A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Girlz II Women II

By Jimmy Johnson

Has it been almost a week? Wow! Well, the door’s been unlocked and the shutters thrown open. Come on in. I’m a little tardy with it, but here’s the continuation of the “Sondra” strips I promised. Preparing this double-comic post, it occurred to me—not for the first time—that sometimes several consecutive days of Arlo and Janis involve an extended conversation or situation which, strung together, resembles something like a comic book.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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209 responses to “Girlz II Women II”

  1. Morphy Avatar

    Jackie, add a tight white tanktop with a modest flannel shirt, rolled sleeves and tied off for cooling. I think I’ve seen that pic before. Iconic.

  2. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    > This guy can tell stories with pictures and paint pictures with words. This is worth a look, as are > his other blog entries. And his photos.

    > https://jakemosher.com/blogs/news/broken-dreams

    Been there – done that. Not much further South and a little further East but yes, Been there Done that.

    As a youth we put up hay loose not baled – that came later.
    Here in MN, town WAS a mile away – now it is 1 chain (66 feet) from the farm.

  3. Morphy Avatar

    Debbe or Ian, thought about it, wrote way too much about it, threw it away. Still bothered, did it all again. Now trying a much shorter approach. What follows is totally not requested advice, so it’s not worth much. You already have reasons for your decisions. Two ideas jump out at me though.

    Microsoft wants total control of their flagship Operating System, and are willing to make outside software work poorly; and there is such a thing as being overprotected to the point of conflict. [1 of 3, the meat]

  4. Morphy Avatar

    [2 of 3, the dressing] Don’t really want to cause doubt, but many trusted voices have written that the best protection for Windows10 is the included protection [Defender] that has to be shut off for other things to work in its place. Microsoft built the OS, so they know how it works, and don’t really want to tell anyone else much about it. I don’t want to turn this into a tech blog, so will just say I raise this idea from things I’ve picked up at https://www.askwoody.com/

    Caution, I reference that as a source of learning. Woody Leonhard is pretty much a real guru. But the water at that site is very deep. There are whales, smart people willing to guide to sunken treasure of information. Not really any sharks, but a few guppies that think they may be swordfish. A couple of venerable tortoise that shouldn’t be bothered, a few playful dolphins. And there aren’t many ‘No Wake’ signs to slow anyone down.

  5. Morphy Avatar

    [3 of 3, the wrap] If you are happy, then enjoy the world. If you are concerned, or if the setup fails again, maybe next clean install don’t add outside protections. Just check all settings for how you want to do Defender, the firewall, updates, and any privacy issues you find important.

    Open for trusted Windows10 users to say what they use for protections, or offer advice.

    Antivirus uninstalls create their own problems. If you decide to change now, then do a clean install instead, you already know how.

  6. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Chunks of squash sauteed in butter does sound good.

    Deep-fried squash sounds even better.

  7. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Gonna be a rainy one at that. Hope they can fix my gas tank on my Jeep, hope I can get my tomato plants straightened up….

    and most of all I hope Dad gets a little stronger today. He was walking with more steady steps yesterday evening. He ate the green beans, but played with his potatoes. I got to thinking…scary ain’t it….we took a substantial amount of sugar out of his ‘diet’…that I feel has led to his fatigue. So I got him just a half a gallon of chocolate milk, and Devils food, chocolate covvered cookies…no fat. He’s 85, you just can’t complete jerk everything away from him. Moderation is the key.

    Rehab today


  8. Debbe Avatar

    Rick, I tried squash on Dad the other day…didn’t like it, I steamed it. Think I fry it next time. Along with fried zucchini….love the farmer’s market and all it’s fresh produce. Dad does like tomatoes…in small quantities and peeled.

  9. Debbe Avatar

    I promise the is the last one…..for now 🙂

    (Smigz, that should hold you for a while)


    Good lord! From tech to cats and back again.

    Hear birds chirping outside. Today is see my Surgeon day for final visit for knee replacement.

    Or maybe not. Hope for tentative date to do second one.

    Going back to sleep. Ghost has alarm for official wake up call.

  11. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    There was a discussion here about the weather a couple of days ago. I see this morning that Alabama had at least one tornado yesterday. It did major property damage and a few injuries, but none were life-threatening. Here in Tulsa, it was just overcast and a little cooler.

  12. emb Avatar

    Elephants in distance, may come down front for a drink. Peace,


  13. emb Avatar

    Perhaps some Villagers will enjoy this. [… and old men will dream dreams]:


  14. emb Avatar

    Realized there is another relevant verse. Above was N.T., Acts. Hebrew Bible, second [older] Genesis story: ‘Your desire will be for your husband.’ Vive la difference!


  15. Bonnie from Gloucester MA Avatar
    Bonnie from Gloucester MA

    Sorry, I don’t read the villagers’ comments anymore. But did anyone from New England comment that Jimmy and his A&J strip made it into the Boston Globe Sunday crossword puzzle? There happened to be 2 puzzles this week and it’s in the puzzle designated as “harder”. item 29 Across. That’s a cool little bit of infamy. I wonder if JJ even knows?

  16. Bookworm Avatar

    I hope we get the whole Squash Casserole recipe, JJ!

  17. Sideburns Avatar

    Morphy, both my sister and I make sure our boxen are updated regularly and make sure that we’re running a version that’s currently supported. And, as I wrote before, I’m not saying that you, Debbie or anybody else here needs to switch to Linux, unless they really, really want to. All of you out there who like running Windows and like it should keep on running it because if you’re not comfortable with your OS, there’s no reason to change.

  18. Smigz Avatar

    Debbe, the cats were terrific…thank you! And on squirrels: I don’t dare go out of the house without a few nuts in my pocket. There’s usually a squirrel waiting for a munchie on the shed outside the side door…I think they take turns. One of our neighbors had a gray cat that the squirrels would tease mercilessly. They’d let him get close then dash out of harm’s way.

    emb, I thought of you when I read today’s Luann.

  19. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear


    I do Zucchini in the oven, thin sliced with thin sliced onion
    and sliced Almonds or walnut pieces. When I do Walnuts I
    drizzle on Walnut oil. About 350* 20 min. Done on a cookie pan

  20. Ghost Avatar

    The Dictionary.com Word of the Day is “cacoepy”.

    noun [kuh-koh’-uh-pee]

    1. incorrect pronunciation or an instance of this; mispronunciation (opposed to orthoepy). Also, Older Spelling,word for In cacoëpy.

    Who’d have thought the word meaning “mispronunciation” would be so easy to mispronounce?

  21. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    This isn’t Arlo’s recipe, but I made it recently and it is delicious. Of course, there are a few substitutions. For milk, I used half & half and rather than steaming I sauteed squash & onions lightly in bacon fat. I also upped crackers & cheese by 50% (1 1/2 rolls Ritz & 1 1/2 cups grated cheddar.) My wife loved it and she doesn’t normally like vegetable casseroles. It is good reheated in the oven, too.

    Here’s the recipe:
