A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Hardly Harvey, cont.

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
My work schedule is a bit topsy turvy these days. My busiest time used to be the end of the week, hence rarely did I post on Fridays. Now, the first of the week is busier, making Monday posts problematic, but this will only be temporary. Today’s old strips are the last strips from the first week of the two-week “Harvey” send-up that first appeared in 1997. They’re so similar in setting and nature, and because I’m a few days behind, I decided to show them to you in comic-book form. I kind of like it! And thanks for the useful suggestions for the tee-shirt project. Much more about this very soon.

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47 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”

  1. Steve from Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    No apologies Jimmy. Still love seeing the interaction. Looking forward to the t-shirts!

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Ditto. I swear I walked into my office, looked at the hall way and all the dust and cat/dog hair? and immediately said “Where did THAT come from?” and thought of Harvey!

    Love, Jackie

  3. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Yipee! Us A&J-heads are getting cult tshirts.

  4. Lilyblack Avatar

    Good morning, Villagers. Long case this morning. I’ll say no more. Had a great run this morning. I love to run in October, lovely sunrises and cool breezes. JRR Tolkien said somewhere that “cellar door” was the most mellifluous phrase in the English language, but I prefer “cool breeze.”

  5. NealinBawstun Avatar

    Does this mean a Janis gardening shirt is a possibility? Allow me to pre-order!

  6. Lilyblack Avatar

    Last minute observation of the morning: Of all the comics I read on the Net, “Peanuts” is the only one that doesn’t have trolls

  7. Bryan Avatar

    Comic book form? I don’t see any artsy “Crash” “Zing!!!” or “BAM!”. Maybe I’m remembering the wrong comics!
    The prospect of an A&J Tee is cool.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “Much more about this very soon.”

    Well, that certainly sounds unequivocal, tee shirt-wise.

    And it occurs to me that most of us were fixating on classic strips and related images as shirt graphics, rather than original artwork based on the cartoon. So, Jimmy, give us some old standards, but surprise and delight us, also. Oh, wait. You do that all the time, don’t you?

  9. Dave in MA Avatar
    Dave in MA

    A thought about the shirt graphics……..

    The strip that showed Arlo talking to Janis on his cell phone from an outdoor crowded place talking about “sell everything! everything but the gold, keep the gold” would be a good t-shirt graphic….. just that panel where he’s shouting that….


  10. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    As I said before, the full strips GoComics sells thru Café Press do not show up good. I had looked at getting some before and I looked again.

    I like the idea of a single frame or a custom design maybe, free standing alone.

    Sailing, gardening, Ludwig all the main topics we love.

    I am thinking I may donate my A and J book as a prize this weekend and order another if Jimmy will autograph my new one!

    Love, Jackie

  11. minnesotadon Avatar

    Jimmy your football team did good. Unlike my OU Sooners being embarrased by those TCU Texan’s.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Greater love hath no woman than this, that a woman lay down her copy of Beaucoup Arlo & Janis for her friends.

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Oh goodie, something else for us to worry about. (Although probably more for the most of you than the one of me.) “Gartner predicts one in three jobs will be converted to software, robots and smart machines by 2025,” says ComputerWorld.

    I did once have one interesting job that I could see being done by a small commercial drone…patrolling petroleum pipelines from the air, looking for leaks and intrusions. If you consider flying along a narrow path through a sea of pine trees at 150 feet and 50 MPH “interesting”, that is.

    I guess I was pretty good at it. I once called in to the nearest terminal on their company radio to report a small leak in a somewhat populated area, and they dispatched a repair crew. When I got back to base a few hours later, my boss said they had called and reported the crew had found about a gallon of oil and an oil filter on the ground. Some knuckle-dragger had decided a pipeline ROW would be a nifty place to change the oil in his vehicle. I asked my boss if the pipeline company was p.o.’d about the false alarm, and he said, “Heck, no! They were impressed you spotted it.”

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    People are beginning to set up tents in my yard to sleep in and there are a lot of festival tents we set up for band, registration, auction items, stuff like that. My helper came running in and wanted to know what to do with all the camping stuff by my truck? I said I had no idea, it wasn’t there 5 minutes ago! I am afraid to ask my Registration Master how many he has now and we haven’t opened until Thursday morning at 8 a.m.

    I did tell you that five years ago when I began this my editor at Small Craft Advisor magazine dubbed me “Boat Stock” for obvious reasons. Now this is a man who operated a custom surfing shop in the Bay Area for awhile, so he said it laughingly.

    If we get all the rain predicted with the storm over California coming our way, we may be a little muddy after all.

    Love, Jackie

  15. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    thanks emb, finally got to see it.

  16. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Mark: You’re welcome. It was a good one: noticed one small jet, then more, then the full show within minutes. Sometimes the prelude is so dragged out that people leave and miss the show. We did that, there, in ’62, with three kids in tow.

  17. Debbe Avatar

    So….who watches Al Jeeraza America? Curious minds want to know. We are having a debate here between my husband, brother-in-law (who is in for the winter…again, thank God) and me. Personally, I like watching ,in-between the legs and cleavage (sorry GR). Seems ole Gore is upset he and his ‘counterparts’ aren’t getting the rest of the $500 million it was purchased for….hey, what can ya say….it’s, well just surmise the name….hint, hint hint

    Dead count still going down………………………………………

  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Good luck with everything, Jackie. As far as rain is concerned, I don’t think a bunch of old salts will mind a little water, even if it’s falling on their heads.

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Sorry, can’t help you. I didn’t watch it when it was Current TV, before Al “Big Carbon Footprint” Gore sold it and it became Al Jeeraza America, and I don’t watch it now. Not even sure if it’s part of my cable package and haven’t looked for it. I somehow didn’t think that, even if they do have female anchors, their berkas would show any leg or cleavage. 🙂

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Debbe, sorry I have not even HEARD of it! I am not ignorant but television does not appeal to me except a little PBS occasionally.
    And I hear the ratings are down for Downton Abbey over in England where they already have the new season.

    I don’t even know what we get on television but before she died my mother in law could recite every channel on cable by heart, day, hour, show. Now that is knowledge I would never need nor want. I’d learn the periodic tables before that!

    Love, Jackie

  21. sandcastler™ Avatar

    ^°^°^°^°^ much perfer Vladimir’s “Russia Today” channel for my entertaining news. If I need serious news, BBC or The Guardian.

  22. Outlander Avatar

    Somehow, Jimmy, I find it difficult to imagine you as having any other life except that of drawing and writing 24 hours a day.

    It’s kind of like when I was in elementary, and I was astounded to see my teacher in Kroger.

  23. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I’m trying to remember the name of the guy in charge of Isl, Isis, Izzy, whatever. I think that it’s Aba Dabba Do. Don’t get his channel anyway. Stephen Collins, who would have thunk it?