A quick update: the wayward shirts have been located. I still have not seen them, but I will this morning. Someone asked if I ever considered a sibling for Gene. Yes, I did. Knowing the way I work, I probably didn’t know myself when I started this little story line so many years ago whether Janis would be pregnant or not. (Spoiler! She isn’t.) The way I work, again, it was never “decided” as such; it just never happened. A sibling would have expanded the strip, to be sure, but I think maybe I didn’t want to be tied to several years of baby jokes.

Great Expectations II
By Jimmy Johnson
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This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

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Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

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I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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76 responses to “Great Expectations II”
Must be serious, they interrupted my lunch with an emergency alert on phone. Of course they have no idea where I actually am.
Tahlequah, OK the Capitol of the Cherokee Nation. They think I am in Tennessee for some reason.
Why would what seemed to be a commercial in large capital lettering come on television asking if you suspected your mother was having sex with your husband or boyfriend? There is some sports commentary show on and I am on opposite side of dining room by choice so I’ve no idea.
Anonie, that was probably a recruitment ad for “guests” to appear on Jerry Springer or one of the other piece-of-dreck shows that seem to infest daytime TV. Sadly, there seems to be no shortage of people whose family trees don’t branch to fill that bill.
Of course, a case could be made that sex is better for you than lobster bisque and bleu cheese…as long as one doesn’t go fishing in the family gene pool. 🙂
Won’t send you the photo of the triple chocolate cheese cake with fresh black berries then.
Yes, I would agree there is no cake better than sex no matter what the church ladies claim.
Every once in awhile I do something like this
I still lose weight, I don’t feel denied, the rich food makes me sick, I enjoy it but don’t feel guilty that I have sinned and fall off wagon.
On course I feel that way about other choice too.
I have heard of a dessert called death by chocolate. There is a drink known as sex on the beach. Have never heard of a cake better than sex, which denomination bakes it?
Waiting for someone to come up with a “Death by Sex on the Beach” concoction, whether it be a cake or a cocktail.
Just funnin’ you, Anonie. Nothing at all wrong with rewarding yourself by occasionally not just falling off the wagon but jumping off and landing on both feet. Just not too regularly, of course.
Sadly, Bobby the Blimp’s (sorry; I just couldn’t help anthropomorphizing the big guy) taste of freedom has apparently come to an end. He’s reported on the ground in PA about an hour and a half ago. Of course, he had little chance of escaping, being tracked and out-gunned from the get-go by two USAF F-16s. And you know how much a couple of AF fighter jocks would have hated to have to shoot down an unmanned Army craft. ::wink::
Pssst, GR6. Bobby belong to NORAD, a part of the 11th Airforce. He was just living at APG, probably TDY.
Pssst, GR6. Bobby belong to NORAD, a part of the 11th Airforce. He was just living at APG, probably TDY. Would that have made him a target drone?
Pssst, GR6. Bobby belong to NORAD, a part of the 11th Airforce. He was just living at APG, probably TDY. Would that have made him a target drone? Or a deserter heading for the border?
OK I Googled and three versions came up immediately.
Better than sex cake, by Paula Deen, Food Network and Allrecipes, with a total of over 1000 women rating and reviewing it, average rating was about 4.6.out of 5 possible.
That is probably more and higher rating than they would give sex if asked and I doubt they’d write glowing reviews. I think it is often served at church socials but perhaps not funerals?
Chief ingredients are rich chocolate cale, condensed milk, whipped topping, caramel sauce and chocolate bricklayer candy.
As penance my really rich lunch breakfast dinner combo is making me deathly ill and preventing me shopping with my BOGO coupons.
I heard of and may have sampled a “better than sex” cake many years ago. If you search that name you’ll find several variations. The one with yellow cake, vanilla pudding, pineapple, and coconut is the one I remember. It was good – but not THAT good 🙂
There was another trendy cake around that same time called a “hummingbird cake” that was more work to make but that I liked better (as long as someone else made it). Just give me a good brownie and I’ll be happy.
The only cake I bake is Rum Cake.
You are correct, sand. A media report ID’d Bobby the Blimp as an “Army” aerostat, probably because it was tethered at Aberdeen Proving Ground in MD, which I believe still belongs to the Army. At least that may explain why the fighter jocks didn’t shoot. 🙂
If further proof is needed one should take anything the media reports with a 50-lb bag of salt, I’ve heard two more reports of concern the helium on board would explode. Lord love a duck. Too many reporters are not only ignorant but too stupid to do research before they open their pie holes.
Hint: Google “helium”. Additional hint: If you still don’t get it, google “inert”.
Better than sex cake and inert in the same day. Do I detect a cause – effect. 😉
Is “ert” the opposite of “inert”?
Speaking of pie, three more things I’ve found on the InterWebNet (by following an Indiana blogger):
– that the sugar cream pie Lady Mindy mentioned the other day is in fact the Indiana State Pie
– the blogger’s recipe for same
– that the pie is indeed made with lots of sugar and cream
I may have to settle for just reading that recipe, as I suspect one bite of the actual pie would equal about 10k on the treadmill.
The chocolate version is one I remember from pot luck dinners. Look at Paula Deen version. Like the poor woman doesn’t have enought sins on her crown prongs.
One can tell I don’t go to many potlucks.
And yes, Ghost, gastric pain is divine retribution for sin of gluttony.
Mine, not yours.
Repost as I forgot to make sure the soapbox was in the right spot:
Mark – Thanks for the Shakespeare and genealogy links! I am going to share the insult generator with friends on Facebook. May use one or two on them first. 🙂
Work has been … work. Retail is life, right? As much as I love Halloween, I now wish we could suspend its arrival. Nov. 1 starts two months of Christmas. Bah humbug. Autumn, Halloween, and Thanksgiving(!) decor is already in clearance. I am already getting “don’t shop on holidays” bit on Facebook. As much as would rather be somewhere else on the holidays, I like to point out 1. I’d rather be elsewhere ANY day. 2. Some jobs have to get done, no matter what day it is. 3. Not everyone *wants* or can spend time with their families. I don’t understand to attraction of Black Friday and “Grey Thursday,” but hey, not everyone is me. I’ve learned to appreciate first responders and medical community, the truck drivers, hospitality (how much thought do people give to pilots, housekeeping, and baggage staff when they travel on the holidays?), and as Debbe reminds us, food production. In short, I don’t rely on a calendar to know when to count my blessings or when to spend time with my loved ones. I count my blessings every day and celebrate family and friendship whenever I can.
Ghost – There are other activities that burn calories besides the treadmill. Eat the pie and enjoy some some cardiac activity of your choice. 😉
Interesting, Yelp thinks I am in Seattle, Weather Channel thinks I am in Murfreesboro, TN and Google alert thinks I am near the dirigble location, all simulraneously. Makes you wonder how the cop shows on TV find anyone so fast?
Very well said, Lady Mindy. As one who has worked jobs where “weekend” is just a continuation of “week” with a suffix added and where “holidays” were nothing more than red number dates on a calendar, I certainly appreciate and support you and others who are still doing those jobs.
I have a real problem with the every-growing group of people I call “Know-Betters”. These are the folks who feel they “know better” than others when, where and how those others should work; what they should eat; how they should think and vote politically; how they should spend their spare time; and basically how they should live their perfectly legal, moral and productive lives. Even worse, they have somehow decided it is their duty, obligation and destiny to inform everyone of those feelings of theirs. A not-unsurprising number of them are to be found in government, in politics, in the media, and constantly hanging out on social media. Modern day versions of the Village Scolds of past centuries, they should bend their efforts toward making their own lives actually useful.
Thanks for the loan of your soapbox.
“Cardiac activity”? Is that what the kids are calling it now? 🙂
Anonie, I’m not sure what device you are using, but based on how my smartphone works, it’s probably necessary for you to activate/authorize something like “location services”, so that your apps will know where you are and can tailor their services to your location. Some people do not choose to permit that, of course, as they feel it will make it too easy for the NSA; the CIA; the FBI; the IRS; and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and Really Big Fires to find them. Not to mention the black helicopters and the reverse-engineered flying saucers from Area 51.
That was the reason for 20 years everyone in this county opposed 911 locators and street lights and street numbers.
Sitting in my back yard listening to two male opera singers out singing each other for last 45 minutes. Am I the only one with an over whelping desire to go see a really good opera with a really great male lead?
That and start back riding horses after 50 years. I have to not give in to every impulse.
Okay, soapbox is up for the night. For anyone’s audio enjoyment: a call that came across the scanner here a bit ago. I don’t own a scanner, but a local group monitors the calls and recaps the activity on Fb and twitter; they are mindful not to interfere, disrupt, or otherwise hinder leos. They will not post a call until it safe to do so. They’ve helped catch a few young punks who posted “their calls” on their Facebook pages. I check to monitor criminal activity around my store and neighborhood. Anyhow, some aren’t quite as serious as others. Yesterday a man called in because the missus took away his dinner and refused to feed him. This one is just as *unique*. https://clyp.it/hztgumkc
Ghost, a song appropriate to you and Indy Mindy’s comments about work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScfUfsUlGro
As for working weekends/holidays and during family gatherings; been there and done that.