches. After the battle was finished, the Union survivors just dug several large holes, placed the Confederate remains in them and marked it. So it is at most of the military parks I have visited. All the Confederates there tend to be unknown, except for noted officers.
Peace to all our honored dead, and respect for all the living now serving.
Just looked up a picture and its not a pyramid of cannonballs, but a row set in concrete around the site.
The picture is one of the trenches.
David in Austin, I’m glad your tinnitus is not too bad. Your leg problem, you seem to be facing courageously … if it happened to me, I’d be complaining no end. Best of luck in your recovery.
Larry Sheldon, let’s hope that maybe your tinnitus can be helped. You’ve consulted specialists? Yes, you are right about the handicapped parking spaces, the choice needs to be made carefully.
Ghost, all that time spent with loud airplane engines, it’s a wonder you can still hear at all!
We knew you were being funny about the handicap placard.
Dear Jackie Monies, Where can your ancestor’s story be found? I’d be interested to read it, it sounds good.
I will read about the Seige of Vicksburg, as you recommend.
My genealogical and ancestral “stuff” is kind of lost right now due to the upheaval in trying to turn house into more chemo therapy friendly hostel!
Her last name is Parker and I do have a copy of the book, which recounts her family’s journey through the war torn south. It was taken from diaries and letters she kept during the war, which is in itself fascinating. They sought refuge in many places including Arkansas and Texas, as did many from the Louisiana plantations which were largely burned and destroyed.
Will attempt to see if I can remember title!
Thanks for the photos of the cemeteries which were fascinating. I love visiting old cemeteries and reading markers which probably comes from spending a lot of time in my youth with older relatives doing “cemetery cleaning” when we washed markers and cleaned up the old cemeteries. It teaches you a respect and connection to the dead that never leaves.
On our journey through North Carolina last fall I took my younger daughter and we did just that, scrubbing markers, cleaning the graves and placing flowers in memory. Finding the markers can be daunting if you did not grow up visiting them.
Love, Jackie Monies
‘Way back when, I developed what turned out to be an amazingly pointed and, thus, painful bone spur on a heel. It was not fun to lecture for as many hours as I did. Figured I might be able to cut down the walking on campus by using one of the designated handicapped parking places. Fortunately, I asked security about this and was told that I could not do so without a government-issued permit. However, the college did have a few spaces reserved for faculty with transient problems such as mine; I was advised to use one of them. As it happened, those spaces were 225 paces (yes, I counted them) farther away from my office than were ordinary parking spaces!! I understand you, Larry.
It was then I went to a physician, found the spur, and received a red temporary parking permit which was good for a space a lot closer to my office. Eventually the spur went away and so did that permit. A few years later, the knees began acting up and I again started with the red, then blue, permits.
Add me to the list of tinnitus’ minor victims. I know not the source, and have gotten to the point where I can ignore it almost all the time. Of course, as I get more nearly deaf, I’m able to ignore a lot of sounds….
No, Jackie, if we had ever met, I’m pretty sure (make that totally sure) I would remember you. π
Love, Ghost
Although I did have a well-established history of dating older women in my younger days…in one case, a lady who was 13 years older than I was. Ironically, the lady with whom I’m “going steady” now is 13 years my junior. I suppose that could be construed as some type of dating karma. π
Although I did have a well-established history of dating older women in my younger days…in one case, a lady who was 13 years older than I was. Ironically, the lady with whom I’m “going steady” now is 13 years my junior. I suppose that could be construed as some type of dating karma. π
Although I did have a well-established history of dating older women in my younger days…in one case, a lady who was 13 years older than I was. Ironically, the lady with whom I’m “going steady” now is 13 years my junior. I suppose that could be construed as some type of dating karma. π
Although I did have a well-established history of dating older women in my younger days…in one case, a lady who was 13 years older than I was. Ironically, the lady with whom I’m “going steady” now is 13 years my junior. I suppose that could be construed as some type of dating karma. π
Well, at first it didn’t seem to go at all, then it went twice. Sorry for the repeat. I wasn’t bragging or anything. π
My goodness, now it’s there four times. The InterWebNet is behaving rather oddly tonight.
That was probably about the time gocomics was posting all the funnies for the new day, which may have had something to do with it.
Dang! I am cross-eyed from scanning Civil War diary book titles. I think it might be easier to find my genealogy records where ever they are hiding in the boxed up piles!
I can guarantee that anything you read on Civil War diaries will leave an impression on you.
No matter from which viewpoint.
Note, last May we were in Columbus, MS for their home tours and visited their cemeteries. This is one of the towns with a claim to having started Decoration Day now known as Memorial Day. I think they have a good claim and they sure have some beautiful and well kept historic homes.
I graduated from a high school in Louisiana with only about 23 seniors and lo and behold there was one of my classmates serving tea and cookies in one of the homes! Looking very gentile and southern belle like. My daughter said I needed to start site seeing in better wardrobe!
Love, Jackie Monies
I do 1770’s reenacting. I have been stuck cooking over the last several years at most events and the others are quick to wash the pots after on the idea of the cook does not wash up. We have some new members who are doing some of the cooking so I guess I will be stuck doing pots – I’d rather stand over the pot and the fire for the day and cook. (No dishes as everyone brings their own and is responsible for their own.)
Forgot to mention we are talking about LARGE cast iron pots and no sink to wash them in.
Jackie, I suppose the Waverley Plantation Mansion was one of the homes on the tour. A number of years ago, due to an odd and unlikely series of events, I stopped by there while transporting both of my grandmothers through the area. Renovations were still in a relatively early stage, and Donna and Robert Snow (and as I recall, their daughter) personally gave us an informal tour of the mansion. My grandmothers loved it, and as it turned out, that trip was the last time I was ever with them both at the same time.
Interesting world in which we live, isn’t it?