Whenever things get real in the strip, someone inevitably chimes in with something like, “Arlo sure is being mean!” Or, “Arlo’s not being very sensitive to Janis.” When I was in the 5th grade, seriously, our teacher introduced us to the two essential elements of fiction: conflict and resolution. If you’re going to write fiction, any kind of fiction, things are liable to get testy. Then, things are put right, or they aren’t. Either way, a story is told. Admittedly, a comic strip is not the ideal vehicle for complex narrative. It unfolds so slowly, and readers, for whatever reason, seem to have well-formed expectations of how the characters should act. Of course, my advice to those who become unsettled by events in A&J is always the same: be patient.

Great Expectations IV
By Jimmy Johnson
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232 responses to “Great Expectations IV”
When I was up in Pacific Northwest one of the local companies was running a cancer fund drive. All their money went locally with NO administration costs, they had put over $ half a million directly to help their small town.
Mark in TT
I am with you
Saw a story where someone solicited junk mail – rolled it up in one of those
log making devices and heats his home.
Only one We contribute to is Salvation Army.
Many -even the good ones- administration and fund raising = 30% and more
The worst are 80%+
Being one cat shy of a crazy cat lady I tried to keep a kitten from being run over late today. Did an illegal u turn and drove down a short stretch of one way only to find a small crowd mostly crying out loud and a traffic jam where elderly driver had hit cat.
They got her to move, I grabbed cat and headed to my vet, he was shut already. Headed for Tulsa 120 miles away to emergency vet but decided to call my backup vet who is large animal vet and he said he’d meet me when he got calf pulled. So at 7 we met in the rain.
Cat was alive but in shock, could find no broken bones or even a cut but in serious shape. So he is treating it for me and if it recovers it moves here.
What does saving one animal matter? It matters a lot to the one you save.
So right
Cousin sent me picture of Gluten free, Carb. free salad.
It was a bowl of Bacon:)
Bowl of bacon 🙂
That’s better
I’m remembering a science fiction short story in which an angry scientist with access to an ultra-dense material sent a few tonnes of it to the guilty party in a postage guaranteed return envelope. Anyone know that story & author?
Anonymous, sounds like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LuTpF_6rM4
Thought about breakfast or brunch, depending on when I get up. I am thinking about honeydew melon and some Greek yogurt with mangoes, slivered almonds, chopped walnuts, cranberries and Kashi.
If I can Remember until morning without writing it down.
A, you did write it down. Here. Just come back and read it before you eat breakfast.
Mark, I went to kitchen and put everything on counter except the yogurt and fruit!
Maybe I will remember to add the rest! Surprisingly my healthy food porn is getting a good reception on Facebook.
Ghost, why did I get a friend request from a guy with a very tongue in cheek Facebook profile and two friends who matches the description you gave of what you look like? And rode motorcycles? And was rather attractive? Coincidence?
Sorry, Anonie, can’t help you. Know nothing about Facebook.
Good morning Debbe, I am going to bed and you are about to get up. Never the twain shall meet.
Jimmy – I love your post. Would you mind if I copy it into the comments of comics.com. I get frustrated at some of the outright mean comments I see posted there directed at you.
Mark in TTown
I still get letters to my Mother after 15 years. Maybe 1 or 2 a year. You can imagine the pang that I feel when I see it and am reminded of my loss.
:)!!!!!!!! Oh Jimmy! The way you express movement and capture an emotion…. Brilliant! Thanks again and again for making me laugh!
Jeff from Shelby Twp MI: I understand your feelings, but good luck with that. I didn’t start calling it The Dark Side just to be humorous.
The Dark Side gives off a black negativity. I have removed all such from my life and they are part of it. My life is happy in the Village.
Let’s dig a moat and install a draw bridge.
The vet just called, my rescued kitty died. He said something we should all live by. “We can’t save them all, we just save what we can.” Veterinarians are good people I have found, a higher percentage than in the normal population.
Okay, caught up now. First things first. Jerry, What was the answer to my story?
Thanks to e everyone for the song selections; I hadn’t heard the Kenny Chesney one – And why is he now Jimmy Buffet Lite™?
And why would Arlo be called mean? He has a right to his feelings too. As was stated earlier, communication is key.
“We can’t save them all, we just save what we can.” At least, Anonie, you put the mechanism into play that tried. Kudos.
Also, Anonie, in regard to your travel plans: NOLA PD average response time – 73 minutes
“Why would anyone ever need to have a gun?”
Thanks, the same principle applies to people, save those you can.
Right now listening to happy music and considering my compulsive clothing habits as I do the Janis seasonal move of three closets.
Yep, I caught the people connection, too; started to comment on that; decided I’d been maudlin enough lately; passed.
A certain agri-worker was conspicuously absent here this morning. I hope the tune I posted for her didn’t scare her away.
Gosh, if it weren’t for the “commercial announcements” that interrupt the occasional sports event I try to watch on TV, I wouldn’t be privy to important information such as if I use something called “BOD Man Fragrance Body Spray” good looking women I don’t even know will get real close to me in an elevator and try to sniff me. Who knew women were such slaves to over-the-counter pheromones?
If you look as you describe they may do it without the spray.
Did I tell on myself about being in elevator alone with this really hunky government contractor, read security overseas. He distracted me so and he was so charming, finally I said the elevator seemed to not be moving?
He told me I hadn’t pressed a floor. This happened quite recently.