How’s your Yiddish this Valentine’s Day? Actually, when I was an unremarkable boy growing up in a southeastern mill town, I had quite a little vocabulary of Yiddish—or German—words, although I didn’t know it. Klatch. Bagel. Kvetch. Schlemiel. This was, of course, because television production in those days originated almost exclusively in New York City, and those early productions owed much to Vaudeville and even used many of the actors and comedians from the Vaudeville circuit. They made the outside world seem like such an interesting place! Then, it all moved to Los Angeles, and it didn’t seem that way anymore.
I know I have been scarce of late, but I’m recovering from the dreaded “flu-like illness” which has plagued me for what seems like an eternity. Updating a Web site doesn’t exactly tax one’s physical limits, I know, but an instinct for self preservation seems to kick in that prioritizes sitting in front of the television and having someone deliver a steady flow of soothing warm beverages. It’s working! I am recovering, thank you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!
By Jimmy Johnson
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116 responses to “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
And sometimes you start to feel better, but not until you’re totally well do you realize how bad you felt. I substitute teach and am often around various snarfing and snuffling – I almost feel it starting in me, but I use a lot of Zicam and it seems to stave it off.
This, and little “Jewish penicillin”, will fix you right up.
i hear sally field saying ‘kvetch, kvetch, kvetch!’ with a southern drawl.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Go to yesterday for a lot of hugs and wet smooches from me and Dickens who are on way home. We wished you all a lot of love on wrong retro. Love, Jackie
David, felicitations on your wonderful news!
Jimmy, sometimes the most one can manage when sick is to cradle a warm mug and whimper softly. I’m glad you’re up to posting. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Jimmy, and to all the Villagers and readers of this site!
Ghostly College Paper Advice: To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
Hi Villagers, and Happy Day Before Half-Priced Chocolate Day!!
Yes, the knee surgery went well, and I spent two days in the hospital sleeping and walking the halls with Ivan the Therapist before the doctor let me come home. Three days later I had “the flu-like illness” and was miserable. Happily that cleared up sort of soon, and now I’m walking around and doing well. Still can’t drive, and our insurance company (Geico) has said NO to in-house therapy. Their bean counters don’t think I need it. Also, while they’ve decided it’s okay to pay the doctors bill, they’re still thinking about the hospital bill. bah.
Jean, your absence caused the most concern since…well, mine, I guess. Wonderful to hear from you and to know you are doing OK. Don’t let the bean counters grind you down.
Jimmy, a lot of that going around. I got my usual flu-shot and, knock on wood, have not had any flu-like symptoms. I did start to feel a little congestion over the weekend and this morning. I am leaving Saturday for Japan, so I am hoping that I do not come down with anything. It’s hard enough to withstand 14 hours in a plane, but if I can’t breathe and have a fever, that might be difficult. I have gotten colds a few days after coming home, but that is mainly because I feel run down.
Welcome home Jean, glad you are back. Yes both A&J today are great.
The song Arlo. was trying to do was one of Nat. King Cole ‘s. I really liked his singing.
Jean so glad you are home and we’ll as can be expected fighting insurance benefits. Is not that sun? Not.
I am in Missouri in a car wash getting Helen Wheels bathed.
Bubble foam bath with perfimes.
Yes, I now have internet access…so much to catch up on. Haven’t even checked my email….lot’s of deleting spam for sure.
Dad’s napping to Bonanza. Got him a pedicure yesterday, Ian cleaned big porch off for this weekend of 60 plus degree weather. Got the swing ready for him. He is doing well, and is spoiled, pretty wobbly when he gets up, and I watch him as he walks…shuffles…but for 85, he’s doing good.
so much to tell you all about the railroad relics dad has collected over years. Some of the residents have started a facebook page with pics on the city’s railroad station complete with bag of mail hang there waiting to be grabbed.
Good to be back, have some catching up to do…glad Jean’s doing well and thanks to Jackie for letting you all in the know about me the past couple of months.
Smigz….still working on that cross stitch ๐
love to all………….
GR ๐ missed you so…….
…… maybe some heart of the night, just maybe
…and Steve was right about Reba’s song…..
the words are absolutely awesome, it brings tears to my eyes……
And Old Bear….a good morning, afternoon and evening to you….missed your GM’s, Jackie kept me going on and missing one and all.
Debbe and JEan are back!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY
Well, if this isn’t just perfect! Debbe’s back on Valentines’ Day.
I love you, hon, and I sure did miss you.
Debbe ๐ Right back at you, hon…
Plus what I always think of as “Jean’s Song”…
ahhh, GR, so sweet of you, love the song
Jackie, email, I’ve lost your email address, please.
…..and just for old times sake
wisdom for the day…
Debbe so glad you are back. Funny you posted I Want to Know What Love Is. I was just listening and was going to post it too.