A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Fondue Memories

By Jimmy Johnson

OK, this one is a bit out of sequence. It first ran in 2003, immediately following the strip I showed you two posts back. I like this particular strip, however, and I’m returning to it regardless. The original of this A&J hangs in the home of a friend, who experienced his own share of hallucinations back in the day. It hangs in his bathroom, actually. I have noticed that often is where my originals end up.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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228 responses to “Fondue Memories”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    The needle on the 2016 Suck-o-Meter continues move toward the peg.

  2. emb Avatar

    Today’s TIP BlogSpot is titled “Anatomy of the heart.” The woman is a corpse/cadaver, so the anatomist is not a surgeon removing what he took to be tonsils. Another skilled painter, also worth reading up on. Peace,


    About putting words in my mouth: My position is supported by the president elect’s baseless contention that the election was rigged against him, by what seemed to be only slightly veiled calls for ‘true Americans’ to rise up against the conspirators, and by many isolated but nasty incidents since the election towards members of the groups he vilified. My question remains, “Who spewed the most hate, and was backed by which sects spew the most hate?”


  3. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Ten pound dog is snuggled into a pile of clothes waiting to go on hangers. He thinks they are there for him to sleep in.

    Organizing clothes is a pain but it sure makes dressing a lot easier. Especially if I’d get out of pajamas. I am exhausted and need a nap.

    I have a new method I experimented with traveling this year. I completely coordinate an entire outfit, jacket, sweater, Ruana, pants, shirt, all the stuff I layer with all together attached and put in closet. Just pull out and I can dress in minutes with no searching, hunting for stuff. The searching is annoying.

    Told you I was Janis.

  4. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    I have yet to hear aloud any words from either candidate or elected politician. It makes my life more pleasant.

  5. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Ghost beat me to it. Two hands up for an American Hero. Living to 95 with two trips to space, albeit in different carriers, John certainly got his money’s worth. I thought of him just last week and how lucky we were that he was still with us.

    John Glenn, Arnold Palmer and Gordie Howe. Three men who showed determination and class. Sometimes the good don’t die young.

  6. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Funny, I do not find TIP funny. I love art, own it, tour it. Going to Gilcrease Museum on Saturday to see art exhibits and hear the Tulsa Symphony do small group music in galleries.

    I enjoy private galleries, public museums, art shows, all levels of art talent.

    Just can’t fathom how TIP gets paid for what he does.

  7. Morphy Avatar

    President elect is not using a proxy to not abide the constitutional will of the electorate.

    Further comment withheld in interest of PEACE.

    Standing by what I’ve written is why I chose to never change my possibly inappropriate handle.

    Mundi pax.

  8. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, Morphy, my feeling follows a saying I read somewhere I can’t remember. “Everybody has a right to their own opinion. But we have a right not to have to listen to it”. Life would be quieter and more peaceful if more people would think about that before talking.

    Goodbye John Glenn. I remember watching those Mercury flights as a kid. Even had the GI Joe with spacesuit and Mercury capsule to play with.

  9. Morphy Avatar

    Mark you do do well.

    Is the advice best used before beginning the conversation?
    In responding to a conversation in progress?
    Or both?

    At hazard of continuing what may be better dropped:
    I opine: Beginning

    Once started, some things demand response. Silence is acquiescence. We should not submit to the coming administration. Either administration.

    More fake Latin wishes for peace.

    Sincere wishes for a future less encumbered with loss.

  10. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    There’s a lot of this sort of thing going around:
    “Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own.” ~Swift
    Found that on today’s Comic Strip of the Day blog. Not everyone will agree with Mike’s politics but he does provoke some thought fairly frequently. Here’s the rest – http://www.weeklystorybook.com/comic_strip_of_the_daycom/2016/12/thursday-very-very-short-takes.html

  11. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    …And now for something completely different:

    I was gazing at the Shark Cam site, thanks to info posted here a couple of years ago. It tells me that a camera is off-line to protect it from the forthcoming hurricane, and to watch taped views until it gets back on line. Are we really expecting an Atlantic hurricane 1/4 the way through December?

  12. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Hey, let’s be positive here. It’s Symply’s birthday but I refuse to discuss rest, he can. Wish him happy birthday and how much fun he has contributed here.

    Can’t try to be positive and amusing all by myself here. I can’t get a comment with lingerie even. How about snow? Cold? Let’s talk about the weather!

    The sun has come out here today. Just really cold. I invited the cats inside but no one seems interested. They have cat beds and a couple cat houses, he Ted dog house if they like dogs.

  13. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    [Even more different:] There is a site run by valyds.com upon which one may check out an email address as existing or not. Good for those addresses you think you know, but of which you are not certain. I tried it and it seemed to work.
    Of course, there can be no guarantee the searched email address is for the person you are seeking as opposed to someone else with, say, a similar name.

  14. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    c e-p: Frying Pan Tower recently posted on Facebook that they’re waiting on a part and hope to have the shark cam back up sometime this month.

    Nature webcams – highly recommended as escape from this lousy month!

  15. Morphy Avatar

    c e-p, the always-on internet is rarely always updated. Is that message even from this past season, or one or two before?

    pet peeve of customer support: ‘all your questions are answered in our FAQ’s’

    You mean the FAQ page you wrote when you established the page, five major versions ago? Yeah, I know it’s that old because I’ve already read it.

    I don’t mind things being out of date. I don’t like pretending it is not.

  16. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Not only are my friends and others I know losing family members but many have pets dying. As far as I am concerned, pets ARE family so I offer similar condolences as I know they are grieving. It has been several horses, enumerable cats and dogs.

    Is it just our own ages doing this? The death of John Glen made me start thinking of all the astronauts I had known personally since I lived in Nassau Bay and League City for 15 years, went to church with them, kids at school, they were my floral customers. Started googling and everyone seems to be deceased. That did not cheer me up.

  17. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Positive post here. This is Charlie Bolden, Major General and current administrator of NASA. Charlie is a hero in many, many ways and his biography sounds like John Glenn’s for his service to our country.

    But Charlie is ALIVE!!

    My daughters went to school with his kids at St. Thomas. Charlie and his wife Jackie belonged to my church where he was deacon. The nicest people you’d want to know. He is two years younger than me and still serving our country.

    Thank you, Charlie. https://www.nasa.gov/about/highlights/bolden_bio.html

  18. Morphy Avatar

    Tying back to Jimmy’s story arc this week. Sen. Glenn was one of the earliest people with the opportunity to see those twinkling objects without their twinkle. His viewing angle didn’t change much on the big scale, so all those constellation shapes would be familiar. But I like to imagine that the steady gaze of innumerable, unblinking stars, which might be intimidating at first, might become comforting in the way that knowing it really is the same. And will stay the same, no matter what you do, how you fail, and all your accomplishments, it will still be the same. For far longer than our foreseeable progeny will know, the universe will be. I find comfort, not insignificance, in that.

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Ah, Jackie, you did get a response to your”rant” about bras. I know because it was from me at 12:14 PM.

    And as far as weather is concerned, it’s going to be much too cold tonight for this Southern boy. Oh, did I ever mention the time I walked outside (not here, of course) and found it was minus 64 degrees F? Can anyone here in the Village best that?

  20. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    My apologies Mr. Ghost, I was so upset about Trigger I did not see your remarks.

    Yes, I talked to the plastic surgeon about breasts and stomach. He said it was painful surgery and mine were fine for my age (well he said mine were better than 90% of female population in Oklahoma of any age) and to wear a bra as I was doing. He said at my age he wouldn’t bother with worrying about looking like a 20 year old again.

    No one but me ever sees them anyway nowadays. But funny thing is back in my 30s when things were rocky in my life I went to see a friend, plastic surgeon in Houston, and he said same thing. Except he said I was too young for a face lift too.

    So, I found a couple of brands that are bearable and I am back on diet except for wine I am having to cheer me up and finish bottle. Back exercising too, so things will be back to normal except gravity.

    Were you in Antarctica or Artic, Santa Claus?

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I was in an undisclosed location.

    Sounds as though you’re a subscriber to my theory that one should, whenever possible, do the best one can with what one has.

  22. Morphy Avatar

    GR6, yeah I’m curious too! My personal best, lowest, is -18°F actual. I’ve had bad windchill before, but I doubt even that got to 50 below. What godforsaken stretch of our blue marble did you enjoy a fast cup of chicory that day? Don’t tell me, if you have to kill me. Or was it in service to Papa Noël, like Jackie suspects?

  23. Morphy Avatar

    Sorry, didn’t refresh before post.

  24. TruckerRon Avatar

    Regarding the idea that if the winning side had lost then they’d be rioting… that’s counter to reality given the total lack of riots by that side when they lost in ’08 and ’12. Those on that side weren’t happy with the results, but they also didn’t need safe spaces with hot chocolate and coloring books provided by their college administrators. They accepted the results (no frantic cries for recounts!) and moved on with their lives. Had they lost this time, they would have repeated their prior behavior and moved on.

  25. Morphy Avatar

    Ron, well posted. Just the facts, ma’am. Avoids my conflicts.

    Snacking on a splurge of chewy-style store bought cookies, reading habit shows the ingredient Interesterified Soybean Oil. Don’t know about terrified, but definitely lost interest. Remembering the Olestra fiasco, and jokes of unwanted ‘discharge’.

    I think if I deserve a treat I’ll bake it myself.