(Cartoonist’s note: This is another summer rerun, a post from five years ago. It caught my eye, because I have, in the intervening time, tried to address some of the issues discussed below. First and foremost, I have ceased to think dogmatically about the “four-line” rule. It’s still a guideline, but if I need a fourth line, I use a fourth line. And I’ve tried to be more conscious of the legibility of the dialog in Arlo & Janis. I hope it all has helped.)
OK, so this comic strip from December of last year isn’t exactly “rare.” It’s Arlo and Janis sitting on the sofa, for cryin’ out loud. However, there is something out of the ordinary going on here. Can you tell what it is? That’s right! In the third panel, Arlo’s dialog runs to four lines. It is an unwritten rule here (where all rules are unwritten!) that dialog in a comic strip not run for more than three lines. You’d be surprised how easy this really is. Dialog tends to be terse and to the point, and much of what I write is dialog. I believe punchy dialog actually lends authenticity; remember that, would-be comic strip artists, and writers of all stripes.
I bring up dialog, because I periodically get emails from readers who complain (always nicely!) that they have a particularly difficult time reading the text in Arlo & Janis. I don’t doubt they have problems. Newspapers so reduce all comic strips these days that they’ve become almost impossible to read, particularly for the demographic that is keeping newspapers afloat. I do wonder, though, if A&J is particularly unintelligible. I look at other strips in the newspapers, and I don’t see many of them being any easier to read. I like to think it’s because Arlo & Janis is the one they want to read. Anyway, I have two points about this subject. 1) I am aware of the problem. I have gone to a thicker lettering pen, but I think this sometimes makes me squeeze the lettering, which probably is the worst thing I could do. I have experimented with computer fonts made from my own lettering. This is promising, but I haven’t been able to develop one yet that really pleases me. Perhaps I need to expand the three-line rule to four lines. In short, I am working on it. 2) I would like your observations and suggestions on this matter. It might help.
81 responses to “Giving You a Line”
Jackie, that’s great news.
Shucks, ma’am. You’re making me blush.
Somehow I missed it (perhaps because Jackie is solidly on her diet plan and I’m being more selective about what I eat), but Monday was National Cheesecake Day.
OK, I stole that from iowahawk, but it was too good not to.
It is rumored she had a “babe bump” when that was taken.
Also more GIs had that picture than any other Starlet.
That photo of Betty Grable reminds me of what we still looked like into 50s and 60s when we were all petite and perky. What happened to perky?
Around us I see so much obesity, both young and old, male and female.
Huge hulking and drooping layers.
Granted I hang out around hospitals and doctors offices but the people I see around me are so old, even those a decade or two younger. Why the drastic aging? No one ever smiles.
Mark, that Michigan map was cool. You find neat things!
YAY Jackie and Ghost!
Sandcastler, how’s the house going?
A new grill for Arlo? cool 🙂
Does the flag make this ok?
emb: No. But I’m one who believes in proper flag etiquette, not in mounting it on a vehicle like one might a pennant for their favorite team.
Given how common complete disregard for flag etiquette is today, it might be time for John Prine to do an update. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgRVNjsuycQ
Ooh! I like the Wikipedia description of the above: “It’s an attack on phony patriotism, especially in the context of exhibitionist chauvinism.”
Way to go, Jackie & Ghost!
Slobs is slobs no mater where they are – I wonder what the house looks like.
I was going to say pigs but pigs know better.
It looked like the driver was embarrassed?
Unfortunately it is not PC if not illegal to teach flag etiquette in schools today.
Few people know how to walk country roads today either.
And don’t get me started on all the practical things NOT taught today.
Posted by Galliglo on FB: https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13707798_839232242874893_3635115531577959878_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=4760c03b6a83ef12ac63b4ec8ad20b77&oe=5BD6F13E
Mark: Splendid.
Will distribute to some of the cognoscenti. Peace,
I got a good laugh out of it, emb. And I thought the Villagers would appreciate it too. Glad you liked it.
Did you see the Tolkien- style map of Michigan I posted?
Yep. Lovely.
Good one Jimmy. Self-petting cat.
Looks like we are repurposing our original small boutique as a faith based shop. God gave me that answer at 2 a.m. when I woke up to go to the bathroom.
He speaks at odd times but one should listen 24/7.
Ghost renamed it Heavenly Deals nut I keep forgetting and calling it Steals.
The flamingo gets a halo and white angel wings.
We slready
Jackie, are you ok?
Thanks for reposting, Mark. I knew you would get a kick out of it. Especially since our sense of humor runs along the same lines…
Galliglo, try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMODA-Y4C5U
Speaking of National Days, today was National Grab Some Nuts Day. I’ll just leave that one there and let myself out.
I told Ghost that was a holiday event I could enjoy.
My phone and internet here at house have deteriorated even further. I did not realize it had cut out part of my post nor posted so oddly.
Thank you for your concern Llee.
Ghost and I spent afternoon picking out crosses, angels and faith based giftware for the new shop. It will be beautiful. Luckily he and I agree on those subjects like so many others.
Ghost can tell you what a beautiful gift the ladies gave him for bringing me down. They wanted to keep Dickens but made no offers for Ghost.