I scanned this old Sunday this morning, just for you. I drew a lot bigger back then! It took two passes on my 11X17 flat-bed scanner to get it all. That is the very reason I began drawing smaller, shortly after this cartoon appeared in 1995. It was about that time I started scanning the daily cartoons and digitally transmitting them to my editors in New York. I started drawing smaller so I could scan a cartoon in one pass of the scanner. It was sometime later before I began transmitting the Sunday cartoons, because they simply were too big to transmit by dial-up modem. As it was, I remember it would take 12 to 15 minutes to transmit six daily cartoons. Now, it takes about three seconds.

Forward to the Past
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
314 responses to “Forward to the Past”
NO! NO! I broke the website with the barbeque posting! I am sorry, will someone delete all those? I didn’t mean to do that!
Wow, you are making me hungry! All theoretical as there is none of that stuff around here, and I’ve sworn off red meat anyway, but you sure make it sound delicious!
Two of my children have had kidney stones, but none in my generation or any previous ones. One of these kids has been a vegetarian for lots of years.
I’ve never liked spinach all that much, because of the strong oxalic acid flavor — it “sets your teeth on edge” and makes them feel funny. Now I’ve figured out that if I cook it in a whole lot of water, it seems to eliminate that feeling, and is better for good health. I drain off all that water and discard it, and squeeze the leaves as much as possible. I’m glad now that I never ate much spinach over the years.
Dear Jackie Monies, sometimes our computers hate us and are evil. It’s not your fault! And the Web site isn’t broken, I was able to post these … I was typing my spinach advice while your duplicates came up, apparently.
I love cooking my own smoked brisket. I’m also a fan of burnt ends. Normally, I’m full by the time I get the brisket sliced at home. I eat all the burnt ends while I’m slicing, so there is rarely anything left by the time supper is ready.
I cook brisket with a dry rub, and normally a mix of oak and mesquite wood smoke. I’m a proponent of “low and slow”, so I smoke at about 200 degrees, for 12-14 hours. I’m not a “true” Texan, because I also like to smoke pork. A pork shoulder smoked with hickory and pecan for about 15 hours is perfect, falling off the bone tender. Smoked ribs are good too, but they take much less time to cook.
My favorite BBQ: Lean brisket trimmed of all fat and dipped in Worcestershire Sauce. Hold the bread, potato salad, sauce and cole slaw. Unsweetened tea with double lemon
Jackie, some kidney stones are caused by calcium too. Mine have been calcium oxalate (think that’s what the urologist said).
Debbe, I have been on vacation, but might just as well have stayed home. Strained my back carrying 2 suitcases in one hand while descending long steep flight of stairs and holding the rail with the other. Didn’t notice anything wrong till later that night, then walking became very problematic. So had a nice view of my hotel room for the past week (glad I picked a nice place).
The train ride from Chicago to California was a blast and I would recommend anybody to try it once and see how they like it.
Sorry to hear your family is having such a run of medical issues Ghost. Here’s hoping they will clear up soon!
Thank you, indeed, Jerry—from another member of the Apostrophe Police.
Mark: But then I would have first to go to Chicago. Alone. Blech
I am being put to bed against m will. Good night all ZZZZZZ
This is a great blog called “The Meatwave” … Sorry, I’ve been out of the country for a few days and though all blog posts had to start that way. 🙂
It has been interesting trying to get around Rome and keep getting the wrong directions. I mean completely wrong. We got off a bus and started to look for the Spanish Steps. A kind older couple saw us and gave us great, concise directions. We started talking as he was from Ohio. When he started mentioning the um/osu rivalry, I told him that I did not care, I went to Purdue. He stuck out his hand and said “Class of 62”. I told him no wonder his directions were so good. The first and last men on the moon were Purdue Alumni
Of course it was a Purdue man (me) who got lost in the first place…..
Oh Jackie! You’ve done it now! You are going to hear all about barbeque. This joint loves it. Guaranteed topic changer (that and eggs, or food in general…). That said, I had some EXCELLENT smoked pork last night at my friend’s wedding reception. And the au gratin potatoes were fantastic too. Bride and groom did all of the cooking as wedding was in their beautiful back yard and by the time the reception started, it was blue jeans and sweatshirts. (Wedding was immediate family only, reception was the party and low temperatures ensured sweatshirts.)
G’morning. It didn’t freeze last night. emb
Here either, neither, whatever.
NOW! Only 5 viewers. Plenty of seating.
That was the most spectacular and long lasting eruption. False alarm a few minutes back, but give the geezer a break. It’s almost 150 years old.
Good mrong, Vilagers. I cut Sunday School and am in the choir rehearsal room to get some extra pa=ractice in as I have a solo today,”Under His Wings.” Tried to run this morning and got busted because of my dumb knee and lay back down after I took Neeshka out. “No run today? Okay, Mommy, whatever you say. Have I told you laely how wise and smart and brave you are? Ooh, breakfast. Nomnomnomnomnom.”
Have been over on Wooden Boat Forum putting up information on the various boat designers who will be coming to our little backyard party, got so frustrated with the posting I almost smashed my keyboard. Grandson took the keys off my $100 keyboard and his mom replaced it with a $10 keyboard. I was screaming and threatening to take a hammer to it, she sensibly asked “Would you want him taking apart another $100 one?”
Funny thing is, the keyboard works fine here! It doesn’t like Wooden Boat!
About smoking and barbeque, I borrowed a huge smoker about 12 feet long from my cousin, a competition smoker he borrowed from an oil field supplier of his. I dragged it from Louisiana to Oklahoma, chased all the way by people who pulled up alongside or whenever I stopped to ask where I cooked.
My boating bunch are going to be sorely disappointed this year!
Love, Jackie
Have been over on Wooden Boat Forum putting up information on the various boat designers who will be coming to our little backyard party, got so frustrated with the posting I almost smashed my keyboard. Grandson took the keys off my $100 keyboard and his mom replaced it with a $10 keyboard. I was screaming and threatening to take a hammer to it, she sensibly asked “Would you want him taking apart another $100 one?”
Funny thing is, the keyboard works fine here! It doesn’t like Wooden Boat!
About smoking and barbeque, I borrowed a huge smoker about 12 feet long from my cousin, a competition smoker he borrowed from an oil field supplier of his. I dragged it from Louisiana to Oklahoma, chased all the way by people who pulled up alongside or whenever I stopped to ask where I cooked.
My boating bunch are going to be sorely disappointed this year!
Love, Jackie
See, it did it again! Possessed computer!
Jackie – it’s Sunday! You should not be getting frazzled!
Jackie, I thought boating was supposed to be relaxing. My only prolonged boating experience was on the barge in Burgundy, so I may have the wrong idea. I won a professional massage once on that trip and that is the most relaxed I have ever been (though parts of it hurt)
Only to those not doing the work! Putting on my four day event single handed is actually a LOT of work. Mike doesn’t do much, even if he doesn’t have lung cancer, he builds boats and sails them, putting on any kind of regatta, boat show or festival, even a laid back one like ours is a ton of work.
First of all, we don’t really “hire” too much, as we don’t charge anything to come. Some people don’t contribute anything, some do, so it takes a lot of money and DIY to cut costs. Musicians cut costs to us, designers pretty much just get room, board and I try to help with travel expenses. It costs a lot to come from Australia, New Zealand, Canada or even East and West Coasts.
Years past I catered all the food but this year I just can’t do it and yet I will have to do some it looks like.
Right now I am working on publicity, which I am WAY behind on due to going out of town for two weeks and car shopping with daughter for another week. I need to get out press releases to local newspapers, t.v. stations. My editor on-line magazine is holding a spot for me.
I totally LOVE the people who come for this event. They are the greatest people on the earth, like having a 300 member family reunion. That is the reward.
Just wish I were younger. At 70 my body and mind are going faster and faster! But this keeps me going. It is funny, when we began this 5-6 years ago people on Wooden Boat Magazine’s blog/forum would ask if we had water in Oklahoma?
Today a boat builder friend from Oregon coast was congratulating us on creating the premier event of its’ kind, “in Oklahoma, of all places!” Actually, it is probably the ONLY event of its’ kind but that is the fun of it.
So yeah, I work hard to do something for no monetary reward but I am rewarded, no doubt about it.
Love, Jackie Monies
Good for you, I hope it gives you a boatload (hee! 😀 ) of warm fuzzies. Wish I had the moxie to motor up there from our casa to watch the fun, but I don’t. 🙁 Long drives alone scare the pee-diddledee out of me. I have to have company,non-dog company, when I drive more than an hour or so or I get a panic attack.
We had a great brunch in Dallas. I had brie soup and steak tartare and three glasses of champagne, which made for a fairly hilarious drive home
Good morning Lilyblack. You could just catch the Texas Eagle somewhere there in Texas and ride the through cars to Los Angeles or New Orleans. Never have to go anywhere near Chicago. It connects with the Sunset Limited in San Antonio.
Here’s the schedule: http://www.amtrak.com/ccurl/783/529/Texas-Eagle-Schedule-060914.pdf
Mark, um did I mention that I get panic attacks when I ride alone? “Alone” to me is equivalent to “On a train with a bunch of strangers”
Funny stuff from The New Yorker here: http://www.newyorker.com/cartoons/bob-mankoff/when-in-rome-laugh-romans-laughed?utm_source=tny&utm_campaign=generalsocial&utm_medium=facebook&mbid=social_facebook
OF is next predicted to erupt btw. 5:45 and 6:25 pm CDT.
Peace, emb