October 19, 1985
I’ve got a really old one for you today, a strip that appeared less than first three month’s after Arlo & Janis began its run. This strip was something of a stretch artistically at the time; full figures in outdoor action were not that common in the early days. Also, it helped establish a guiding philosophy that would become well-worn in the next three decades: if you can’t be funny, be subtle. I’m not going to tell you to vote today, if you haven’t already. I figure there are enough reminders of that. I certainly am not going to tell you whom to support, not because I don’t care, but because you’re going to support your chosen candidate regardless of what I say. So, for these last few remaining hours, we’ll just sort of pretend it’s an ordinary day.
49 responses to “Gene Pool”
For those interested in the book conversation, I posted several recommendations on yesterday’s post. (Including a free-download link for you, Ruth Anne) 🙂
I put several in this morning, and then Jimmy updated the page. So check yesterdays posts near the bottom and you can find them.
Thank you. I want to check them out like a library book!
JJ- Agree with you about the election. I watched the Weather Channel this am and the called it the alternative channel for today. Also can’t wait for the Medicare enrollment period to be done. I’ve seen enough of Joe Namath and other old time athlet6es and actors.
I may have strained my thumb from pressing the “mute” button on the remote. Political Ad comes on, I press it. Joe Namath comes on, I press it. I binged watched some shows earlier this year and made use of the fast forward button. When I was kid we had 3 channels and I had to get up and change the channel. Of course we had half of the commercials.
I decided on Sunday to stop at the half marathon portion of the race. I felt great. A lot of rain and wind, but I was dressed appropriately. Unfortunately a couple miles of the race were on the side of a busy road. There were two loops and I would have been literally all alone out there. I may try to do a full marathon Thanksgiving weekend at the park. Bathrooms and 1.25 mile loops make life easier and safer. Going forward I will need to look more closely at the race routes before signing up and just do races with multiple loops or that are off the main roads.
What happened to the top half of Arlo in panel one? ?
He’s leaning forward, with the pool on his back, looking down to see where he is walking (been there, done that…)
The pool is on his back.
Worse look for Gene ever! He looks like a squat drawfed Brando with his hands stuffed in his coat pockets.
Jimmu you have become a really good artist. Don’t listen to critics like me. We didn’t try even. You succeeded and just got better and better.
On Election Day 2016, I watched a movie with a friend that night and went to bed without watching a moment’s election coverage, figuring the result (the only thing that counted) would be in the news the next day. It was.
Four years ago on election day, I was giving an evening talk to a garden club in Brookline, Mass. I went on at 7 and questions continued until about 9. Until that time, we were in a cocoon. Then the outside world intruded….
I am going to try to avoid by reading or watching movie. I am at oncologist getting my monthly evaluation and treatments.
We start celebrating Ghost’s birthday today with Mexican food at Abuelo’s here in Tulsa. First time INSIDE a restaurant since March. A little nervous. They sent Ghost a free dinner, no cost limits. Best Mexican chain restaurants out of West Texas.
I was at my oncologist (in Pueblo, Co, about 80 miles each way) yesterday. He was a bit concerned when I told him about being hospitalized at the end of August, especially when I told him my calcium levels had been high, because that can be caused by lymphoma in its active stage. He told me not to worry, but to let him know if it happens again. My next visit will be in February, and when the receptionist told me, I replied, “But
February made me shiver.” Then, I had to explain because she was too young to recognize it.
Yeah you don’t need the bad news on the doorstep
Got it in one!
I am going to try to avoid by reading or watching movie. I am at oncologist getting my monthly evaluation and treatments.
We start celebrating Ghost’s birthday today with Mexican food at Abuelo’s here in Tulsa. First time INSIDE a restaurant since March. A little nervous. They sent Ghost a free dinner, no cost limits. Best Mexican chain restaurants out of West Texas.
Have fun, and Happy Birthday to Ghost. I haven’t been to Abuelo’s in a long time. The Tres Amigos near me is very good, less crowded and a lot less expensive. But Abuelo’s is excellent in decor and variety, while Tres Amigos is more like the neighborhood place.
At least in the village where I live today is “an ordinary day”. Well, as ordinary as any day can be this year. About 75% of the county voted early. Little voter harassment or intimidation but there have been reports from neighboring towns and counties ever since early voting started. Here even the local candidates, from R, D, L and I, have been courteous and respectful of each other.
Jackie‘s appointments are running long. We may have to rain-check Abuelo’s until the 19th, when I have an appointment here. We are near P F Chang’s, which is another of our favorites (and where Happy Hour starts at 3:00). Plus I get a free dessert there. I’m not worried we will go hungry.
Happy Birthday, Ghost!
Happy Birthday Ghost – was going to wait till Friday (Is that the correct day?)
But no harm in being early – I celebrate on the Quinquennial- a couple more to go.
Yesterday’s book discussion:
Matt Helm series was longish – earlier books he was tougher than James Bond.
I have read Harry Potter in the original language 🙂 (British)
If you like mysteries read Robert Galbraith (aka JKR) Cormoran Strike novels
Start with Cuckcoo’s Calling to understand the characters tho (in my opinion) the last book
has too many plots. Complex characters abound.
And one other comment on E-books. Both Kindle and Nook have lots of free and cheap books. The cheap ones are often by relatively new authors trying to get recognition. There is also a series called Megapack from the Wildside Press. These run 99 cents each on Amazon and the Nook website. Mostly short story and short novel collections grouped by author or topic. Really good bargains.
We had a total feast for Ghost’s first birthday celebration. He had two sushi plates plus shared green beans, pork dumplings. I had eggrolls plus shared with Ghost.
The epitome of chocolate was the ooey gooey Great Wall of Chocolate cake.
We are fortified to take me to vote in case there’s a line.
Confession; i just read my first Kindle book yesterday. I have had Kindle readers for decades but never used. My Amazon membership has all these free benefits I don’t understand, books being one.
I have the apps for both Kindle and Nook on my tablet and phone. I rarely buy genuine books anymore other than comic collections. I want the art as large and clear as possible, and the publishers take that into account. But I can’t afford to buy large print for everything I read, even if it was all available in that format. I love that the e-book apps let me find a comfortable font size and set it there. Plus it is much more convenient to read from my phone when I am eating out somewhere than it is to carry a book.
Thanks, OB. Friday it is…if I make it that long. It is the year 2020, you know. 🙂
RE: Books… I borrow books from my local library (online) and download them. And… I don’t have to worry about sending them back. They disappear automatically at the end of the loan period.
I have not been able to read as much as I once did. At one time, I had a compulsion to read. But I have been so busy and stressed at work – getting ready for retirement at the end of the year! – I find I do not have the energy.
I will probably go on a reading marathon on Jan. 1!
I can’t be funny. I can’t be subtle.
What’s left for me to be?
I refuse to own an e reader. They should be outlawed. Think of all the people who produce books and how many those damn things put out of work. I read a lot. Goes with what I did for a living. I have paper books stacked all over the house. Nothing can compare to the feel of a real book.
And think of all the people who can only read books on an e-reader because they can adjust the font, the size, the color of the text and the background until it works for their eyes. I have friends who would be cut off from the world of reading if it weren’t for those e-readers.
Four years ago on election night I was safely cocooned in an orchestra rehearsal for 2.5 hours. Only on the drive home did I turn on the radio to hear any election news. I wish I could have done the same tonight, but COVID has forced us to drop our schedule until further notice. So, time to break out a DVD that’s been collecting dust too long.
Reading about e-readers and adjusting font size makes me feel better. Thank you. Books have been my best friends since I can remember, and it hurts to much that now those friends all sit on the shelf because I simply can’t see the print any more. Some days I feel it will break my heart. But the online books . . . those have saved me. Like so many of you say, being able to adjust the font size makes all the difference in the world. I just wish there was the same selection in those as in the real book world. Now if only GoComics would give us back the enlargement button they took away at their last site redesign! Especially for the Sunday comics I generally wind up having to use my magnifying glass to read what people are saying. Boy, if THAT doesn’t feel silly: using a magnifying glass on a computer screen! Pfffp. Here’s to a better day tomorrow and all the rest of this week, all.
“Gene Pool.” Cute!
My library is full of books i cannot read. The left eye is legally blind now and I cannot read most things now. Especially things printed on food labels and cooking directions.
I have never 9hought of e books as real books which is why I had never read one. I was a compulsive reader as well Books were worlds I could live in apart from what was the reality that surrounded those island worlds.