A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Fire and Flagstone

By Jimmy Johnson

The occasional Saturday post here isn’t out of the question, but I thought I’d go ahead and wrap up the chiminea sequence. I’ve mentioned several times in the past that I occasionally draw with felt-tip pens, but I don’t like them as much as my old pen nibs and India ink. This series from 2002 was drawn with a felt-tip pen, I have noticed, and I think it worked in this case. For once, I was able to loosen up and take advantage of the pen’s sketchy quality. It depicts well the screwball action.

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85 responses to “Fire and Flagstone”

  1. emb Avatar

    At least its scriptural chronology is accurate. The roast in hell bit is pretty late.



  2. Jim in TN Avatar

    This one made me laugh out loud!

    And it is better than watching TV!

  3. Ghost Avatar

    “I’m not saying it’s aliens; but it’s aliens.”


    Classical reference: “How to Serve Man”

  4. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    “It’s a cookbook!, It’s a cookbook!”

  5. emb Avatar

    Ad. bald eagle at that Miss. R. site.



  6. emb Avatar

    Sorry, they switched to Highlights while I was posting. Peace,

  7. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Serve Man…Loved that story. Interstellar object made me thing of “Footfall”, though. I’ve probably mentioned it before.

  8. Ghost Avatar

    I am Too old it made. Me think of Orsan Wells and War of the Worlds radio broadcast for Halloween

    This is Jackie. By the way learning to use Ghost phone.

  9. Sideburns Avatar

    For more information on that object, and discussion, check here: https://science.slashdot.org/story/17/10/27/0016245/first-extrasolar-object-observed-racing-through-our-solar-system#comments Do be warned, however, that some of the posters act like (and may be) adolescents and tend to get vulgar.

  10. TruckerRon Avatar

    Thinking about “How to Serve Man” got me thinking about Rod Serling which led me to this:


    She sure was a cute kid!

  11. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Well it actually feels like fall. We turned the furnace on for an hour of so last night, but slept with it off.

    We also enjoy playing with our 20 month old Grandson. He LOVES the song “Wheels on the Bus” and particularly laughs when Grandpa says “MOVE ON BACK!” So my wife and I made a video, singing the song and my son videoed him watching our video. It was so hilarious. At the end he is staring at the phone going HI HI Grandpa! We felt so bad. He thought that we were facetiming him.

  12. Dennis Ewing Avatar
    Dennis Ewing

    To Serve Man was published in 1950 in a magazine. Written by Damon Knight it was the inspiration for the Twilight Zone episode of the same name. Several of the episodes came fro old Sci-Fi stories from the pulps. Probably what made the show great. That and good directing and creative effects for the time.

  13. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    I think it was Gremlins 2 where I saw this. There is a catastrophic failure in a lab in a high-rise building. Amid all the running people comes one guy holding a book over his head and shouting “It’s a cookbook. It’s a cookbook!”.

  14. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    This evening, just before cooking, I saw that our antique mantel clock had stopped at 4:52 when the real time was then 5:52. OK, that exact 1-hour difference can happen without notifying “Twilight Zone” or Guinness. I decided to check the other pendulum clock of much more recent vintage, and found that it, too, had stopped – and also at 4:52!! That must be distinctly against the odds. Of course, I do not know if both were a.m. or both p.m. or one of each.
    The clocks, both by Seth Thomas, are quite enjoyable pieces, though I do forget to wind them now and then.

    Mark/TT: I don’t get the point; maybe I’m just slow today.

  15. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Once, years ago on a scouting trip, we witnessed something similar to the chiminea catastrophe.

    It was at the campsite of another troop. Fortunately, the fire was contained to their campsite and did not spread to the forest.

    Quite a few tents didn’t survive, though.

  16. emb Avatar

    Maybe their importance justified saving that book from destruction. Peace,

  17. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    curmudgeonly ex-p, the filmmakers threw in a reference to that Twilight Zone episode. But if you hadn’t seen the show, it would not mean anything to you.


  18. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    It has been slushing all day. No accumulation except on the leaf piles.
    Windy and raw.

  19. Morphy Avatar

    c x-p, your clocks have an innate intelligence. While they begrudgingly allow for daylight savings time during the summer, they are well aware of the absurdity for moving an ‘extra’ hour anywhere after the autumnal equinox. Because there is no more extra daylight to be had in a day of less than 12hours sunlight. They have agreed on the silliness involved, and staged a revolt.

  20. emb Avatar

    Remember that story from Astounding Science Fiction. Let’s see if this transfers. Good painting technique.



  21. Morphy Avatar

    wow, a flurry of activity in the village square.

    The Simpsons celebrate Halloween each year with a special ‘Treehouse of Horror’ episode. Aliens are often included in the stock joke material. I think it may have been in the fourth season or so the played an homage to ‘How to Serve Man’. It’s the surprise reveal/plot twist that makes it so popular. And though it would now be called a spoiler, simply saying “it’s a cookbook.” in a stressful, mysterious situation makes for a good callback.

  22. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    And as Benny Hill once said, even a stopped clock’s right twice a day.

  23. Morphy Avatar

    And now I have ‘Yakkity Sax’ running in my head. Not that I mind. Could be worse. Could be raining.

  24. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    To tmdaviss, many thanks for the instructions! I will try this out and am very glad to learn how to do it.

    Dear Llee, you are an angel to do the re-posting for me! Thank you ever so much. I will, however make a point of learning to do it myself; it’s about time I learned to do this.