Do you men have a Christmas tie? I do. It isn’t exactly like Arlo’s in the 2012 comic above, but it’s similar. I wear it maybe twice during the holiday season, and in years when I’m not required to attend a funeral it will be the only tie I don. That’s another benefit of being a cartoonist.

Guy Apparel
By Jimmy Johnson
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59 responses to “Guy Apparel”
fishnets are always celebratory!
husband has a couple of “Christmas” ties – ugh
My husband has a designated Christmas tie, mostly for the stuffy Christmas parties we attend. Ordered my t-shirt yesterday 🙂
Does a Dr. Seuss “Grinch” tie count? Then yes, I have a Christmas tie. It probably has not been worn in a decade. Last tie I had on was four years ago at a black tie affair.
I don’t even wear a tie to funerals anymore.
I have never owned a Christmas tie. I have have Purple for advent and have several red and one green ties. I also own a nice red sweater that I will wear under my jacket when it is cold outside. It is supposed to be 60°+ this weekend, so no sweater!
I cleared out my closets, so I will not be able to enter the ugly sweater contest. I do have a bad looking sweatshirt that might pass for one. I asked if I could get points for dressing ugly the other 364 or 365 days of the year.
I guess the female equivalent of the Christmas tie is either Christmas socks or jewelry. (I favor earrings, myself.) All of it welcome at this time of year. But Janis’, uh, stockings definitely strike a Christmas tone in a naughty-or-nice kind of way. Can it be both simultaneously?
Bonnie: Yes.
And I greatly admire stocking stuffers like Janis’s.
I have six Christmas ties. I’ll begin to wear them in rotation on 12/14/15. Yes, I can see your shocked faces from here. 🙂
sand, if ones see a Santa’s helper, one may assume it is indeed Ghost under the beard, the padding, and the red suit if, in the place of a covey of elves, he is accompanied by a harem.
I found a good use for all those old ties. They work well for dusting under the strings of my hammer dulcimer.
Looks like A&J will be late for yet another party.
Bonnie, can assure the answer is YES!!
GR6, would expect nothing less of you than an elf harem.
Have seen ties opened up? and stitched together to make lap blankets.
Remembering back to my days as a semi-socialite in Houston in 1970-90 period I cannot remember Mike owning anything more seasonal than a solid red tie and a red one with white polka dots and that one came during our Dallas market days. He was a conservative and elegant dresser. Changed life styles and he gave up ties entirely for an L.L. Bean meets Academy look. Still impeccably dressed and conservative.
I knew what I was marrying so I can’t say I was surprised. He owned a smoking jacket, evening jackets and several ascots BEFORE I married him. Definitely not a 60s hippie, Republican to the end. Not to say a Republican can’t own a Christmas tie. That would bring profiling.
Be. Be. Be.
Hal is starting the day being BAD. Bad Santa.
Ghost, Sand, that was very funny. I think the Village orphans deserve a Christmas party.
If I don’t get out of my seasonal red plaid Mickey Mouse fleece pajamas I could wear them downtown like everyone else does. I need to go to bank and get a medical power of attorney notarized so someone can make medical decisions for me.
Maybe a red Marilyn sweater is holiday enough?
Ghost, this one is for you. One of my boating friends just sent it to me (She’said a Texas boater)
“Dear Santa, please send me a baby brother.”
Santa replied, “Send me your mother.”
Bad Santa.
Is. Is. Is.
Hal isn’t listening to me at all.
One of my all-time favorites.
An original hangs in our beach house.
Blessed to have it!
‘That’s another benefit of being a cartoonist.’
Also of being a tenured/emeritus prof. Haven’t worn ties for decades, jackets rarely. Turtlenecks, polos, tees. Dress-up = wearing ordinary slacks rather than cargo pants. ‘Proper attire’ = a signal I won’t be there [though I can often negate that by negotiating with sponsor or whomever]. Have likely posted all this before.
Also, have no designated Christmas clothing. Avoid wearing bright red and green together, wear non-flashy duds to funerals.
13-yr old lad delayed supper invite tonight [paella!]. Bought him a top-of-the-line planisphere at the local non-profit science ctr.
Peace, emb
‘delayed birthday supper’. emb
Got my shirts in this mornings mail. Thanks. Better than pictures, great art.
Sylvester the cat wearing a Santa’s hat with a background of Christmas presents. Honestly, I don’t remember how it came into my wardrobe. Either it was a gift or, dare I say, I picked it out myself.
I think Christmas ties are like puns. Used by many, appreciated by few.
Sharon McCrumb posted this link on Book of Faces. Most of the comments so far have been questions about the amount of pillaging that will be allowed.
My Christmas ties are quite tasteful, by the way. Well, the one that plays Jingle Bells when the Frosty the Snowman on it is touched in a certain place, perhaps not so much. But it was a gift from my all-female staff, so I have little choice about wearing it.
Hey! Jackie, using her formidable talents and multitudinous experiences, would make an ideal Cruise Director for the Viking long ship voyage.
I know some people that can give a little advice about that cruise.
Ruth already posted it for me on one of my group pages. Jackie would go, believe it or not. I am waiting to reapply until I get the cleaned out carotid but the Antarctica Penguin counting expedition would still like for me to come. I will wear my fleece Bunny pajamas as I lounge in the bilge, along with thermal underwear and whatever else you wear for three weekd. In Antarctica not the Viking cruise.
Got my pink Ludwig shirt today! Love it!