My two cats will not eat canned cat food made from beef products. Will not touch it. We don’t buy most types of cat food made from seafood, because the smell is gawdawful. That leaves poultry and sometimes tuna. And why don’t you ever see pet food made from pork? I strongly suspect every bit of the pig is fed back to us humans one way or another.

Food Fright!
By Jimmy Johnson
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81 responses to “Food Fright!”
Dog! Get a dog. We have a Tibetan spaniel. Our third.
I mistakenly brought home cat food, 2 varieties, from the grocer’s close-dated bin. Tasted it, added both cans to the next freezer soup collection, have now forgotten which one that was, but none have tasted bad, and I seem no worse for the experience. Don’t tell Janis; she might lose her lunch. Peace,
Looked up Tibetan “spaniel.” They weigh little enough to be accepted by this townhome assn. [20#]. They also look small enough to yap rather than bark. Our 3 dogs barked, which I prefer. I like dogs, but am spoiled. We owned a fenced, double-deep city lot, so dogs and cats did their business on our land. Here, I’d have to walk it on a leash, with a bag and pooper scooper. No thanks.
Along with others of us. I have 17 cats and I react like Janis.
They are now outside cats but they would like to be inside if given the chance.
Tibetan spaniels were bred to be superb lookout dogs on Buddhist monastery walls. They never bark, even for days, if there is not some genuine trouble worth barking about. Our Tibbies most often have had a rather gentle “Arf!”—yep, just like Sandy, a dog bark I have seldom heard in person. But they can “Arf” spiritedly too—but only when really excited.
When *was* the last time Ludwig made a sound? I’m sure I don’t know.
Dickens was raised with my house cats and did not start barking until he was two and came in contact with the big dogs I had.
Toured a local pork processing plant here. Their slogan is they use Everything But the Squeal.
Squeamishness is an odd thing. I’ll bet Janis has shaped ground beef without freaking out.
emb – I think most cat food would be perfectly fine, as long as you eat it only occasionally. My nephew used to love to graze the Purina Cat Chow (hard cat food) on the rare occasions he visited his grandmother. The problem is that pet food is not as rigorously controlled for quality as that consumed by humans, so you are taking a risk if you make it a large part of your diet.
Unfortunately, even food for human consumption has risks. Look at the recalls we’ve had in recent years, and incidents of illness and death from people eating contaminated greens and from ice cream and other refrigerated food contaminated by Listeria.
My sister had a cat that LOVED tuna (a fish that is often contaminated by mercury because it is so long-lived and therefore picks up a lot of it by the time it gets large). She fed him canned tuna for people every day, but after a few years he developed nerve degeneration. The vet said it was mercury poisoning and she switched him to chicken and he improved a little.
Caveat emptor.
From the ‘next’-previous page, ‘decomposing’ and ‘fragile mystic’: well punned good fellows. Just the right balance of snicker and groan. Tasty morsels of comedy’s less savory nuggets.
Morphy, how’s this one?
Kermit the Frog approaches the woman at the loan application desk and notes that her name tag reads: Patty Black. The Frog says, “Excuse me, I’d like to apply for a loan.”
The woman, very surprised that a talking frog was in her bank immediately refuses, saying, “We only work with humans, no animals can get loans here….besides, you don’t have any collateral.”
The Frog hurriedly pulls a little troll doll out of his pocket. “Yes I do! Take my Troll. She means the world to me.”
At this point the woman is upset and goes to the bank’s President. “Sir, there is a frog outside trying to get a loan from us. He won’t leave and he says this troll doll is enough collateral!”
The President takes the doll, looks it over very carefully and says, “IT’S A KNICK KNACK, PATTY BLACK! NOW GIVE THE FROG A LOAN!”
TruckerRon, as for Janis and the compulsive hand-washing, the smell of the cat food takes a long time to wear off if you don’t wash it off right away.
As for the pun, it got me laughing.
I have had the honor to help in making whole hog sausage. What ain’t ground is stuffed.
My FFA class in Moundville went to watch a hog butchering done by our local country store. Got to see the basic process of bleeding, cleaning and skinning. The final cutting was done in the store so we didn’t see that. Interesting to watch them soak it in a hot tub of water with lye prior to scraping off the bristles before they could skin it. Never had known they did that.
Jackie spent fall and spring one college year killing, soaking, scraping, skinning, cutting, grinding and rendering various animals.
Mostly pigs.
Highly trained butcher. I weighed 110 pounds and a half a pig weighed more than me. I had to heft a half over my shoulder and carry around the butcher shop.
This was right after I went back to college after regaining my senses and deciding I wanted a college education instead of serving drinks in a bunny suit.
Maybe my mind wasn’t right still?
A few years ago, a comedian lamented the fact that his cats would turn their noses up at the expensive cat food he bought them, even though they licked their own butts. His opinion was that someone could make a fortune if they introduced “butt-flavored” cat food.
And yes, when young I went to the slaughterhouse with the hogs that had been raised on my grandmother’s farm and observed them being put down* and dressed out. Back at the farm, I helped stuff the sausage into casings, helped wrap the chops for freezing, and helped render chunks of fat meat into lard and “cracklings” in large cast iron pots over wood fires. I learned at an early age that meat doesn’t magically appear in shrink-wrap packages at the local market.
It was a few years later that I learned about bunny suits.
*I also learned a life-long lesson about firearms safety by seeing how a single .22 short cartridge headshot, fired from a short-barreled rifle, could literally drop a 200-lb hog in its tracks.
Believe Bobby Kennedy was done in w/ a .22 pistol. Sirhan Sirhan [right?] went home after he’d served his term, no? Need to do a search.
Nope, still in jail.
Wonder where I got the notion he was released?
I have asked that same questions about pork cat food many a time, especially when one of our cats is trying to steal a pork chop or piece of bacon from our plate. Almost every cat I have ever owned goes pig-stink crazy over pork product. I actually wrote Frickies once to ask that, got back some meaningless canned response.
About using all of the pig:
Nancy in Bucks Co., did you bring home any scrapple? While on a tour of Scotland with my mom I discovered haggis is nothing more than Scottish scrapple.