This comic strip from ten years ago this month is an excellent example of the subtlety for which A&J is known. Subtlety usually elicits one of three responses: “That’s cute;” “I like funny comic strips,” and, most often, “I don’t get it.” I suppose this particularly strip could have been made better if I’d added a thought balloon in the first panel, reading, “Boy, I really do like to relax and do nothing in the beautiful spring weather” and another in the second panel to the effect, “I sure do like to work hard in the yard and garden when spring finally comes!” I’m sorry. I’m not talking about you. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t get it. It’s just that I woke up in a snarky mood.

Feverish Plans
By Jimmy Johnson
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317 responses to “Feverish Plans”
Oh man, where is that edit button?!
Hey I WAS snarky and the day wasn’t much better later. For the record I sat on porch with tour guides for Hemingway house and learned it is number one draw to Key West, it is very much for profit, E.H. did not endow house or cats, all the cats DNA traces to one original cat, they are all buried in garden, EH was very superstitious, a lot of the stuff said on tour is bogus, the tour guides get “ups” like furniture and car sales men and are just as bitchy and they earn $$based on number of tourists and number of tours, like bounties.
I am a great observer of people and listener.
There will be plenty of Pi Day jokes tomorrow. Here’s a bit of fun but totally useless information –
Mindy from Indy, there’s a book title there: Indiana Mindy and the Rustlers of Cheddar. Don’t know what kind they are stealing, but my favorite is Cabot Sharp. Your early visitor sounds like the type of person who would have gone to that neighborhood and gotten in a world of trouble. Next thing you know, you would be reading a news story about something bad happening to her.
Cool, Ruth Anne! My date is there in full (including “19”). The MBH’s date is present only in short form (without “19”). Haven’t looked for dates if I include “0” in the single digit numbers.
Lady Mindy, I’m tempted to snark something about rats and cheese, or circling the cheese wagons, but I shan’t and just add another Thought for the Day:
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
A Brit beer, Samuel Smith’s Tadcaster Porter [= Taddy Porter] –
Is close to the top of mine also – Have you tried their Oatmeal Stout?
Mom lost her car at Southdale many years ago – went out the wrong door. That’s why they have the little animal signs.
Gal/Jackie: I do have a small file of A&J cartoons, but it numbers only 2 or 3 dozen, with classics such as “Something About a Peek” and “I Like That Dress”, and I haven’t added any others to it in years. When I want to find one I have not filed, a particular subject will usually remind me of a particular cartoon (or several cartoons) and then I “memory chain”, remembering where I was, what I was doing, etc, around that point in time until I narrow it down.
But in the case of the “left outside naked” one, I found it the way I can usually find a cartoon of Janis skimpily-clad, underwear-clad, topless or nude…by randomly picking a cartoon on gocomics and looking through about a month of cartoons. She is actually shown that way quite often, you know.
Old Bear: Their oatmeal stout is great.
Ruth Anne: “Here’s a bit of fun but totally useless information – ”
My birthday is not there using either 29 or 1929. Since pi is an irrational [right term?] that goes on forever, it may be in out there in the infinitesimals somewhere. “Wif a little bit o’ luck, Someone else will do the blinkin’ work.” [emb can quote a few sources beside Savoy operas.]
Peace, emb
Dang. It appears the floor show is over on A&J, at least for now. But when I went to Yahoo Comics to get the 3-14-15 A&J, Luanne popped up with a cartoon showing as much or more nudity as as I believe A&J ever has. With considerable detail.
“. . . an irrational number [right term?] . . .”
Ghost, here’s what that woman in England needed. Would also be useful for anyone who has trouble remembering where they parked.
Yep. Mark. Just was I was thinking about, and someone has already built it.
I heard of an AF Combat Air Controller working with a SF team during initial operations in Afghanistan who entered the GPS location of a abandoned bunker complex they over-nighted in, and when the Taliban pushed them out of it the next morning, he called in a B-2 strike on the recorded location of the bunkers. Problem solved.
Amazon has the same GPS device for $44.70.
And the next time I walk down the wrong parking aisle leaving Wally World. I may get one at that price.
Good morning Villagers……
Denise, bless you for thinking I’m brilliant…..but I cannot take credit for the BFF (But Fits Fine), it was the first comment made under the strip on The Dark Side….but it was brilliant though, wasn’t it?
Old Bear…..a cartoon strip named “Savage Chickens”? got that bookmarked 🙂
Indy Mindy….and that is why I no longer work in customer service, the evil thoughts that went through my mind as to how to rid myself of this idiot customer.
Mark…I blew it on the Seger quote, thought it was from this song, “but next time we’ll get it right): , aint it funny though how the Night Moves…….
Been keeping a steady egg production of 192 cases daily….and yes, GR, I learned something this morning about the young hens and double yolkers. I was joking with a lady from The Corp when I called in my egg total, told her I keep my girls happy, (She knows about the roosters, she heard George crowing one time) anyhoo, I told her I keep them happy with my “Studmuffins”…..she just laughed. Ian found another big rooster and placed him the next cage to George. His name…..are ya ready……”Cadberry” or is it “Cadburry”?
Lots to do today….got three boys working and I am working them….we’re getting too close to the 25th, and I want to get my house scraped before starting there. We’ll see. The Boss thought it a good idea too.
David and Miss Charlotte….blessings on you both.
gotta go….
and I did ‘pop a top’ or two or three……GR 😉
Happy Caturday
“…mashed the button…”
I’ve always loved the Southern dialect.
went looking for the Luanne strip…came across this, and I can identify with the first commentor 🙂
Luanne has been trying to adult it’s humor for awhile along with the drawing . What that search made me aware of are the hundreds of strips out there and I read just this one daily .
One of my favorite Southern sayings is “down to the last nerve ” but I don’t use it much. Seems appropriate here
Happy Pi Day. This one is extra, extra special 3.1415 and at 09:26:53 it will be 3.141592653. Hope you have a slice today, these two will be celebrating with pies.
Also, “He/she gets on my last nerve.”
And “I ain’t mashed the button yet but I’m fixin’ to.”
Arlo is right. I don’t have to hold the button down, but it does take four or five seconds for the TV/cable box/stereo tuner to power up, or for the TV to change channels, whereas “old-timey” TV sets seemed to respond almost immediately.
Happy birthday, Uncle Albert. Jackie, did you see the penny in plastic by the pool? The story is that his wife swore to take every last penny and supposedly that’s it.