Since we’ve been at the beach since early last week, I thought we’d stay there. Here’s a little something from summer of 1996 for you to enjoy, and the comments will reset. What more can I do this morning except promise to do better. Happy Birthday, United States!

Happy 4th of July!!!
By Jimmy Johnson
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108 responses to “Happy 4th of July!!!”
Happy Independence Day! There should be a large framed copy of today’s strip in every vet’s office.
Happy 4th. I hope you HAVE been at the beach
Happy Independence Day!
Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Being locked out of the orphanage does not give the orphans a warm-and-fuzzy feeling.
Jimmy, thanks for the new retro strip and unlocking the village. I hope you are having fun on the beach.
And thanks Ruth for letting those of us on the back porch know the the front door is once again open.
What Gary said… And – Hello everyone!!!
I always enjoyed the A&J beach strips- Gene always seemed to have an interesting adventure while at the shore.
I put this on the A&J Facebook page yesterday because I thought it just had to be shared; so now here it is for the rest of you.
GR6 28 June 1am
Had that problem awhile back – posted 2 lines at a time to isolate problem – but had no rejects, so did not find offending combination of words.
I am going to add “enbiggenate”
to “Unhydrate” -J. Gibb’s word
Welcome Back ALL – I was having withdrawal problems.
I will ask again if you did not see it –
Have you seen Eric Sloane’s sky paintings and weather books?
That’s a Happy 4th with the Village back on line. Am in Bozeman, Montana and circumnavigated Yellowstone National Park yesterday, thought of you guys.
Bring greetings to all our veterans, especially Vietnam ones, from my LA Quinta customer service rep, who asked if I were one? Said I had lots of friends who were. She sent a personal thanks for helping insure our freedom.
So do I. Love Jackie
Forgot to say how much I missed you. Didn’t think to go to Facebook page! Well, I am sort of blonde and did attend Teas A and M.
I hope everyone in the Village has a wonderful 4th, whether you spend your holiday swimming, grilling, working, playing, or just plain goofing off! I’m so thankful to live in the United States. We aren’t perfect here, but no one is. We try our best, we learn from our mistakes, and we celebrate our accomplishments. Thank you to all those who have made this day, our freedoms, and our nation possible.
As usual, well said Denise. I’m back. We had our technical problems, not our fault, and obviously we were not the only ones. I read the last day and maybe a cooling off period was appropriate. Today being the 4th comes at the right time too. Getting political is a great temptation for me too but it’s too easy to start a fracas and get hurt feelings. We’re unpacking and will be for many days I’m afraid but we love the new place and so do the kitties. Speaking of the fourth, we are having early fireworks and rain at the moment. I hope that you all have a good fourth. Debbe, I hope that things went well with the surgery.
I wish all of you a happy and safe July 4th. We had a nice Canada Day July 1st.
Thank you Jimmy. Today’s new strip is right on the money and yesterday’s was even better. Cats and dogs do not like fireworks. And things really do look “about that big” underwater.
Have a happy and safe 4th, everyone!
Old Bear:
Patriotic tidbit collected a few days ago: our 10th president, John Tyler, was born in 1790 and took office in 1841 upon the death of Wm. H. Harrison who died only a month after orating for hours in nasty weather at his inauguration.
Tyler’s second wife bore him a son in 1853. That son, in turn, fathered a son (thanks to a young second wife) at the age of 75, in 1928. That 1928 person is still alive today (maybe also a son from 1923)! How often is a grandson born 138 years after the grandfather’s birth? How often is the gross lifespan of a grandfather-through- grandson 225 years and counting?
I believe this came from the History Channel and I checked it as much as I could.
Happy Independence Day one and all. Be safe.
Happy to be back! Thank you to everyone who has made our country the great place it is. Put out your flag if you can.
Jerry, that’s great news that you folks and the kitties are comfy in the new place. Some animals find moves rough, and you never know till it happens.
Happy belated Canada Day, Gary! I am always glad that Michigan shares with our neighbor Canada the Freedom Festival, which celebrates both of our heritages.
Cep, that is really fascinating! I wonder if the disparity occurs less often today because partners in childbearing tend to be closer in age than in former times.
Debbe, thinking of you.
It has been an eventful week as I took a “vacation” to get the house ready to sell. I work really hard and then brought in one of the best realtors in the Detroit area to figure out what else I needed. He was extremely tough, pointing out the huge pines looked great from our windows, but had a lot of dead branches from the street. He also noted a “cat smell” that we had thought was under control, but I agreed that we would rip up the carpet and put in a laminate floor.
So I called the kid that had taken out 3-4 trees over the past 2 years and a woman answered the phone, asking my name and what I was calling him about. I found this a little strange but when I stated that I need a tree removed, she told me that he had passed away (at age 25). As I mentioned last week, my daughter lost a friend at age 25,so I found all this unsettling.
The last couple days I have been putting in the flooring. My son is an engineer and came over even though he has been a bit tired from his marathon training. It was great to have him over, because the flooring is tongue in groove, so you have to very careful when cutting it. I watched him measure and inspect each piece twice before cutting it (measure twice, cut once)and for the most part, we made few mistakes. I told him that his method was better than mine which is measure once, cut five times and swear like a sailor.
We are blessed to live in the land of free!
JJ: We were worried about you. Welcome back.
Dad was born in 1878, served in the Sp.-Amer. war [defending our freedom?], married, had 3 kids. First wife died. He later married my mother, 14 yrs. younger, had only me. Dad was 51 when I was born, mom 37, pretty old for a primipara in ’29 [= I’m 85]. All my half-sibs have died. I am technically the patriarch, but we generally don’t do much as a family. Six half-nieces/nephews; one nephew died in a tractor accident. The two half-nieces and I are widowed. Oldest of my 3 kids w/b 60 in Jan. ’16. That couple has no kids / a socially responsible decision. Youngest of my 3 was born in ’61, has two kids, HS and college age.
None of my 3 grandkids is married, and I’m happy to report that I’ve no great-grandchildren. Nothing like the record c x-p recounted. We may have our annual Christmas reunion this summer. Nap.
Peace, emb
Good afternoon Villagers….
Is it not great to be an American citizen????…Happy Birthday America!!!!…it’s good to be back here..
Didn’t take time to read….just had to check in and see if JJ posted a new “one”
…and my Father did well…he’s such a flirt too 😉
Jerry, glad you’re home, and can post again.
Thank you Debbe. The rain stopped just in time for the fireworks. I didn’t want to mention this earlier but I lost my last uncle last night. He was my Mother’s brother. That leaves his wife, my mother’s older (!) sister and my Mother.