With this rare Friday post, we’re already a quarter of the way through the “Harvey” sequence, and, if I may say so, the best is yet to come. I’ve been playing around with some tee shirt designs that I hope will be out “just in time for Christmas.” I’ve been saying I was going to do that for 25 years. Maybe finally. I’ve been wracking my brain about what you’d like. Then it occurred to me: I’ll just ask. That is the way we do things around here. Any suggestions? (Sorry, no guarantees!) There’ll be a lot more said about this in the near future.

Hardly Harvey, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
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249 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”
The A&J car logo, please. Think the design would fit the Village perfect, given the car talk in here on certain days. Would buy one for sandcastler™ and myself.
I’ll second the car logo, please.
Well, good Friday morning to everyone! I love this series but I seem to have banished my cleaning phobias pretty much! Good thing, no one wanted to room with me in college because I was a clean freak. Everything else fine, they could tolerate, but not clean freaks!
My realtor friends used to bring clients over to show them my house and the closets, cabinets. “This is what you must do to show your house, you hear?” And my house wasn’t even for sale!
This is phobic, I tell you.
Lily, I am glad someone phoned 911 for you. Not even security guards nor the police even so much as noticed our kidnappers!
People, if things don’t look right to you about a situation, go ahead and make a call. It may save someone’s life, you just don’t know.
I do know that I helped put security guards in public places like malls, hotels, public events and hopefully helped to protect a lot of other women. There is a reason for all our lives, we just must find it.
Love, Jackie
Me too, on the car logo. I was just admiring it this morning before I got to reading comments and saw the tee shirt note.
Me, I’d buy a Ludwig if there was one, a sailing one ditto and a Janis gardening. Those are all favorites of mine.
Love, Jackie
I’d like just a simple A&J together, the picture above is more car then them, and without sunglasses, just the both of them, so I can tell people Hey! this is Arlo and Janis.
Jackie: “I is one.” You, a troglodyte? In what sense?
Snake handling is fun, and a real ego trip, but only moderate size constrictors. You want attn.? Walk to your next lecture with your boa wrapped around your hand.
Yeah, I’d buy the “car tee”, probably several, in various colors. They would be available in different colors, wouldn’t they?
Well, when I was young I used the expression about seniors who just didn’t seem to “get it” and now I am 70 I am afraid I have made it to that status as well!
My next door neighbor in New Orleans kept a pair of constrictors as pets and she liked to let them loose to crawl around the yard to get exercise and fresh air. I was always afraid to use any chemicals in my vegetable garden for fear I’d kill her snakes, so I had an organic garden for the snakes benefits.
I was also afraid I’d go out to pick green beans and find them curled up the bean poles and I’d faint dead away.
She would bring them out a lot and let people play with them and pet them. I have a photo somewhere of my sister in law with the snakes curled around her body. They were pretty big ones, about 10-12 feet I’d say and really fat. She fed them mice she raised and she kept the mice cage out by my back fence too.
New Orleans is full of some really interesting people, of course!
Love, Jackie Monies
I second (third, fourth, fifth, whatever) the car logo as well. Or maybe both on the same side posing like in a snapshot in front of the car. I also like “cabana boy” and the “Casual Friday” images as well.
I agree on the car design, or Arlo and Janis sitting in their chairs in the yard.
Jackie, for a while a couple of years ago my younger daughter had a snake of some sort, “only” about 6 feet long. It was in a snake cage in her living room. I did not visit her while she had it. She finally sold it to a friend because she couldn’t build the type of enclosure she wanted so it would have plenty of room to crawl around. She also didn’t tell me until after it was gone that it bit her one day while she was feeding it frozen rats. She knew if I found that out I would have had a new shakeskin belt the next day.
And a belly dancer friend now has a three-foot-long boa that she dances with. I admire her dancing, but don’t get too close.
I suspect that the blog alone would give you enough of a customer base to make the tee shirt project a success. And if there are tee shirts, could coffee mugs be far behind?
Now there’s a phrase I wish I had the opportunity to use…”a belly dancer friend”.
Does that count as three votes?
I would definitely be in the market for t-shirts, for myself and loved ones! Just a basic picture of A&J together would be splendid.
The car logo has great appeal, no doubt. But for me, Arlo’s sailing fantasies have always been emblematic. They speak to the power of dreams, even dreams unfulfilled. I’d love an image of Arlo living his dream, even if reality was intruding around the edges.
Plus, excuse to draw a sailboat. 🙂
I favor Ludwig and/or the car logo, but I’m sure I would love any design you came up with.
If possible, offer extended sizes. Not just XL, but all the XXXXXes. Please don’t forget your “biggest” fans love you, too!
“The Kiss”, from the cover of “The Book”, would work for the incurable romantics among us. (You know who you are.) And didn’t the gocomic’s page (or that of its predecessor) once have a nice illustration of Arlo and Janis in evening attire, dancing rather amorously?
are these to be single panel or strips on the shirt? sunday or daily? b/w or color? so many choices.
you know those family silhouette stick-ons for cars? how about an a&j version? then we could show who we really are.
Good morning, Villagers! A nice cool morning and a few leaves turning, with me running in a hoodie, I got so pumped I was on my ninth mile and got picked up by The Boss Of My Life and taken direct to the hospital after dropping Neesh off at home. I had to shower at the hospital and my hair looks like a dishrag. But it was worth it.
Debbe, I believe firmly that he was an angel, which has gotten me a lot of grief over the years.
Oh, as for a tee, I would want the design on the cover of the first A&J collection, “Bop Till You Drop,” wasn’t it? I love to dance
I would like something like this sequence. http://www.gocomics.com/arloandjanis/1997/07/16
“What have you done with Gene?” Heh
I too like “Bop Til You Drop” and am still in market for a copy should anyone want to sell for less than $250 or I see one at a used book store!
Would instantly buy a volume II but settle for tee shirts. I like the kiss one also, and the …….. Oh what the heck, I like them all.
I remember the elegant formal clothes, it was an invitation to a New Years party I think or a thank you card offered by Café Press.
No one has mentioned the emblematic Christmas stockings one, which I bet Ghost owns the original of!
Love, Jackie
Jackie: The Man In My Life owns one, along with all the others, but he never has sold a book in all the time I’ve known him. He likes to talk about how much they retail for, but that is all. When we were last in New Orleans he saw a first edition of Lonesome Dove for sale for like two hundred dollars and it made his day. I got in trouble for getting jelly (not *my* jelly!) on his first edition Conan the Barbarian