It might be a bit early for a cartoon about raking leaves, but not if you have pecan trees. They’re the last trees to turn green in the spring and the first to shed their leaves at summer’s end. Plus, they’re very bad about dropping huge living limbs without warning. Normally these characteristics are ameliorated by a crop of delicious and useful pecans at least every other year, but around where I live it has been several years since a good crop of pecans, and this year will be no different. Plus, in a land that at one time was awash in an overflow of tomatoes from Independence Day thorough Labor day, cultivation of the tomato has become very problematic for home gardeners. Those lucky enough to have a crop by early July can almost count on the vines withering away by the end of the month. All I know is, things aren’t what they used to be. Happy Labor Day!

But it’s Labor Day!
By Jimmy Johnson
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131 responses to “But it’s Labor Day!”
Rick in Shermantown, Ohio — wonderful! What an astounding weight loss, and all since February! And your blood pressure, and clothing size are truly amazing. You are an inspiration to the rest of us loafers and wanna-bes — no kidding.
Rick, if you’re a newly-diagnosed Type II, you probably don’t need insulin and won’t for many years, if ever. Metformin is the oldest, best known and most widely-used oral drug for diabetes, and you can, if needed, increase the dose to 1,000mg with breakfast and 1,500 with dinner before needing a second oral medication. I know, because I’ve been Type II since 2002 and have been on Metformin since the beginning. (I’m now on insulin as well, but it took about eight years before I needed it.) Just keep following your doctor’s orders and, if you don’t already have a prescription for the test strips, get one because if you have to pay for them yourself, they’re not cheap!
Well. The wrecker just went by with one of the head on collision cars
If they’ve second there I’d hope we might move. Why would anyone pass on a two lane road with double yellow lines and heavy festival traffic?
Jackie, faulty software in the cranium?
As an radio guy said – the fault is between the headphones.
Or as my son says:
“Between the chair and the keyboard”
Rick I think I know where your weight went.
Re Lily Tomlin [emb and late wife’s favorite Laugh-In actor]:
Peace, emb
Still sitting in line but they did get road reopened. I am in different line now waiting again. Thank goodness I brought the complete Bob Seger to listen to!
I have a hotel suite waiting at end of the ferry ride but I am annoyed, I was going sailing today, not sit in traffic.
I am truly humbled by your compliment.
That’s really good to know – thanks for the information and the advice. You can safely bet that I will continue to follow my doctor’s suggestions.
I have a few goals:
Be off of Metformin by February.
Lose at least ten more pounds so that I will be around 167 consistently.
Jog/walk in a 5k on November 14.
Charlotte and Sideburns:
Pretty sad.
I did not remember my blood pressure correctly.
At my last reading, it was actually 102/73, and my resting heart rate was 62.
I think my doctor will be happy.
Old Bear:
Thanks for letting me know because that lets me off the hook at the bank.
One of the ladies in accounting noticed that I had lost weight, and she said that I had given it to her.
I can now let her know that she caught it from someone else.
I thought the problem was a loose nut behind the wheel.
Here is an entertaining story and a cool video of the latest cat in space. (well, in a virtual sense).
I got the link, but no video.
Video was delightful. Makes me miss the classroom. Maybe these two will attend BSU someday. Thanks, emb
Debbe 😉 Playlist Two, Song the Thirteenth – But what if they walk funny?
Long day.
Good morning Villagers….
Well, yesterday is over….thank goodness. Husband worked with me, and sadly, he is out of shape. He was a big help in shrink wrapping the skids and pulling the 1200 pound skid full of eggs with the lifter and putting them up in the cooler. Some thing I have great difficulty doing. The Corp man was there yesterday weighing the eggs and I told him I had did the math and if six trays of eggs weigh 23 pounds, and there are 48 (a stack of 6 strays is half a case) of them on a skid, I am pulling roughly 1100 pounds! He grinned, put 6 trays on his scales…this one weighs 27, put another one on the scales…and this one weighs 27 pounds, and then he had to put a third one on the scales, and smiled and said…this one also weighs 27 pounds! Husband was glad to see his day over. I stayed and cleaned.
Put my illuminating cross on my mother’s grave yesterday. It has a little solar panel that charges the battery. I had it setting outside yesterday at work. Took it into the cooler room and closed the door and shut the lights off…..this little cross shines brightly. It made my day.
Rick that is good news to hear….diabetes runs in my husband’s family. Think I will suggest to him to be tested…as I’ve said, he is overweight and blood pressure is high…he takes medicine for high blood pressure. And after watching him yesterday….he needs to get in better shape
Ya’ll have a blessed day
Mark, will check out video later….I have tomorrow off!!!!!!!!
GR 😉 they would only walk funny if the……
..without comment….
emb…it’s good to see Ms. Tomlin is still going strong…she always makes me laugh.
re: the current story arc…..I find it a little depressing to see ‘the kids’ put so much energy into their business only to find out its “dog eat dog” out there.
Thanks; I appreciate that.
I agree: Encourage your husband to be tested and to begin exercising.
I was extremely out of shape, and I had to begin slowly. I started with semi-brisk walking five minutes a day for a few days and then increased it to 15 and so on.
I am 6’1″ in height, and neither the doctor nor I had any idea that I was carrying that much extra weight. As I exercised and changed my diet, the excess weight dropped quickly. Actually, a few persons at the bank were concerned that I was gravely ill because I lost it as quickly as I did. It was all diet and exercise.
By the way, I have nearly eliminated eating beef. I now eat much more fowl, followed by fish.
Jerry in FL, here is the video link by itself: