The above classic A&J, from 1996, is offered with no further comment beyond, “Stay tuned.” About the tee shirts. I still have not seen them, because they were shipped to the wrong zip code and were delayed. That’s right. The first shipment of the upcoming A&J merchandise went astray. Be not dismayed! We’ll have it all worked out soon. In fact, I hope this will illustrate the hands-on nature of this project that I have emphasized. I mean, if you want fast accurate shipping of an endless variety of products, you might as well shop online!
By the way, I noticed there was a lot of discussion here about Sunday’s Blondie, which involved a large cast of guest characters, including Arlo and Janis. For the record, I had no knowledge of the Bumstead’s “Halloween party” beforehand. I was honored to be invited, but I knew nothing about it until I saw it in my morning paper. Hopefully, as you did!

Great Expectations
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
55 responses to “Great Expectations”
To quote one Eugene McCarthy Day, upon seeing today’s retro strip:
“Oh, gross!” *retching sounds*
He will be quoted later, with frequency and emphasis, whenever Meg encounters certain retro strips featuring Mr. Day and a certain Mary Lou. :O
While the implication in today’s retro strip might raise a few eyebrows, it is not problematic for myself. Arlo and Janis are attractive people, and the Bible notes one of the great mysteries of life is the way of a man with a woman. No, the one that has me quoting Mr. Day was when Loweezy Smith became pregnant in the 1960’s, giving us the present day Tater Smith. (Or should I be saying Smif?) The implications THERE are quite disquieting.
My opening sentence went for Clever but sacrificed Clarity. It should properly read:
“To quote one Eugene McCarthy Day, upon his seeing today’s retro strip:”
So, Jimmy did you ever contemplate adding a sibling for Gene? I take it that it might be a little late now, huh?
Only saw the Halloween Party online. The Sunday paper arrived in a plastic wrapper that did not meet up to Patricia’s soaking downpour. All we had was a wet mass of pulp.
Since it became fashionable a few years ago for couples to announce that “We are pregnant”, implying that both partners are equally invested and involved in the pregnancy, does modern etiquette demand that he should hold the stick while she pees on it? Asking for a friend.
In this the Day of the Denial of Personal Responsibility™, I’m surprised the reason cited by the shipper wasn’t that “the tee shirts shipped themselves to the wrong ZIP code”.
Good morning for me. Waited for Debbe to get up before I finally fell asleep. Houston, we have a problem.
@ old bear 3:13 yesterday, In my first year of widowhood, the truth of your list has become very apparent to me, although I need to wear long sleeves and a hat in too much sun, and self-confidence? well, in my science museum volunteering, I’m still not quite ready to take some of our daily 4th graders on a tour all by myself, but pretty soon. …. …. …. … Rock the Kasbah – the Bill Murray, Bruce Willis movie – very good, recommended. With many of Murray’s movies, it’s very funny but has a little hopeful life affirmation in it. I actually went to see it with a female on an actual date, I feel like an old goat, I’m 57 and she’s 53
Debbe: The BCN intro might have come from me. Can’t remember where I found it though, possibly Comic Strip of the Day. (That’s Breaking Cat News for those who missed it.)
I noticed that none of the crew from 9 Chickweed Lane were in attendance at the Bumsteads’ Halloween party. I suspect there may be two reasons for that…1) the Bumsteads had better sense than to invite characters who are pretentious, annoying and boring to their soirée, and 2) if Edda “Impossibly Wonderful” Burber or Amos “Geeky But Inexplicably Sexy” van Hoesen or any of the others had attended, BM would have likely pitched a hissy fit filled with many polysyllabic words and threatened legal action for copyright infringement. Because trolls.
Ghost, I thought of you when I read this story…Go save a life today.
A couple of folks on the Blondie comment site noticed that none of the “soap opera” strip characters were there either. Anonymous, if you look at it on their website, there is a zoom that kicks in when you click on the strip and enlarges it. Lets you identify the guests without artificial aid. I did notice multiple animal guests, but no Bill the Cat, and while there were three penguins none were Opus.
So that’s what’s in those three boxes that showed up on my porch. I’ll take a picture on one and send it to you, JJ.
Anonymous, this is Houston.
We see the problem, have a team working it.
Team thinks they can put a square peg in a small round opening.
Standby for procedure.
Houston over.
Steve, that’s apparently not uncommon. I believe I mentioned here a few years back I’d read that as many or more breast lumps are discovered by women’s significant others than by their physicians’ manual breast exams. Millionaire Widow Lady once had a small area of concern on one side that her doc deemed not an immediate problem but one meriting monitoring for any increase in size over a six month period. I was more than happy to assist in that monitoring. And I actually got quite good at it. 🙂
Reminds me of that tee shirt I never got around to buying: “I’m not a gynecologist but I’ll take a look”
For once in my life I bit my tongue and kept my mouth shut.
Being optimistic I just went and scheduled the veneers on my lower front teeth. The week after I see cardiologist and hear about carotid scans. I am getting my money’s worth from those top teeth.
My tee shirt says the best thing a woman can wear is a beautiful smile.
GR6, how about wording it this way: Shade tree gynecologist. You could probably copyright that and develop an extra income. (from the shirts, that is.)
Things are looking up, I’ve been accepted into gynecology school.
In that case I will say that a smile is all you need to wear. Bi-sexual and politically correct attire.
Wait, is that supposed to be UNI-sexual and Smartphone did me in again?
I’ll add to my business cards: “Graduate, School of Shade Tree Gynecology”
Yes, Anonie, there is definitely a difference between bi-sexual and uni-sex.
Giving serious concern to this for Halloween…
And no, my mustache is NOT the wimpy Whipley Snidelash version worn by Exam Guy.
My mustache-beard combo looks more like This Guy’s…except I don’t dye it.
So what color is said facial ornamentation? Gray? Still black? Black and silver? Silver?
By the way what kind of glue do you use to stick spiders to your flesh? And gem stones?
Are there tri-sexuals?